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Dependent Types

The ability to calculate types from values, pass them as arguments to functions, and return them as results from functions - in short, being a dependently typed language - is one of the most distinguishing features of Idris. Many of the more advanced type level extensions of languages like Haskell (and quite a bit more) can be treated in one fell swoop with dependent types.

module Tutorial.Dependent

%default total

Consider the following functions:

bogusMapList : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
bogusMapList _ _ = []

bogusZipList : (a -> b -> c) -> List a -> List b -> List c
bogusZipList _ _ _ = []

The implementations type check, and still, they are obviously not what users of our library would expect. In the first example, we'd expect the implementation to apply the function argument to all values stored in the list, without dropping any of them or changing their order. The second is trickier: The two list arguments might be of different length. What are we supposed to do when that's the case? Return a list of the same length as the smaller of the two? Return an empty list? Or shouldn't we in most use cases expect the two lists to be of the same length? How could we even describe such a precondition?

Length-Indexed Lists

The answer to the issues described above is of course: Dependent types. And the most common introductory example is the vector: A list indexed by its length:

data Vect : (len : Nat) -> (a : Type) -> Type where
  Nil  : Vect 0 a
  (::) : (x : a) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> Vect (S n) a

Before we move on, please compare this with the implementation of Seq in the section about algebraic data types. The constructors are exactly the same: Nil and (::). But there is an important difference: Vect, unlike Seq or List, is not a function from Type to Type, it is a function from Nat to Type to Type. Go ahead! Open the REPL and verify this! The Nat argument (also called an index) represents the length of the vector here. Nil has type Vect 0 a: A vector of length zero. Cons has type a -> Vect n a -> Vect (S n) a: It is exactly one element longer (S n) than its second argument, which is of length n.

Let's experiment with this idea to gain a better understanding. There is only one way to come up with a vector of length zero:

ex1 : Vect 0 Integer
ex1 = Nil

The following, on the other hand, leads to a type error (a pretty complicated one, actually):

failing "Mismatch between: S ?n and 0."
  ex2 : Vect 0 Integer
  ex2 = [12]

The problem: [12] gets desugared to 12 :: Nil, but this has the wrong type! Since Nil has type Vect 0 Integer here, 12 :: Nil has type Vect (S 0) Integer, which is identical to Vect 1 Integer. Idris verifies, at compile time, that our vector is of the correct length!

ex3 : Vect 1 Integer
ex3 = [12]

So, we found a way to encode the length of a list-like data structure in its type, and it is a type error if the number of elements in a vector does not agree with then length given in its type. We will shortly see several use cases, where this additional piece of information allows us to be more precise in the types and rule out additional programming mistakes. But first, we need to quickly clarify some terminology.

Type Indices versus Type Parameters

Vect is not only a generic type, parameterized over the type of elements it holds, it is actually a family of types, each of them associated with a natural number representing it's length. We also say, the type family Vect is indexed by its length.

The difference between a type parameter and an index is, that the latter can and does change across data constructors, while the former is the same for all data constructors. Or, put differently, we can learn about the value of an index by pattern matching on a value of the type family, while this is not possible with a type parameter.

Let's demonstrate this with a contrived example:

data Indexed : Nat -> Type where
  I0 : Indexed 0
  I3 : Indexed 3
  I4 : String -> Indexed 4

Here, Indexed is indexed over its Nat argument, as values of the index changes across constructors (I chose some arbitrary value for each constructor), and we can learn about these values by pattern matching on Indexed values. We can use this, for instance, to create a Vect of the same length as the index of Indexed:

fromIndexed : Indexed n -> a -> Vect n a

Go ahead, and try implementing this yourself! Work with holes, pattern match on the Indexed argument, and learn about the expected output type in each case by inspecting the holes and their context.

Here is my implementation:

fromIndexed I0     va = []
fromIndexed I3     va = [va, va, va]
fromIndexed (I4 _) va = [va, va, va, va]

As you can see, by pattern matching on the value of the Indexed n argument, we learned about the value of the n index itself, which was necessary to return a Vect of the correct length.

