Welcome to my Idris 2 tutorial. I'll try and treat as many aspects
of the Idris 2 programming language as possible here.
All .md
files in here a literate Idris files: They consist of
Markdown (hence the .md
ending), which is being pretty printed
by GitHub together with Idris code blocks, which can be
type checked and built by the Idris compiler (more on this later).
Note, however, that regular Idris source files use an .idr
and that you go with that file type unless you end up writing
much more prose than code as I do at the moment. Later in this
tutorial, you'll have to solve some exercises, the solutions of
which can be found in the src/Solutions
subfolder. There, I
use regular .idr
Every Idris source file should typically start with a module name plus some necessary imports, and this document is no exception:
module Tutorial.Intro
A module name consists of a list of identifiers separated by dots and must reflect the folder structure plus the module file's name.
Idris is a pure, dependently typed, total functional programming language. I'll quickly explain each of these adjectives in this section.
In functional programming languages, functions are first-class constructs, meaning that they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned as results from functions. Unlike for instance in object-oriented programming languages, in functional programming, functions are the main form of abstraction.
Functional programming languages are concerned with the evaluation of functions, unlike classical imperative languages, which are concerned with the execution of statements.
Pure functional programming languages come with an additional important guarantee: Functions don't have side effects like writing to a file or mutating global state. They can only compute a result from their arguments possibly by invoking other pure functions, and nothing else. As a consequence, given the same input, they will always generate the same output. This property is known as referential transparency.
Pure functions have several advantages:
They can easily be tested by specifying (possibly randomly generated) sets of input arguments together with the expected results.
They are thread-safe, since the don't mutate global state, and as such can be freely used in several computations running in parallel.
There are, of course, also some disadvantages:
Some algorithms are hard to implement efficiently using only pure functions.
Writing programs that actually do something (have some observable effect) is a bit trickier but certainly possible.
Idris is a strongly, statically typed programming language. This means, that ever Idris expression is given a type (for instance: integer, list of strings, boolean, function from integer to boolean, etc.) and types are verified at compile time to rule out certain common programming errors.
For instance, if a function expects an argument of type String
(a sequence of unicode characters, such as "Hello123"
), it
is a type error to invoke this function with an argument of
type Integer
, and the Idris compiler will refuse to
generate an executable from such an ill-typed program.
Even more, Idris is dependently typed, which is one of its most characteristic properties in the landscape of programming languages. In Idris, types are first class: Types can be passed as arguments to functions, and functions can return types as their results. Even more, types can depend on other values. What this means, and why this is incredibly useful, we'll explore in due time.
A total function is a pure function, that is guaranteed to return a value of the expected return type for every possible input in a finite amount of time. A total function will never fail with an exception or loop infinitely.
Idris comes with a totality checker built in, which enables us to
verify the functions we write to be provably total. Totality
in Idris is opt-in, as in general, checking the totality of
an arbitrary computer program is undecidable
(see also the halting problem).
However, if we annotate a function with the total
Idris will fail with a type error, if its totality checker
cannot verify that the function in question is indeed total.
Idris comes with a useful REPL (an acronym for Read Evaluate Print Loop), which we will use for tinkering with small ideas, and for quickly experimenting with the code we just wrote. In order to start a REPL session, run the following command in a terminal.
rlwrap idris2
(Using command-line utility rlwrap
is optional. It
leads to a somewhat nicer user experience, as it allows us
to use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through a history
of commands and expressions we entered. It should be available
for most Linux distributions.)
Idris should now be ready to accept you commands:
____ __ _ ___
/ _/___/ /____(_)____ |__ \
/ // __ / ___/ / ___/ __/ / Version 0.5.1-3c532ea35
_/ // /_/ / / / (__ ) / __/ https://www.idris-lang.org
/___/\__,_/_/ /_/____/ /____/ Type :? for help
Welcome to Idris 2. Enjoy yourself!
We can go ahead and enter some simple arithmetic expressions. Idris will evaluate these and print the result:
Main> 2 * 4
Main> 3 * (7 + 100)
Since every expression in Idris has an associated type, we might want to inspect these as well:
Main> :t 2
2 : Integer
Here :t
is a command of the Idris REPL (it is not part of the
Idris programming language), and it is used to inspect the type
of an expression.
Main> :t 2 * 4
2 * 4 : Integer
Whenever we perform calculations with integer literals without
being explicit about the types we want to use, Idris will
use Integer
as a default. Integer
is an arbitrary precision
signed integer type. It is one of the primitive types built
into the language. Other primitives include fixed precision
signed and unsigned integral types (Bits8
, Bits16
, Bits32
, Int8
, Int16
, Int32
, and Int64
), double
precision (64 bit) floating point numbers (Double
), unicode
characters (Char
) and strings of unicode characters (String
We will use many of these in due time.
We will often start up a REPL for tinkering with small parts of the Idris language, for reading some documentation, or for inspecting the content of an Idris module, but now we will write a minimal Idris program to get started with the language. Here comes the mandatory Hello World:
main : IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello World!"
We will inspect the code above in some detail in a moment, but first we'd like to compile and run it. From this project's root directory, run the following:
idris2 --find-ipkg -o hello src/Tutorial/Intro.md
This will create executable hello
in directory build/exec
which can be invoked from the command-line like so (without the
dollar prefix; this is used here to distinguish the terminal command
from its output):
$ build/exec/hello
Hello World!
The --find-ipkg
option will look for an .ipkg
file in the
current directory or one of its parent directories, from which
it will get other settings like the source directory to use
in our case). The -o
option gives the name of the
executable to be generated. Type idris2 --help
for a list
of available command-line options and environment variables.
