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Include SrcLoc info with variable binding sites (#993)
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Towards #863 / helping with #983.
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byorgey authored Jan 10, 2023
1 parent eea79ad commit 1839c72
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Showing 3 changed files with 56 additions and 35 deletions.
30 changes: 17 additions & 13 deletions src/Swarm/Language/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,8 +128,12 @@ reserved w = (lexeme . try) $ string' w *> notFollowedBy (alphaNumChar <|> char
-- | Parse an identifier, i.e. any non-reserved string containing
-- alphanumeric characters and underscores and not starting with a
-- number.
identifier :: Parser Text
identifier = (lexeme . try) (p >>= check) <?> "variable name"
identifier :: Parser Var
identifier = lvVar <$> locIdentifier

-- | Parse an identifier together with its source location info.
locIdentifier :: Parser LocVar
locIdentifier = uncurry LV <$> parseLocG ((lexeme . try) (p >>= check) <?> "variable name")
p = (:) <$> (letterChar <|> char '_') <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_' <|> char '\'')
check s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,16 +265,16 @@ parseTermAtom =
<|> SLam
<$> (symbol "\\" *> identifier)
<$> (symbol "\\" *> locIdentifier)
<*> optional (symbol ":" *> parseType)
<*> (symbol "." *> parseTerm)
<|> sLet
<$> (reserved "let" *> identifier)
<$> (reserved "let" *> locIdentifier)
<*> optional (symbol ":" *> parsePolytype)
<*> (symbol "=" *> parseTerm)
<*> (reserved "in" *> parseTerm)
<|> sDef
<$> (reserved "def" *> identifier)
<$> (reserved "def" *> locIdentifier)
<*> optional (symbol ":" *> parsePolytype)
<*> (symbol "=" *> parseTerm <* reserved "end")
<|> parens (mkTuple <$> (parseTerm `sepBy` symbol ","))
Expand All @@ -292,13 +296,13 @@ mkTuple (x : xs) = SPair x (STerm (mkTuple xs))

-- | Construct an 'SLet', automatically filling in the Boolean field
-- indicating whether it is recursive.
sLet :: Var -> Maybe Polytype -> Syntax -> Syntax -> Term
sLet x ty t1 = SLet (x `S.member` setOf fv (sTerm t1)) x ty t1
sLet :: LocVar -> Maybe Polytype -> Syntax -> Syntax -> Term
sLet x ty t1 = SLet (lvVar x `S.member` setOf fv (sTerm t1)) x ty t1

-- | Construct an 'SDef', automatically filling in the Boolean field
-- indicating whether it is recursive.
sDef :: Var -> Maybe Polytype -> Syntax -> Term
sDef x ty t = SDef (x `S.member` setOf fv (sTerm t)) x ty t
sDef :: LocVar -> Maybe Polytype -> Syntax -> Term
sDef x ty t = SDef (lvVar x `S.member` setOf fv (sTerm t)) x ty t

parseAntiquotation :: Parser Term
parseAntiquotation =
Expand All @@ -311,7 +315,7 @@ parseTerm = sepEndBy1 parseStmt (symbol ";") >>= mkBindChain

mkBindChain :: [Stmt] -> Parser Syntax
mkBindChain stmts = case last stmts of
Binder x _ -> return $ foldr mkBind (STerm (TApp (TConst Return) (TVar x))) stmts
Binder x _ -> return $ foldr mkBind (STerm (TApp (TConst Return) (TVar (lvVar x)))) stmts
BareTerm t -> return $ foldr mkBind t (init stmts)
mkBind (BareTerm t1) t2 = loc t1 t2 $ SBind Nothing t1 t2
Expand All @@ -320,14 +324,14 @@ mkBindChain stmts = case last stmts of

data Stmt
= BareTerm Syntax
| Binder Text Syntax
| Binder LocVar Syntax
deriving (Show)

parseStmt :: Parser Stmt
parseStmt =
mkStmt <$> optional (try (identifier <* symbol "<-")) <*> parseExpr
mkStmt <$> optional (try (locIdentifier <* symbol "<-")) <*> parseExpr

mkStmt :: Maybe Text -> Syntax -> Stmt
mkStmt :: Maybe LocVar -> Syntax -> Stmt
mkStmt Nothing = BareTerm
mkStmt (Just x) = Binder x

Expand Down
40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions src/Swarm/Language/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- |
-- Module : Swarm.Language.Syntax
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ module Swarm.Language.Syntax (

-- * Syntax
Syntax (..),
LocVar (..),
SrcLoc (..),
pattern STerm,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -808,7 +810,9 @@ pattern TPair t1 t2 = SPair (STerm t1) (STerm t2)