Length-Preserving map

Function bogusMapList behaved unexpectedly, because it always returned the empty list. With Vect, we need to be true to the types here. If we map over a Vect, the argument and output type contain a length index, and these length indices will tell us exactly, if and how the lengths of our vectors are modified:

map3_1 : (a -> b) -> Vect 3 a -> Vect 1 b
map3_1 f [_,y,_] = [f y]

map5_0 : (a -> b) -> Vect 5 a -> Vect 0 b
map5_0 f _ = []

map5_10 : (a -> b) -> Vect 5 a -> Vect 10 b
map5_10 f [u,v,w,x,y] = [f u, f u, f v, f v, f w, f w, f x, f x, f y, f y]

While these examples are quite interesting, they are not really useful, are they? That's because they are too specialized. We'd like to have a general function for mapping vectors of any length. Instead of using concrete lengths in type signatures, we can also use variables as already seen in the definition of Vect. This allows us to declare the general case:

mapVect' : (a -> b) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b

This type describes a length-preserving map. It is actually more instructive (but not necessary) to include the implicit arguments as well:

mapVect : {0 a,b : _} -> {0 n : Nat} -> (a -> b) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b

We ignore the two type parameters a, and b, as these just describe a generic function (note, however, that we can group arguments of the same type and quantity in a single pair of curly braces; this is optional, but it sometimes helps making type signatures a bit shorter). The implicit argument of type Nat, however, tells us that the input and output Vect are of the same length. It is a type error to not uphold to this contract. When implementing mapVect, it is very instructive to follow along and use some holes. In order to get any information about the length of the Vect argument, we need to pattern match on it:

mapVect _ Nil       = ?impl_0
mapVect f (x :: xs) = ?impl_1

At the REPL, we learn the following:

Tutorial.Dependent> :t impl_0
 0 a : Type
 0 b : Type
 0 n : Nat
impl_0 : Vect 0 b

Tutorial.Dependent> :t impl_1
 0 a : Type
 0 b : Type
   x : a
   xs : Vect n a
   f : a -> b
 0 n : Nat
impl_1 : Vect (S n) b

The first hole, impl_0 is of type Vect 0 b. There is only one such value, as discussed above:

mapVect _ Nil       = Nil

The second case is again more interesting. We note, that xs is of type Vect n a, for an arbitrary length n (given as an erased argument), while the result is of type Vect (S n) b. So, the result has to be one element longer than xs. Luckily, we already have a value of type a (bound to variable x) and a function from a to b (bound to variable f), so we can apply f to x and prepend the result to a yet unknown remainder:

mapVect f (x :: xs) = f x :: ?rest

Let's inspect the new hole at the REPL:

Tutorial.Dependent> :t rest
 0 a : Type
 0 b : Type
   x : a
   xs : Vect n a
   f : a -> b
 0 n : Nat
rest : Vect n b

Now, we have a Vect n a and need a Vect n b, without knowing anything else about n. We could learn more about n by pattern matching further on xs, but this would quickly lead us down a rabbit hole, since after such a pattern match, we'd end up with another Nil case and another cons case, with a new tail of unknown length. Instead, we can invoke mapVect recursively to convert the remainder (xs) to a Vect n b. The type checker guarantees, that the lengths of xs and mapVect f xs are the same, so the whole expression type checks and we are done:

mapVect f (x :: xs) = f x :: mapVect f xs

Zipping Vectors

Let us now have a look at bogusZipList: We'd like to pairwise merge two lists holding elements of (possibly) distinct types through a given binary function. As discussed above, the most reasonable thing to do is to expect the two lists as well as the result to be of equal length. With Vect, this can be expressed and implemented as follows:

zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c
zipWith f []        []         = Nil
zipWith f (x :: xs) (y :: ys)  = f x y :: zipWith f xs ys

Now, here is an interesting thing: The totality checker (activated throughout this source file due to the initial %default total pragma) accepts the above implementation as being total, although it is missing two more cases. This works, because Idris can figure out on its own, that the other two cases are impossible. From the pattern match on the first Vect argument, Idris learns whether n is zero or the successor of another natural number. But from this it can derive, whether the second vector, being also of length n, is a Nil or a cons. Still, it can be informative to add the impossible cases explicitly. We can use keyword impossible to do so:

zipWith _ [] (_ :: _) impossible
zipWith _ (_ :: _) [] impossible

It is - of course - a type error to annotate a case in a pattern match with impossible, if Idris cannot verify that this case is indeed impossible. We will learn in a later section what to do, when we think we are right about an impossible case and Idris is not.

