Experimental repo notice: This repository is experimental and currently only serves as a proof of concept for running distributed training with PyTorch on Kubernetes. Current POC is based on TFJob operator
Repository for supporting pytorch. This repo is experimental and is being used to start work related to this proposal.
Run the following to deploy the operator to the namespace of your current context:
RBAC=true #set false if you do not have an RBAC cluster
helm install pytorch-operator-chart -n pytorch-operator --set rbac.install=${RBAC} --wait --replace
For this POC example we will use a configmap that contains our distributed training script.
kubectl create -f examples/mnist/configmap.yaml
Create a PyTorchJob resource to start training:
kubectl create -f examples/mnist/pytorchjob.yaml
You should now be able to see the job running based on the specified number of replicas.
kubectl get pods -a -l pytorch_job_name=example-job
Training should run for about 10 epochs and takes 5-10 minutes on a cpu cluster. Logs can be inspected while the job runs. (TODO(jose5918) Find a better example for distributed training)
Tail the logs for a pod to see its training progress or final status:
PODNAME=$(kubectl get pods -a -l pytorch_job_name=example-job,task_index=0 -o name)
kubectl logs -f ${PODNAME}
Example output:
Downloading http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Downloading http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Downloading http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Downloading http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Rank 0 , epoch 0 : 1.2753884393269066
Rank 0 , epoch 1 : 0.5752273188915842
Rank 0 , epoch 2 : 0.4370715184919616
Rank 0 , epoch 3 : 0.37090928852558136
Rank 0 , epoch 4 : 0.3224359404430715
Rank 0 , epoch 5 : 0.29541213348158385
Rank 0 , epoch 6 : 0.27593734307583967
Rank 0 , epoch 7 : 0.25898529327055536
Rank 0 , epoch 8 : 0.24815570648862864
Rank 0 , epoch 9 : 0.22647559368756534