-- | Match a TLam without syntax
pattern TLam :: Var -> Maybe Type -> Term -> Term
pattern TLam v ty t = SLam v ty (STerm t)
pattern TLam v ty t <- SLam (lvVar -> v) ty (STerm t)
TLam v ty t = SLam (LV NoLoc v) ty (STerm t)

-- | Match a TApp without syntax
pattern TApp :: Term -> Term -> Term
Expand All @@ -822,15 +826,21 @@ pattern (:$:) t1 s2 = SApp (STerm t1) s2

-- | Match a TLet without syntax
pattern TLet :: Bool -> Var -> Maybe Polytype -> Term -> Term -> Term
pattern TLet r v pt t1 t2 = SLet r v pt (STerm t1) (STerm t2)
pattern TLet r v pt t1 t2 <- SLet r (lvVar -> v) pt (STerm t1) (STerm t2)
TLet r v pt t1 t2 = SLet r (LV NoLoc v) pt (STerm t1) (STerm t2)

-- | Match a TDef without syntax
pattern TDef :: Bool -> Var -> Maybe Polytype -> Term -> Term
pattern TDef r v pt t = SDef r v pt (STerm t)
pattern TDef r v pt t <- SDef r (lvVar -> v) pt (STerm t)
TDef r v pt t = SDef r (LV NoLoc v) pt (STerm t)

-- | Match a TBind without syntax
pattern TBind :: Maybe Var -> Term -> Term -> Term
pattern TBind v t1 t2 = SBind v (STerm t1) (STerm t2)
pattern TBind mv t1 t2 <- SBind (fmap lvVar -> mv) (STerm t1) (STerm t2)
TBind mv t1 t2 = SBind (LV NoLoc <$> mv) (STerm t1) (STerm t2)

-- | Match a TDelay without syntax
pattern TDelay :: DelayType -> Term -> Term
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -859,6 +869,12 @@ data DelayType
MemoizedDelay (Maybe Var)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

-- | A variable with associated source location, used for variable
-- binding sites. (Variable occurrences are a bare TVar which gets
-- wrapped in a Syntax node, so we don't need LocVar for those.)
data LocVar = LV {lvSrcLoc :: SrcLoc, lvVar :: Var}
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

-- | Terms of the Swarm language.
data Term
= -- | The unit value.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -894,19 +910,19 @@ data Term
SPair Syntax Syntax
| -- | A lambda expression, with or without a type annotation on the
-- binder.
SLam Var (Maybe Type) Syntax
SLam LocVar (Maybe Type) Syntax
| -- | Function application.
SApp Syntax Syntax
| -- | A (recursive) let expression, with or without a type
-- annotation on the variable. The @Bool@ indicates whether
-- it is known to be recursive.
SLet Bool Var (Maybe Polytype) Syntax Syntax
SLet Bool LocVar (Maybe Polytype) Syntax Syntax
| -- | A (recursive) definition command, which binds a variable to a
-- value in subsequent commands. The @Bool@ indicates whether the
-- definition is known to be recursive.
SDef Bool Var (Maybe Polytype) Syntax
SDef Bool LocVar (Maybe Polytype) Syntax
| -- | A monadic bind for commands, of the form @c1 ; c2@ or @x <- c1; c2@.
SBind (Maybe Var) Syntax Syntax
SBind (Maybe LocVar) Syntax Syntax
| -- | Delay evaluation of a term, written @{...}@. Swarm is an
-- eager language, but in some cases (e.g. for @if@ statements
-- and recursive bindings) we need to delay evaluation. The
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -941,18 +957,18 @@ fvT f = go S.empty
TVar x
| x `S.member` bound -> pure t
| otherwise -> f (TVar x)
SLam x ty (Syntax l1 t1) -> SLam x ty <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go (S.insert x bound) t1)
SLam x ty (Syntax l1 t1) -> SLam x ty <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go (S.insert (lvVar x) bound) t1)
SApp (Syntax l1 t1) (Syntax l2 t2) ->
SApp <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go bound t1) <*> (Syntax l2 <$> go bound t2)
SLet r x ty (Syntax l1 t1) (Syntax l2 t2) ->
let bound' = S.insert x bound
let bound' = S.insert (lvVar x) bound
in SLet r x ty <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go bound' t1) <*> (Syntax l2 <$> go bound' t2)
SPair (Syntax l1 t1) (Syntax l2 t2) ->
SPair <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go bound t1) <*> (Syntax l2 <$> go bound t2)
SDef r x ty (Syntax l1 t1) ->
SDef r x ty <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go (S.insert x bound) t1)
SDef r x ty <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go (S.insert (lvVar x) bound) t1)
SBind mx (Syntax l1 t1) (Syntax l2 t2) ->
SBind mx <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go bound t1) <*> (Syntax l2 <$> go (maybe id S.insert mx bound) t2)
SBind mx <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go bound t1) <*> (Syntax l2 <$> go (maybe id (S.insert . lvVar) mx bound) t2)
SDelay m (Syntax l1 t1) ->
SDelay m <$> (Syntax l1 <$> go bound t1)