Let's give zipWith a spin at the REPL:

Tutorial.Dependent> zipWith (*) [1,2,3] [10,20,30]
[10, 40, 90]
Tutorial.Dependent> zipWith (\x,y => x ++ ": " ++ show y) ["The answer"] [42]
["The answer: 42"]
Tutorial.Dependent> zipWith (*) [1,2,3] [10,20]
... Nasty type error ...

Simplifying Type Errors

It is amazing to experience the amount of work Idris can do for us and the amount of things it can infer on its own when things go well. When things don't go well, however, the error messages we get from Idris can be quite long and hard to understand, especially for programmers new to the language. For instance, the error message in the last REPL example above was pretty long, listing different things Idris tried to do together with the reason why each of them failed.

If this happens, it often means that a combination of a type error and an ambiguity resulting from overloaded function names is at work. In the example above, the two vectors are of distinct length, which leads to a type error if we interpret the list literals as vectors. However, list literals are overloaded to work with all data types with constructors Nil and (::), so Idris will now try other data constructors than those of Vect (the ones of List and Stream from the Prelude in this case), each of which will again fail with a type error since zipWith expects arguments of type Vect, and neither List nor Stream will work.

If this happens, prefixing overloaded function names with their namespaces can often simplify things, as Idris no longer needs to disambiguate these functions:

Tutorial.Dependent> zipWith (*) (Dependent.(::) 1 Dependent.Nil) Dependent.Nil
Error: When unifying:
    Vect 0 ?c
    Vect 1 ?c
Mismatch between: 0 and 1.

Here, the message is much clearer: Idris can't unify the lengths of the two vectors. Unification means: Idris tries to at compile time convert two expressions to the same normal form. If this succeeds, the two expressions are considered to be equivalent, if it doesn't, Idris fails with a unification error.

As an alternative to prefixing overloaded functions with their namespace, we can use the to help with type inference:

Tutorial.Dependent> zipWith (*) (the (Vect 3 _) [1,2,3]) (the (Vect 2 _) [10,20])
Error: When unifying:
    Vect 2 ?c
    Vect 3 ?c
Mismatch between: 0 and 1.

It is interesting to note, that the error above is not "Mismatch between: 2 and 3" but "Mismatch between: 0 and 1" instead. Here's what's going on: Idris tries to unify integer literals 2 and 3, which are first converted to the corresponding Nat values S (S Z) and S (S (S Z)), respectively. The two patterns match until we arrive at Z vs S Z, corresponding to values 0 and 1, which is the discrepancy reported in the error message.

Creating Vectors

So far, we were able to learn something about the lengths of vectors by pattern matching on them. In the Nil case, it was clear that the length is 0, while in the cons case the length was the successor of another natural number. This is not possible when we want to create a new vector:

failing "Mismatch between: S ?n and n."
  fill : a -> Vect n a

You will have a hard time implementing fill. The following, for instance, leads to a type error:

  fill va = [va,va]

The problem is, that the callers of our function decide about the length of the resulting vector. The full type of fill is actually the following:

fill' : {0 a : Type} -> {0 n : Nat} -> a -> Vect n a

You can read this type as follows: For every type a and for every natural number n (about which I know nothing at runtime, since it has quantity zero), given a value of type a, I'll give you a vector holding exactly n elements of type a. This is like saying: "Think about a natural number n, and I'll give you n apples without you telling me the value of n". Idris is powerful, but it is not a clairvoyant.

In order to implement fill, we need to know what n actually is: We need to pass n as an explicit, unerased argument, which will allow us to pattern match on it and decide - based on this pattern match - which constructors of Vect to use:

replicate : (n : Nat) -> a -> Vect n a

Now, replicate is a dependent function type: The output type depends on the value of one the arguments. It is straight forward to implement replicate by pattern matching on n:

replicate 0     _  = []
replicate (S k) va = va :: replicate k va

This is a pattern that comes up often when working with indexed types: We can learn about the values of the indices by pattern matching on the values of the type family. However, in order to return a value of the type family from a function, we need to either know the values of the indices at compile time (see constants ex1 or ex3, for instance), or we need to have access to the values of the indices at runtime, in which case we can pattern match on them and learn from this, which constructor(s) of the type family to use.

