Beijing Institute of Technology
- Beijing, China
- https://star2dust.github.io/
mascot Public
Multi-Agent System Control and Optimization Tester (MASCOT)
Robotics-Toolbox Public
Robotics Toolbox Extension:matlab scripts for cooperative control and manipulation based on Peter Corke's robotics toolbox. Also fix some bugs of RTB 10.3.1.
ego-planner-swarm Public
Forked from ZJU-FAST-Lab/ego-planner-swarmAn efficient single/multi-agent trajectory planner for multicopters.
paddle-ball Public
DQN to play paddle-ball game.
parl-notes Public
A tutorial to learn RL from examples. This is my notes from a course of Baidu PaddlePaddle. (世界冠军带你从零实践强化学习)
rotors_simulator Public
Forked from ethz-asl/rotors_simulatorRotorS is a UAV gazebo simulator
C++ UpdatedDec 28, 2022 -
ros_21_tutorials Public
Forked from huchunxu/ros_21_tutorials《古月 · ROS入门21讲》课件&源码
Makefile UpdatedNov 26, 2022 -
racecar Public
Forked from soonuse/racecarGazebo 3D simulator example of ROS tutorials (version: Noetic)
C++ UpdatedSep 8, 2022 -
Codes for the paper "Distributed Cooperative Control of Redundant Mobile Manipulators With Safety Constraints". IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2021 | Journal article. DOI: 10.1109/tcyb.2021.3104044
paper-simulation Public
Let's reproduce paper simulations of multi-robot systems, formation control, distributed optimization and cooperative manipulation.
ErgodicHumanSwarmCollab Public
Forked from apr600/ErgodicHumanSwarmCollabHuman-controlled drone swarm
Python UpdatedApr 21, 2022 -
slambook2 Public
Forked from gaoxiang12/slambook2edition 2 of the slambook
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2022 -
robot-arm-ui Public
MATLAB Impedance Control for a 2-Link Robot Arm - User-interactive
bank-account Public
An implement of the status of bank accounts. It is an exercise of events and listener construction.
MATLAB UpdatedApr 7, 2022 -
two-link Public
Simlation of two-link robot arm using RTB.
boston-model Public
Realize a neural network model to predict the house price of Boston by paddlepaddle (百度飞桨).
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2020 -
fixedwing_gazebo Public
Forked from jgoppert/fixedwing_gazeboGazebo fixedwing models.
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 6, 2020 -
numpy-notes Public
A tutorial to learn numpy and matplotlib.
scihub.py Public
Sci-Hub的非官方Python API和命令行工具。更新了Sci-Hub可用地址,在中国能正常使用。原版见https://github.com/zaytoun/scihub.py
ws-tetris Public
Source codes for an online 2-player tetris game using websocket. A single player version is available here at https://star2dust.github.io/ws-tetris/.
MOSEK Optimization Toolbox for MATLAB.
react-tetris Public
Forked from chvin/react-tetrisUse React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. 🎮
JavaScript UpdatedMay 26, 2019 -
react-solitaire Public
Forked from pl12133/react-solitaireA game of Solitaire in React
JavaScript UpdatedMar 18, 2016