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Interactive Editing in Neovim

Idris provides extensive capabilities to interactively analyze the types of values and expressions in our programs and fill out skeleton implementations and sometimes even whole programs for us based on the types provided. These interactive editing features are available via plugins in different editors. Since I am a Neovim user, I explain the Idris related parts of my own setup in detail here.

The main component required to get all these features to run in Neovim is an executable provided by the idris2-lsp project. This executable makes use of the Idris compiler API (application programming interface) internally and can check the syntax and types of the source code we are working on. It communicates with Neovim via the language server protocol (LSP). This communication is setup through the idris2-nvim plugin.

As we will see in this tutorial, the idris2-lsp executable not only supports syntax and type checking, but comes also with additional interactive editing features. Finally, the Idris compiler API supports semantic highlighting of Idris source code: Identifiers and keywords are highlighted not only based on the language's syntax (that would be syntax highlighting, a feature expected from all modern programming environments and editors), but also based on their semantics. For instance, a local variable in a function implementation gets highlighted differently than the name of a top level function, although syntactically these are both just identifiers.

module Appendices.Neovim

import Data.Vect

%default total


In order to make full use of interactive Idris editing in Neovim, at least the following tools need to be installed:

  • A recent version of Neovim (version 0.5 or later).
  • A recent version of the Idris compiler (at least version 0.5.1).
  • The Idris compiler API.
  • The idris2-lsp package.
  • The following Neovim plugins:

The idris2-lsp project gives detailed instructions about how to install Idris 2 together with its standard libraries and compiler API. Make sure to follow these instructions so that your compiler and idris2-lsp executable are in sync.

If you are new to Neovim, you might want to use the init.vim file provided in the resources folder. In that case, the necessary Neovim plugins are already included, but you need to install vim-plug, a plugin manager. Afterwards, copy all or parts of resources/init.vim to your own init.vim file. (Use :help init.vim from within Neovim in order to find out where to look for this file.). After setting up your init.vim file, restart Neovim and run :PlugUpdate to install the necessary plugins.

A Typical Workflow

In order to checkout the interactive editing features available to us, we will reimplement some small utilities from the Prelude. To follow along, you should have already worked through the Introduction, Functions Part 1, and at least parts of Algebraic Data Types, otherwise it will be hard to understand what's going on here.

Before we begin, note that the commands and actions shown in this tutorial might not work correctly after you edited a source file but did not write your changes to disk. Therefore, the first thing you should try if the things described here do not work, is to quickly safe the current file (:w).

Let's start with negation of a boolean value:

negate1 : Bool -> Bool

Typically, when writing Idris code we follow the mantra "types first". Although you might already have an idea about how to implement a certain piece of functionality, you still need to provide an accurate type before you can start writing your implementation. This means, when programming in Idris, we have to mentally keep track of the implementation of an algorithm and the types involved at the same time, both of which can become arbitrarily complex. Or do we? Remember that Idris knows at least as much about the variables and their types available in the current context of a function implementation as we do, so we probably should ask it for guidance instead of trying to do everything on our own.

So, in order to proceed, we ask Idris for a skeleton function body: In normal editor mode, move your cursor on the line where negate1 is declared and enter <LocalLeader>a in quick succession. <LocalLeader> is a special key that can be specified in the init.vim file. If you use the init.vim from the resources folder, it is set to the comma character (,), in which case the above command consists of a comma quickly followed by the lowercase letter "a". See also :help leader and :help localleader in Neovim

Idris will generate a skeleton implementation similar to the following:

negate2 : Bool -> Bool
negate2 x = ?negate2_rhs

Note, that on the left hand side a new variable with name x was introduced, while on the right hand side Idris added a metavariable (also called a hole). This is an identifier prefixed with a question mark. It signals to Idris, that we will implement this part of the function at a later time. The great thing about holes is, that we can hover over them and inspect their types and the types of values in the surrounding context. You can do so by placing the cursor on the identifier of a hole and entering K (the uppercase letter) in normal mode. This will open a popup displaying the type of the variable under the cursor plus the types and quantities of the variables in the surrounding context. You can also have this information displayed in a separate window: Enter <LocalLeader>so to open this window and repeat the hovering. The information will appear in the new window and as an additional benefit, it will be semantically highlighted. Enter <LocalLeader>sc to close this window again. Go ahead and checkout the type and context of ?negate2_rhs.