Exercises part 1

  1. Implement function head for non-empty vectors:

    head : Vect (S n) a -> a

    Note, how we can describe non-emptiness by using a pattern in the length of Vect. This rules out the Nil case, and we can return a value of type a, without having to wrap it in a Maybe! Make sure to add an impossible clause for the Nil case (although this is not strictly necessary here).

  2. Using head as a reference, declare and implement function tail for non-empty vectors. The types should reflect that the output is exactly one element shorter than the input.

  3. Implement zipWith3. If possible, try to doing so without looking at the implementation of zipWith:

    zipWith3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n c -> Vect n d
  4. Declare and implement a function foldSemi for accumulating the values stored in a List through Semigroups append operator ((<+>)). (Make sure to only use a Semigroup constraint, as opposed to a Monoid constraint.)

  5. Do the same as in Exercise 4, but for non-empty vectors. How does a vector's non-emptiness affect the output type?

  6. Given an initial value of type a and a function a -> a, we'd like to generate Vects of as, the first value of which is a, the second value being f a, the third being f (f a) and so on.

    For instance, if a is 1 and f is (* 2), we'd like to get results similar to the following: [1,2,4,8,16,...].

    Declare and implement function iterate, which should encapsulate this behavior. Get some inspiration from replicate if you don't know where to start.

  7. Given an initial value of a state type s and a function fun : s -> (s,a), we'd like to generate Vects of as. Declare and implement function generate, which should encapsulate this behavior. Make sure to use the updated state in every new invocation of fun.

    Here's an example how this can be used to generate the first n Fibonacci numbers:

    generate 10 (\(x,y) => let z = x + y in ((y,z),z)) (0,1)
    [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
  8. Implement function fromList, which converts a list of values to a Vect of the same length. Use holes if you get stuck:

    fromList : (as : List a) -> Vect (length as) a

    Note how, in the type of fromList, we can calculate the length of the resulting vector by passing the list argument to function length.

  9. Consider the following declarations:

    maybeSize : Maybe a -> Nat
    fromMaybe : (m : Maybe a) -> Vect (maybeSize m) a

    Choose a reasonable implementation for maybeSize and implement fromMaybe afterwards.

Fin: Safe Indexing into Vectors

Consider function index, which tries to extract a value from a List at the given position:

indexList : (pos : Nat) -> List a -> Maybe a
indexList _     []        = Nothing
indexList 0     (x :: _)  = Just x
indexList (S k) (_ :: xs) = indexList k xs

Now, here is a thing to consider when writing functions like indexList: Do we want to express the possibility of failure in the output type, or do we want to restrict the accepted arguments, so the function can no longer fail? These are important design decisions, especially in larger applications. Returning a Maybe or Either from a function forces client code to eventually deal with the Nothing or Left case, and until this happens, all intermediary results will carry the Maybe or Either stain, which will make it more cumbersome to run calculations with these intermediary results. On the other hand, restricting the values accepted as input will complicate the argument types and will put the burden of input validation on our functions' callers, (although, at compile time we can get help from Idris, as we will see when we talk about auto implicits) while keeping the output pure and clean.

Languages without dependent types (like Haskell), can often only take the route described above: To wrap the result in a Maybe or Either. However, in Idris we can often refine the input types to restrict the set of accepted values, thus ruling out the possibility of failure.

Assume, as an example, we'd like to extract a value from a Vect n a at (zero-based) index k. Surely, this can succeed if and only if k is a natural number strictly smaller than the length n of the vector. Luckily, we can express this precondition in an indexed type:

data Fin : (n : Nat) -> Type where
  FZ : {0 n : Nat} -> Fin (S n)
  FS : (k : Fin n) -> Fin (S n)

Fin n is the type of natural numbers strictly smaller than n. It is defined inductively: FZ corresponds to natural number zero, which, as can be seen in its type, is strictly smaller than S n for any natural number n. FS is the inductive case: If k is strictly smaller than n (k being of type Fin n), then FS k is strictly smaller than S n.

