Hi @adnanmunawar,
I'm revisiting Task 2 (needle grasping and driving) as we have some students wanting to use the simulated environment in a project. I'm experiencing some issues however:
It doesn't seem like the PSM's are able to reach the commanded joint space set-points. Are they not supposed to, can it be improved, or is it an error on my part?
I attach an example where I command the robot to move to a Needle/Grasp
frame. The joint space set-point is computed through surgical_robotics_challenge.kinematics.psmIK.compute_IK
and published on the /CRTK/psm2/servo_jp
topic (interpolating a trajectory in joint space).
The images below show the simulator view, and the commanded Needle/Grasp
frame and current /CRTK/psm2/measured_cp
psm2.txt has rostopic output corresponding to the state shown in the images.
I interface with the simulator via
and I have set add_joint_errors=False
I use 314a4ba and WPI-AIM/ambf@18637b4.
PS. I have the same issue using velocity control.