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Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos


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Sherif: Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos



Sherif is an opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos. It runs fast in any monorepo and enforces rules to provide a better, standardized DX.


  • PNPM, NPM, Yarn...: sherif works with all package managers
  • 🔎 Zero-config: it just works and prevents regressions
  • Fast: doesn't need node_modules installed, written in 🦀 Rust


Run sherif in the root of your monorepo to list the found issues. Any error will cause Sherif to exit with a code 1:

pnpm dlx sherif@latest
npx sherif@latest

We recommend running Sherif in your CI once all errors are fixed. Run it by specifying a version instead of latest. This is useful to prevent regressions (e.g. when adding a library to a package but forgetting to update the version in other packages of the monorepo).

When using the GitHub Action, it will search for a sherif script in the root package.json and use the same arguments automatically to avoid repeating them twice. You can override this behaviour with the args parameter.

GitHub Actions example
# Using the `QuiiBz/sherif` action
name: Sherif
    name: Run Sherif
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: QuiiBz/sherif@v1
        # Optionally, you can specify a version and arguments to run Sherif with:
        # with:
          # version: 'v1.4.0'
          # args: '--ignore-rule root-package-manager-field'

# Using `npx` to run Sherif
name: Sherif
    name: Run Sherif
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 20
      - run: npx sherif@1.4.0


Most issues can be automatically fixed by using the --fix (or -f) flag. Sherif will automatically run your package manager's install command (see No-install mode to disable this behavior) to update the lockfile. Note that autofix is disabled in CI environments (when $CI is set):

sherif --fix

No-install mode

If you don't want Sherif to run your packager manager's install command after running autofix, you can use the --no-install flag:

sherif --fix --no-install


You can ignore a specific rule by using --ignore-rule <name> (or -r <name>):

# Ignore both rules
sherif -r packages-without-package-json -r root-package-manager-field

You can ignore all issues in a package by using --ignore-package <pathOrName> (or -p <pathOrName>):

# Ignore all issues in the `@repo/tools` package
sherif -p @repo/tools
# Ignore all issues for packages inside `./integrations/*`
sherif -p "./integrations/*"

Note Sherif doesn't have many rules for now, but will likely have more in the future (along with more features).


package.json files should not have empty dependencies fields.


A given dependency should use the same version across the monorepo.

You can ignore this rule for a specific dependency and version or all versions of a dependency if it's expected in your monorepo by using --ignore-dependency <name@version> / --ignore-dependency <name> (or -i <name@version> / -i <name>):

# Ignore only the specific dependency version mismatch
sherif -i react@17.0.2 -i next@13.2.4

# Ignore all versions mismatch of dependencies that start with @next/
sherif -i @next/*

# Completely ignore all versions mismatch of these dependencies
sherif -i react -i next


Similar dependencies in a given package.json should use the same version. For example, if you use both react and react-dom dependencies in the same package.json, this rule will enforce that they use the same version.

List of detected similar dependencies
  • react, react-dom
  • eslint-config-next, @next/eslint-plugin-next, @next/font @next/bundle-analyzer, @next/third-parties, @next/mdx, next
  • @trpc/client, @trpc/server, @trpc/next, @trpc/react-query
  • eslint-config-turbo, eslint-plugin-turbo, @turbo/gen, turbo-ignore, turbo
  • @tanstack/eslint-plugin-query, @tanstack/query-async-storage-persister, @tanstack/query-broadcast-client-experimental, @tanstack/query-core, @tanstack/query-devtools, @tanstack/query-persist-client-core, @tanstack/query-sync-storage-persister, @tanstack/react-query, @tanstack/react-query-devtools, @tanstack/react-query-persist-client, @tanstack/react-query-next-experimental, @tanstack/solid-query, @tanstack/solid-query-devtools, @tanstack/solid-query-persist-client, @tanstack/svelte-query, @tanstack/svelte-query-devtools, @tanstack/svelte-query-persist-client, @tanstack/vue-query, @tanstack/vue-query-devtools, @tanstack/angular-query-devtools-experimental, @tanstack/angular-query-experimental
  • sb, storybook, @storybook/codemod, @storybook/cli, @storybook/channels, @storybook/addon-actions, @storybook/addon-links, @storybook/react, @storybook/react-native, @storybook/components, @storybook/addon-backgrounds, @storybook/addon-viewport, @storybook/angular, @storybook/addon-a11y, @storybook/addon-jest, @storybook/client-logger, @storybook/node-logger, @storybook/core, @storybook/addon-storysource, @storybook/html, @storybook/core-events, @storybook/svelte, @storybook/ember, @storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds, @storybook/addon-ondevice-notes, @storybook/preact, @storybook/theming, @storybook/router, @storybook/addon-docs, @storybook/addon-ondevice-actions, @storybook/source-loader, @storybook/preset-create-react-app, @storybook/web-components, @storybook/addon-essentials, @storybook/server, @storybook/addon-toolbars, @storybook/addon-controls, @storybook/core-common, @storybook/builder-webpack5, @storybook/core-server, @storybook/csf-tools, @storybook/addon-measure, @storybook/addon-outline, @storybook/addon-ondevice-controls, @storybook/instrumenter, @storybook/addon-interactions, @storybook/docs-tools, @storybook/builder-vite, @storybook/telemetry, @storybook/core-webpack, @storybook/preset-html-webpack, @storybook/preset-preact-webpack, @storybook/preset-svelte-webpack, @storybook/preset-react-webpack, @storybook/html-webpack5, @storybook/preact-webpack5, @storybook/svelte-webpack5, @storybook/web-components-webpack5, @storybook/preset-server-webpack, @storybook/react-webpack5, @storybook/server-webpack5, @storybook/addon-highlight, @storybook/blocks, @storybook/builder-manager, @storybook/react-vite, @storybook/svelte-vite, @storybook/web-components-vite, @storybook/nextjs, @storybook/types, @storybook/manager, @storybook/csf-plugin, @storybook/preview, @storybook/manager-api, @storybook/preview-api, @storybook/html-vite, @storybook/sveltekit, @storybook/preact-vite, @storybook/addon-mdx-gfm, @storybook/react-dom-shim, create-storybook, @storybook/addon-onboarding, @storybook/react-native-theming, @storybook/addon-themes, @storybook/test, @storybook/react-native-ui, @storybook/experimental-nextjs-vite, @storybook/experimental-addon-test, @storybook/react-native-web-vite
  • prisma, @prisma/client, @prisma/instrumentation
  • typescript-eslint, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser
  • @stylistic/eslint-plugin-js, @stylistic/eslint-plugin-ts, @stylistic/eslint-plugin-migrate, @stylistic/eslint-plugin, @stylistic/eslint-plugin-jsx, @stylistic/eslint-plugin-plus
  • playwright, @playwright/test

non-existant-packages ⚠️

All paths defined in the workspace (the root package.json' workspaces field or pnpm-workspace.yaml) should match at least one package.

packages-without-package-json ⚠️

All packages matching the workspace (the root package.json' workspaces field or pnpm-workspace.yaml) should have a package.json file.

root-package-dependencies ⚠️

The root package.json is private, so making a distinction between dependencies and devDependencies is useless - only use devDependencies.


The root package.json should specify the package manager and version to use. Useful for tools like corepack.


The root package.json should be private to prevent accidentaly publishing it to a registry.


Private packages shouldn't have @types/* in dependencies, since they don't need it at runtime. Move them to devDependencies.


Dependencies should be ordered alphabetically to prevent complex diffs when installing a new dependency via a package manager.