Let's come up with some values of type Fin:

fin0_5 : Fin 5
fin0_5 = FZ

fin0_7 : Fin 7
fin0_7 = FZ

fin1_3 : Fin 3
fin1_3 = FS FZ

fin4_5 : Fin 5
fin4_5 = FS (FS (FS (FS FZ)))

Note, that there is no value of type Fin 0. We will learn in a later session, how to express "there is no value of type x" in a type.

Let us now check, whether we can use Fin to safely index into a Vect:

index : Fin n -> Vect n a -> a

Before you continue, try to implement index yourself, making use of holes if you get stuck.

index FZ     (x :: _) = x
index (FS k) (_ :: xs) = index k xs

Note, how there is no Nil case and the totality checker is still happy. That's because Nil is of type Vect 0 a, but there is no value of type Fin 0! We can verify this by adding the missing impossible clauses:

index FZ     Nil impossible
index (FS _) Nil impossible

Exercises part 2

  1. Implement function update, which, given a function of type a -> a, updates the value in aVect n a at position k < n.

  2. Implement function insert, which inserts a value of type a at position k <= n in a Vect n a. Note, that k is the index of the freshly inserted value, so that the following holds:

    index k (insert k v vs) = v
  3. Implement function delete, which deletes a value from a vector at the given index.

    This is trickier than Exercises 1 and 2, as we have to properly encode in the types that the vector is getting one element shorter.

  4. We can use Fin to implement safe indexing into Lists as well. Try to come up with a type and implementation for safeIndexList.

    Note: If you don't know how to start, look at the type of fromList for some inspiration. You might also need give the arguments in a different order than for index.

  5. Implement function finToNat, which converts a Fin n to the corresponding natural number, and use this to declare and implement function take for splitting of the first k elements of a Vect n a with k <= n.

  6. Implement function minus for subtracting a value k from a natural number n with k <= n.

  7. Use minus from Exercise 6 to declare and implement function drop, for dropping the first k values from a Vect n a, with k <= n.

  8. Implement function splitAt for splitting a Vect n a at position k <= n, returning the prefix and suffix of the vector wrapped in a pair.

    Hint: Use take and drop in your implementation.

Hint: Since Fin n consists of the values strictly smaller than n, Fin (S n) consists of the values smaller than or equal to n.

Note: Functions take, drop, and splitAt, while correct and provably total, are rather cumbersome to type. There is an alternative way to declare their types, as we will see in the next section.

Compile-Time Computations

In the last section - especially in some of the exercises - we started more and more to use compile time computations to describe the types of our functions and values. This is a very powerful concept, as it allows us to compute output types from input types. Here's an example:

It is possible to concatenate two Lists with the (++) operator. Surely, this should also be possible for Vect. But Vect is indexed by its length, so we have to reflect in the types exactly how the lengths of the inputs affect the lengths of the output. Here's how to do this:

(++) : Vect m a -> Vect n a -> Vect (m + n) a
(++) []        ys = ys
(++) (x :: xs) ys = x :: (xs ++ ys)

Note, how we keep track of the lengths at the type-level, again ruling out certain common programming errors like inadvertently dropping some values.

We can also use type-level computations as patterns on the input types. Here is an alternative type and implementation for drop, which you implemented in the exercises by using a Fin n argument:

drop' : (m : Nat) -> Vect (m + n) a -> Vect n a
drop' 0     xs        = xs
drop' (S k) (_ :: xs) = drop' k xs


After all the examples and exercises in this section you might have come to the conclusion that we can use arbitrary expressions in the types and Idris will happily evaluate and unify all of them for us.

I'm afraid that's not even close to the truth. The examples in this section were hand-picked because they are known to just work. The reason being, that there was always a direct link between our own pattern matches and the implementations of functions we used at compile time.

For instance, here is the implementation of addition of natural numbers:

add : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add Z     n = n
add (S k) n = S $ add k n

As you can see, add is implemented via a pattern match on its first argument, while the second argument is never inspected. Note, how this is exactly how (++) for Vect is implemented: There, we also pattern match on the first argument, returning the second unmodified in the Nil case, and prepending the head to the result of appending the tail in the cons case. Since there is a direct correspondence between the two pattern matches, it is possible for Idris to unify 0 + n with n in the Nil case, and (S k) + n with S (k + n) in the cons case.

