Here are examples of jobs that use the operator.
An example of distributed CIFAR10 with pytorch on kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f cifar10/
For faster execution, pre-download the dataset to each of your cluster nodes and edit the cifar10/pytorchjob_cifar.yaml file to include the below "predownload" entries in the spec containers. The extra entries will need to be present for both MASTER and WORKER replica types.
spec: containers: - image: pytorch/pytorch:latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: pytorch volumeMounts: - name: training-result mountPath: /tmp/result - name: entrypoint mountPath: /tmp/entrypoint - name: predownload <- Add this line mountpath: /data <- Add this line command: [/tmp/entrypoint/] restartPolicy: OnFailure volumes: - name: training-result emptyDir: {} - name: entrypoint configMap: name: dist-train-cifar defaultMode: 0755 - name: predownload <- Add this line hostPath: <- Add this line path: [absolute_path_to_predownloaded_data] <- Add this line and path restartPolicy: OnFailure
A simple example of distributed MNIST with pytorch on kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f mnist/