Most functions in Idris are implemented by pattern matching on one or more of the arguments. Idris, knowing the data constructors of all non-primitive data types, can write such pattern matches for us (a process also called case splitting). To give this a try, move the cursor onto the x in the skeleton implementation of negate2, and enter <LocalLeader>c in normal mode. The result will look as follows:

negate3 : Bool -> Bool
negate3 False = ?negate3_rhs_0
negate3 True = ?negate3_rhs_1

As you can see, Idris inserted a hole for each of the cases on the right hand side. We can again inspect their types or replace them with a proper implementation directly.

This concludes the introduction of the (in my opinion) core features of interactive editing: Hovering on metavariables, adding skeleton function implementations, and case splitting (which also works in case blocks and for nested pattern matches). You should start using these all the time now!

Expression Search

Sometimes, Idris knows enough about the types involved to come up with a function implementation on its own. For instance, let us implement function either from the Prelude. After giving its type, creating a skeleton implementation, and case splitting on the Either argument, we arrive at something similar to the following:

either2 : (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either2 f g (Left x) = ?either2_rhs_0
either2 f g (Right x) = ?either2_rhs_1

Idris can come up with expressions for the two metavariables on its own, because the types are specific enough. Move the cursor onto one of the metavariables and enter <LocalLeader>o in normal mode. You will be given a selection of possible expressions (only one in this case), of which you can choose a fitting one (or abort with q).

Here is another example: A reimplementation of function maybe. If you run an expression search on ?maybe2_rhs1, you will get a larger list of choices.

maybe2 : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe2 x f Nothing = x
maybe2 x f (Just y) = ?maybe2_rhs_1

Idris is also sometimes capable of coming up with complete function implementations based on a function's type. For this to work well in practice, the number of possible implementations satisfying the type checker must be pretty small. As an example, here is function zipWith for vectors. You might not have heard about vectors yet: They will be introduced in the chapter about dependent types. You can still give this a go to check out its effect. Just move the cursor on the line declaring zipWithV, enter <LocalLeader>gd and select the first option. This will automatically generate the whole function body including case splits and implementations.

zipWithV : (a -> b -> c) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c

Expression search only works well if the types are specific enough. If you feel like that might be the case, go ahead and give it a go, either by running <LocalLeader>o on a metavariable, or by trying <LocalLeader>gd on a function declaration.

More Code Actions

There are other shortcuts available for generating part of your code, two of which I'll explain here.

First, it is possible to add a new case block by entering <LocalLeader>mc in normal mode when on a metavariable. For instance, here is part of an implementation of filterList, which appears in an exercise in the chapter about algebraic data types. I arrived at this by letting Idris generate a skeleton implementation followed by a case split and an expression search on the first metavariable:

filterList : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filterList f [] = []
filterList f (x :: xs) = ?filterList_rhs_1

We will next have to pattern match on the result of applying x to f. Idris can introduce a new case block for us, if we move the cursor onto metavariable ?filterList_rhs_1 and enter <LocalLeader>mc in normal mode. We can then continue with our implementation by first giving the expression to use in the case block (f x) followed by a case split on the new variable in the case block. This will lead us to an implementation similar to the following (I had to fix the indentation, though):

filterList2 : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filterList2 f [] = []
filterList2 f (x :: xs) = case f x of
  False => ?filterList2_rhs_2
  True => ?filterList2_rhs_3