As an alternative, you can also load this source file in a REPL
session and invoke function main
from there:
rlwrap idris2 --find-ipkg src/Tutorial/Intro.md
Tutorial.Intro> :exec main
Hello World!
Go ahead and try both ways of building and running function main
on your system!
Note: It might be instructive to omit the --find-ipkg
You will get an error message about the module name Tutorial.Intro
not matching the file path src/Tutorial/Intro.md
. You can
also use option --source-dir src
to silence this error.
Now that we executed our first Idris program, we will talk a bit more about the code we had to write to define it.
A typical top level function in Idris consists of three things:
The function's name (main
in our case), its type (IO ()
plus its implementation (putStrLn "Hello World"
). It is easier
to explain these things with a couple of simple examples. Below,
we define a top level constant for the largest unsigned eight bit
maxBits8 : Bits8
maxBits8 = 255
The first line can be read as: "We'd like to declare (nullary)
function maxBits8
. It is of type Bits8
". This is
called the function declaration: We declare, that there
shall be a function of the given name and type. The second line
reads: "The result of invoking maxBits8
should be 255
(As you can see, we can use integer literals for other integral
types than just Integer
.) This is called the function definition:
Function maxBits8
should behave as described here when being
We can inspect this at the REPL. Load this source file into an Idris REPL (as described above), and run the following tests.
Tutorial.Intro> maxBits8
Tutorial.Intro> :t maxBits8
Tutorial.Intro.maxBits8 : Bits8
We can also use maxBits8
as part of another expression:
Tutorial.Intro> maxBits8 - 100
I called maxBits8
a nullary function, which is just a fancy
word for constant. Let's write and test our first real function:
distanceToMax : Bits8 -> Bits8
distanceToMax n = maxBits8 - n
This introduces some new syntax and a new kind of type: Function
types. distanceToMax : Bits8 -> Bits8
can be read as follows:
is a function of one argument of type Bits8
, which
returns a result of type Bits8
". In the implementation, the argument
is given a local identifier n
, which is then used in the
calculation on the right hand side. Again, go ahead and try this
function at the REPL:
Tutorial.Intro> distanceToMax 12
Tutorial.Intro> :t distanceToMax
Tutorial.Intro.distanceToMax : Bits8 -> Bits8
Tutorial.Intro> :t distanceToMax 12
distanceToMax 12 : Bits8
As a final example, let's implement a function to calculate the square of an integer:
square : Integer -> Integer
square n = n * n
We now learn a very important aspect of programming in Idris: Idris is a statically typed programming language. We are not allowed to freely mix types as we please. Doing so will result in an error message from the type checker (which is part of the compilation process of Idris). For instance, if we try the following at the REPL, we will get a type error:
Tutorial.Intro> square maxBits8
Error: ...
The reason: square
expects an argument of type Integer
but maxBits8
is of type Bits8
. Many primitive types
are interconvertible (sometimes with the risk of loss
of precision) using function cast
(more on the details
Tutorial.Intro> square (cast maxBits8)
Note, that in the example above the result is much larger
that maxBits8
. The reason is, that maxBits8
is first
converted to an Integer
of the same value, which is
then squared. If on the other hand we squared maxBits8
directly, the result would be truncated to still fit the
valid range of Bits8
Tutorial.Intro> maxBits8 * maxBits8
There are several resources available online and in print, where you can find help and documentation about the Idris programming language. Here is a non-comprehensive list of them:
Type-Driven Development with Idris
The Idris book! This describes in great detail the core concepts for using Idris and dependent types to write robust and concise code. It uses Idris 1 in its examples, so parts of it have to be slightly adjusted when using Idris 2. There is also a list of required updates.
The official Idris 2 tutorial. A comprehensive but dense explanation of all features of Idris 2. I find this to be useful as a reference, and as such it is highly accessible. However, it is not an introduction to functional programming or type-driven development in general.
Look here for detailed installation instructions and some introductory material. There is also a wiki, where you can find a list of editor plugins, a list of community libraries, a list of external backends, and other useful information.
If you get stuck with a piece of code, want to ask about some obscure language feature, want to promote your new library, or want to just hang out with other Idris programmers, this is the place to go. The discord channel is pretty active and very friendly towards newcomers.
The Idris REPL
Finally, a lot of useful information can be provided by Idris itself. I tend to have at least one REPL session open all the time when programming in Idris. My editor (neovim) is set up to use the language server for Idris 2, which is incredibly useful. In the REPL,
- use
to inspect the type of an expression or meta variable (hole)::t foldl
, - use
to inspect the type of a function including implicit arguments::ti foldl
, - use
to list all meta variables (holes) in scope, - use
to access the documentation of a top level function (:doc the
), a data type plus all its constructors and available hints (:doc Bool
), a language feature (:doc case
,:doc let
,:doc interface
,:doc record
, or even:doc ?
), or an interface (:doc Uninhabited
), - use
to import a module from one of the available packages::module Data.Vect
, - use
to list the names and types of all functions exported by a loaded module::browse Data.Vect
, - use
to get a list of other commands plus a short description for each.
- use
In this introduction we learned about the most basic features of the Idris programming language. We used the REPL to tinker with our ideas and inspect the types of things in our code, and we used the Idris compiler to compile an Idris source file to an executable.
We also learned about the basic shape of a top level definition in Idris, which always consists of an identifier (its name), a type, and an implementation.
In the next chapter, we start programming in Idris for real. We learn how to write our own pure functions, how functions compose, and how we can treat functions just like other values and pass them around as arguments to other functions.