Here is a simple example, where Idris will not longer be convinced without some help from us:

failing "Can't solve constraint"
  reverse : Vect n a -> Vect n a
  reverse []        = []
  reverse (x :: xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]

When we type-check the above, Idris will fail with the following error message: "Can't solve constraint between: plus n 1 and S n." Here's what's going on: From the pattern match on the left hand side, Idris knows that the length of the vector is S n, for some natural number n corresponding to the length of xs. The length of the vector on the right hand side is n + 1, according to the type of (++) and the lengths of xs and [x]. Overloaded operator (+) is implemented via function, that's why Idris replaces (+) with plus in the error message.

As you can see from the above, Idris can't verify on its own that 1 + n is the same thing as n + 1. It can accept some help from us, though. If we come up with a proof that the above equality holds (or - more generally - that our implementation of addition for natural numbers is commutative), we can use this proof to rewrite the types on the right hand side of reverse. Writing proofs and using rewrite will require some in-depth explanations and examples. Therefore, these things will have to wait until another chapter.

Unrestricted Implicits

In functions like replicate, we pass a natural number n as an explicit, unrestricted argument from which we infer the length of the vector to return. In some circumstances, n can be inferred from the context. For instance, in the following example it is tedious to pass n explicitly:

ex4 : Vect 3 Integer
ex4 = zipWith (*) (replicate 3 10) (replicate 3 11)

The value n is clearly derivable from the context, which can be confirmed by replacing it with underscores:

ex5 : Vect 3 Integer
ex5 = zipWith (*) (replicate _ 10) (replicate _ 11)

We therefore can implement an alternative version of replicate, where we pass n as an implicit argument of unrestricted quantity:

replicate' : {n : _} -> a -> Vect n a
replicate' = replicate n

Note how, in the implementation of replicate', we can refer to n and pass it as an explicit argument to replicate.

Deciding whether to pass potentially inferable arguments to a function implicitly or explicitly is a question of how often the arguments actually are inferable by Idris. Sometimes it might even be useful to have both verions of a function. Remember, however, that even in case of an implicit argument we can still pass the value explicitly:

ex6 : Vect ? Bool
ex6 = replicate' {n = 2} True

In the type signature above, the question mark (?) means, that Idris should try and figure out the value on its own by unification. This forces us to specify n explicitly on the right hand side of ex6.

Pattern Matching on Implicits

The implementation of replicate' makes use of function replicate, where we could pattern match on the explicit argument n. However, it is also possible to pattern match on implicit, named arguments of non-zero quantity:

replicate'' : {n : _} -> a -> Vect n a
replicate'' {n = Z}   _ = Nil
replicate'' {n = S _} v = v :: replicate'' v

Exercises part 3

  1. Here is a function declaration for flattening a List of Lists:

    flattenList : List (List a) -> List a

    Implement flattenList and declare and implement a similar function flattenVect for flattening vectors of vectors.

  2. Implement functions take' and splitAt' like in the exercises of the previous section but using the technique shown for drop'.

  3. Implement function transpose for converting an m x n-matrix (represented as a Vect m (Vect n a)) to an n x m-matrix.

    Note: This might be a challenging exercise, but make sure to give it a try. As usual, make use of holes if you get stuck!

    Here is an example how this should work in action:

    Solutions.Dependent> transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
    [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]


  • Dependent types allow us to calculate types from values. This makes it possible to encode properties of values at the type-level and verify these properties at compile time.

  • Length-indexed lists (vectors) let us rule out certain implementation errors, by forcing us to be precise about the lengths of input and output vectors.

  • We can use patterns in type signatures, for instance to express that the length of a vector is non-zero and therefore, the vector is non-empty.

  • When creating values of a type family, the values of the indices need to be known at compile time, or they need to be passed as arguments to the function creating the values, where we can pattern match on them to figure out, which constructors to use.

  • We can use Fin n, the type of natural numbers strictly smaller than n, to safely index into a vector of length n.

  • Sometimes, it is convenient to pass inferable arguments as non-erased implicits, in which case we can still inspect them by pattern matching or pass them to other functions, while Idris will try and fill in the values for us.

Note, that data type Vect together with many of the functions we implemented here is available from module Data.Vect from the base library. Likewise, Fin is available from Data.Fin from base.

What's next

In the next section, it is time to learn how to write effectful programs and how to do this while still staying pure.