Sometimes, we want to extract a utility function from an implementation we are working on. For instance, this is often useful or even necessary when we write proofs about our code (see chapters Propositional Equality and Predicates, for instance). In order to do so, we can move the cursor on a metavariable, and enter <LocalLeader>ml. Give this a try with ?whatNow in the following example (this will work better in a regular Idris source file instead of the literate file I use for this tutorial):

traverseEither : (a -> Either e b) -> List a -> Either e (List b)
traverseEither f [] = Right []
traverseEither f (x :: xs) = ?whatNow x xs f (f x) (traverseEither f xs)

Idris will create a new function declaration with the type and name of ?whatNow, which takes as arguments all variables currently in scope. It also replaces the hole in traverseEither with a call to this new function. Typically, you will have to manually remove unneeded arguments afterwards. This led me to the following version:

whatNow2 : Either e b -> Either e (List b) -> Either e (List b)

traverseEither2 : (a -> Either e b) -> List a -> Either e (List b)
traverseEither2 f [] = Right []
traverseEither2 f (x :: xs) = whatNow2 (f x) (traverseEither f xs)

Getting Information

The idris2-lsp executable and through it, the idris2-nvim plugin, not only supports the code actions described above. Here is a non-comprehensive list of other capabilities. I suggest you try out each of them from within this source file.

  • Typing K when on an identifier or operator in normal mode shows its type and namespace (if any). In case of a metavariable, variables in the current context are displayed as well together with their types and quantities (quantities will be explained in Functions Part 2). If you don't like popups, enter <LocalLeader>so to open a new window where this information is displayed and semantically highlighted instead.
  • Typing gd on a function, operator, data constructor or type constructor in normal mode jumps to the item's definition. For external modules, this works only if the module in question has been installed together with its source code (by using the idris2 --install-with-src command).
  • Typing <LocalLeader>mm opens a popup window listing all metavariables in the current module. You can place the cursor on an entry and jump to its location by pressing <Enter>.
  • Typing <LocalLeader>mn (or <LocalLeader>mp) jumps to the next (or previous) metavariable in the current module.
  • Typing <LocalLeader>br opens a popup where you can enter a namespace. Idris will then show all functions (plus their types) exported from that namespace in a popup window, and you can jump to a function's definition by pressing enter on one of the entries. Note: The module in question must be imported in the current source file.
  • Typing <LocalLeader>x opens a popup where you can enter a REPL command or Idris expression, and the plugin will reply with a response from the REPL. Whenever REPL examples are shown in the main part of this guide, you can try them from within Neovim with this shortcut if you like.
  • Typing <LocalLeader><LocalLeader>e will display the error message from the current line in a popup window. This can be highly useful, if error messages are too long to fit on a single line. Likewise, <LocalLeader>el will list all error messages from the current buffer in a new window. You can then select an error message and jump to its origin by pressing <Enter>.

Other use cases and examples are described on the GitHub page of the idris2-nvim plugin and can be included as described there.

The %name Pragma

When you ask Idris for a skeleton implementation with <LocalLeader>a or a case split with <LocalLeader>c, it has to decide on what names to use for the new variables it introduces. If these variables already have predefined names (from the function's signature, record fields, or named data constructor arguments), those names will be used, but otherwise Idris will as a default use names x, y, and z, followed by other letters. You can change this default behavior by specifying a list of names to use for such occasions for any data type.

For instance:

data Element = H | He | C | N | O | F | Ne

%name Element e,f

Idris will then use these names (followed by these names postfixed with increasing integers), when it has to come up with variable names of this type on its own. For instance, here is a test function and the result of adding a skeleton definition to it:

test : Element -> Element -> Element -> Element -> Element -> Element
test e f e1 f1 e2 = ?test_rhs


Neovim, together with the idris2-lsp executable and the idris2-nvim editor plugin, provides extensive utilities for interactive editing when programming in Idris. Similar functionality is available for some other editors, so feel free to ask what's available for your editor of choice, for instance on the Idris 2 Discord channel.