Expand Down
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions src/Swarm/Language/Typecheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- For 'Ord IntVar' instance
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ inferModule s@(Syntax _ t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of
-- variable for the body, infer the body under an extended context,
-- and unify the two. Then generalize the type and return an
-- appropriate context.
SDef _ x Nothing t1 -> do
SDef _ (lvVar -> x) Nothing t1 -> do
xTy <- fresh
ty <- withBinding x (Forall [] xTy) $ infer t1
xTy =:= ty
Expand All @@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ inferModule s@(Syntax _ t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of

-- If a (poly)type signature has been provided, skolemize it and
-- check the definition.
SDef _ x (Just pty) t1 -> do
SDef _ (lvVar -> x) (Just pty) t1 -> do
let upty = toU pty
uty <- skolemize upty
withBinding x upty $ check t1 uty
Expand All @@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ inferModule s@(Syntax _ t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of
-- case the bound x should shadow the defined one; hence, we apply
-- that binding /after/ (i.e. /within/) the application of @ctx1@.
withBindings ctx1 $
maybe id (`withBinding` Forall [] a) mx $ do
maybe id ((`withBinding` Forall [] a) . lvVar) mx $ do
Module cmdb ctx2 <- inferModule c2

-- We don't actually need the result type since we're just going
Expand All @@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ inferModule s@(Syntax _ t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of
-- (if any) as well, since binders are made available at the top
-- level, just like definitions. e.g. if the user writes `r <- build {move}`,
-- then they will be able to refer to r again later.
let ctxX = maybe Ctx.empty (`Ctx.singleton` Forall [] a) mx
let ctxX = maybe Ctx.empty ((`Ctx.singleton` Forall [] a) . lvVar) mx
return $ Module cmdb (ctx1 `Ctx.union` ctxX `Ctx.union` ctx2)

-- In all other cases, there can no longer be any definitions in the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,14 +375,14 @@ infer s@(Syntax l t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of
-- To infer the type of a lambda if the type of the argument is
-- provided, just infer the body under an extended context and return
-- the appropriate function type.
SLam x (Just argTy) lt -> do
SLam (lvVar -> x) (Just argTy) lt -> do
let uargTy = toU argTy
resTy <- withBinding x (Forall [] uargTy) $ infer lt
return $ UTyFun uargTy resTy

-- If the type of the argument is not provided, create a fresh
-- unification variable for it and proceed.
SLam x Nothing lt -> do
SLam (lvVar -> x) Nothing lt -> do
argTy <- fresh
resTy <- withBinding x (Forall [] argTy) $ infer lt
return $ UTyFun argTy resTy
Expand All @@ -398,13 +399,13 @@ infer s@(Syntax l t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of

-- We can infer the type of a let whether a type has been provided for
-- the variable or not.
SLet _ x Nothing t1 t2 -> do
SLet _ (lvVar -> x) Nothing t1 t2 -> do
xTy <- fresh
uty <- withBinding x (Forall [] xTy) $ infer t1
xTy =:= uty
upty <- generalize uty
withBinding x upty $ infer t2
SLet _ x (Just pty) t1 t2 -> do
SLet _ (lvVar -> x) (Just pty) t1 t2 -> do
let upty = toU pty
-- If an explicit polytype has been provided, skolemize it and check
-- definition and body under an extended context.
Expand All @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ infer s@(Syntax l t) = (`catchError` addLocToTypeErr s) $ case t of
SBind mx c1 c2 -> do
ty1 <- infer c1
a <- decomposeCmdTy ty1
ty2 <- maybe id (`withBinding` Forall [] a) mx $ infer c2
ty2 <- maybe id ((`withBinding` Forall [] a) . lvVar) mx $ infer c2
_ <- decomposeCmdTy ty2
return ty2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,7 +624,7 @@ analyzeAtomic locals (Syntax l t) = case t of
SDelay _ s1 -> analyzeAtomic locals s1
-- Bind is similarly simple except that we have to keep track of a local variable
-- bound in the RHS.
SBind mx s1 s2 -> (+) <$> analyzeAtomic locals s1 <*> analyzeAtomic (maybe id S.insert mx locals) s2
SBind mx s1 s2 -> (+) <$> analyzeAtomic locals s1 <*> analyzeAtomic (maybe id (S.insert . lvVar) mx locals) s2
-- Variables are allowed if bound locally, or if they have a simple type.
TVar x
| x `S.member` locals -> return 0
Expand Down

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