Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos
Production-grade Turborepo template for Next.js apps.
React component preview markdown text in web browser. The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style. Support dark-mode/night mode.
Lightweight auth library based on oidc-client-ts for React single page applications (SPA). Support for hooks and higher-order components (HOC).
The Standard Webhooks specification
Ohayou(おはよう), HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation.
Chakra UI is a component system for building products with speed ⚡️
A Queue Abstraction Layer for Rust (Redis, RabbitMQ, SQS, etc.)
The open source and enterprise-ready webhooks service 🦀
An example Svix integration built in Next.js (TypeScript and React)
svix / reqwest
Forked from seanmonstar/reqwestAn easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client
Redis cluster library for Rust
svix / svix-fetch
Forked from matthew-andrews/isomorphic-fetchIsomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify