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SCTransform not regressing out variables - Seurat v5.0.1 #8148



I am performing routine scRNAseq analysis on a single cell dataset using the scTransform framework. and have run into a weird issue. Briefly, running the code below exactly reproduces the results of the SCTransform vignette, with clear differences in the UMAP plot reflecting cell cycle or mitochondrial percentage regression (Here I regressed out mitochondrial gene percentage). However, when I run this script with my own data by substituting out the path name in line 1 with that for my own data, regressing out or cell cycle score has no effect on the downstream UMAP or PCA plots. I'm not sure what to make of this, but my dataset is considerably larger, with around 9000 cells. I have also been able to reproduce these results with other datasets.

#Example 1: With Regression
pbmc_data <- Seurat::Read10X(data.dir = FilePath)
pbmc <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_data)
s.genes <- cc.genes$s.genes
g2m.genes <- cc.genes$g2m.genes
pbmc <- NormalizeData(pbmc)
pbmc <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc, selection.method = "vst")
s.genes <- cc.genes.updated.2019$s.genes #Cell cycle markers loaded from Seurat
s.genes <- sapply(s.genes, str_to_title)
g2m.genes <- cc.genes.updated.2019$g2m.genes #Separating into S and G2M markers
g2m.genes <- sapply(g2m.genes, str_to_title)
pbmc <- CellCycleScoring(pbmc, s.features = s.genes, g2m.features = g2m.genes, set.ident = TRUE)
pbmc <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc, pattern = "^mt-", = "")
pbmc <- SCTransform(pbmc, = c("", "S.Score", "G2M.Score"), vst.flavor = "v2", method = "glmGamPoi", verbose = T)
pbmc <- RunPCA(pbmc, verbose = T)
pbmc <- RunUMAP(pbmc, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
pbmc <- FindNeighbors(pbmc, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
pbmc <- FindClusters(pbmc, verbose = T)
#Example 2: Without Regression
pbmc2 <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_data)
pbmc2 <- NormalizeData(pbmc2)
pbmc2 <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc2, selection.method = "vst")
pbmc2 <- CellCycleScoring(pbmc2, s.features = s.genes, g2m.features = g2m.genes, set.ident = TRUE)
pbmc2 <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc2, pattern = "^mt-", = "")
pbmc2 <- SCTransform(pbmc2, vst.flavor = "v2", method = "glmGamPoi", verbose = T)
pbmc2 <- RunPCA(pbmc2, verbose = T)
pbmc2 <- RunUMAP(pbmc2, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
pbmc2 <- FindNeighbors(pbmc2, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
pbmc2 <- FindClusters(pbmc2, verbose = T)
Plot1 <- DimPlot(pbmc, label = TRUE) + ggtitle("With MT and CC Regression")
Plot2 <- DimPlot(pbmc2, label = TRUE) + ggtitle("Without MT and CC Regression")
Plot1 + Plot2

pbmc_data <- Seurat::Read10X(data.dir = FilePath)
pbmc <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_data)
s.genes <- cc.genes$s.genes
g2m.genes <- cc.genes$g2m.genes
pbmc <- NormalizeData(pbmc)
Normalizing layer: counts
Performing log-normalization
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
pbmc <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc, selection.method = "vst")
Finding variable features for layer counts
Calculating gene variances
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Calculating feature variances of standardized and clipped values
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
s.genes <- cc.genes.updated.2019$s.genes #Cell cycle markers loaded from Seurat
s.genes <- sapply(s.genes, str_to_title)
g2m.genes <- cc.genes.updated.2019$g2m.genes #Separating into S and G2M markers
g2m.genes <- sapply(g2m.genes, str_to_title)
pbmc <- CellCycleScoring(pbmc, s.features = s.genes, g2m.features = g2m.genes, set.ident = TRUE)
pbmc <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc, pattern = "^mt-", = "")
pbmc <- SCTransform(pbmc, = c("", "S.Score", "G2M.Score"), vst.flavor = "v2", method = "glmGamPoi", verbose = T)
Running SCTransform on assay: RNA
Running SCTransform on layer: counts
vst.flavor='v2' set. Using model with fixed slope and excluding poisson genes.
Variance stabilizing transformation of count matrix of size 22452 by 8924
Model formula is y ~ log_umi
Get Negative Binomial regression parameters per gene
Using 2000 genes, 5000 cells
Found 93 outliers - those will be ignored in fitting/regularization step

Second step: Get residuals using fitted parameters for 22452 genes
Computing corrected count matrix for 22452 genes
Calculating gene attributes
Wall clock passed: Time difference of 23.15094 secs
Determine variable features
Regressing out, S.Score, G2M.Score
|=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================| 100%
Centering data matrix
|=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================| 100%
Getting residuals for block 1(of 2) for counts dataset
Getting residuals for block 2(of 2) for counts dataset
Centering data matrix
|=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================| 100%
Finished calculating residuals for counts
Set default assay to SCT

pbmc <- RunPCA(pbmc, verbose = T)
PC_ 1
Positive: Col1a1, Col1a2, Col3a1, Tnfaip6, Dlk1, Cxcl1, Cxcl2, Meg3, Ccl2, Sparc
Itm2a, Tnc, Cdkn1c, Mfap4, Lum, Gm32647, Fstl1, Aspn, Dcn, Mest
Col6a1, Col5a2, Dlc1, Thbs1, Ebf1, Ccl7, Nrk, Igf2, Pcolce, Ccn1
Negative: Krt14, Krt15, Krt5, Krt1, Ly6d, Krt10, Lgals7, Cstdc5, Stfa3, Krt17
Krtdap, Perp, Dmkn, Stfa1, Sfn, Dsp, Srgn, Sox6, Grip1, Cpa3
Hdc, Cma1, Lgals3, Tpsb2, mt-Cytb, Calm4, mt-Atp6, Fcer1g, Bmpr1b, S100a14
PC_ 2
Positive: Krt14, Krt15, Krt1, Krt5, Ly6d, Krt10, Lgals7, Stfa3, Cstdc5, Krt17
Krtdap, Perp, Dmkn, Sfn, Dsp, Grip1, Fabp5, Sox6, Stfa1, Calm4
Cxcl14, S100a14, Bmpr1b, Fras1, Fgfbp1, Ptma, Tspear, Trp63, Dsc3, Serpinb5
Negative: Srgn, Fcer1g, Hdc, Cpa3, Cma1, Tpsb2, Serpinb1a, Tyrobp, Plek, Slc6a4
Csf2rb, Cxcl2, Gata2, Fxyd5, Mcpt4, C1qb, Calca, Slco2b1, Mrc1, Cd14
Cyp11a1, Pf4, C1qc, Slc18a2, C1qa, F13a1, Ccl7, Otulinl, Ccl4, Rac2
PC_ 3
Positive: C1qb, Pf4, Mrc1, C1qc, C1qa, F13a1, Cxcl2, Cd14, Ccl12, Cd86
Ccl4, C5ar1, Il1b, Csf1r, Apoe, Ccl7, Ccl3, Slfn2, Lyz2, Fcrls
Lyve1, Selenop, Aoah, Ptprj, Ifi207, Nlrp3, Cd83, Hmox1, Ms4a6c, Ms4a7
Negative: Cpa3, Cma1, Hdc, Tpsb2, Serpinb1a, Slc6a4, Gata2, Srgn, Csf2rb, Calca
Mcpt4, Cyp11a1, Slc18a2, Hs6st2, Rab27b, Itk, Slco2b1, Hs3st1, Fdx1, Il13
Otulinl, St6galnac3, Il4, Il1rl1, Fxyd5, Ctla2a, Mrgprb1, Csf2, Edil3, Adora3
PC_ 4
Positive: Krt1, Krt10, Ly6d, Stfa3, Cstdc5, Krtdap, Col1a1, Col1a2, Stfa1, Lgals7
Tnfaip6, Krt15, Dlk1, Perp, Fabp5, Dmkn, Lgals3, Krt14, Col3a1, Cxcl2
Krt5, Npl, Sfn, Itm2a, Cxcl1, Mfap4, Dsp, Dsg1a, Calm4, Krt16
Negative: Dct, Pmel, Ptgds, Tyr, Cpne4, Trps1, Pax3, Chsy3, Fmn1, Mlana
Pde3a, Ednrb, Col23a1, Rarb, Robo2, Acta2, Ebf1, Aff3, Rgs5, Fstl4
Synpr, Ptprj, Prex2, Sobp, Ctnna3, Myh11, Myl9, Syt4, Tagln, Mcoln3
PC_ 5
Positive: Dlk1, Dct, Pmel, Ptgds, Tyr, Itm2a, Mest, Cpne4, Chsy3, Mfap4
Pax3, Nrk, Cdkn1c, Clec3b, Aspn, Postn, Mfap5, Fmn1, Acta2, Tmeff2
Mlana, Igfbp7, Dpysl3, Col14a1, Ednrb, Krt1, Rgs5, Igf2, Krt10, Myh11
Negative: Gm32647, Robo2, Trps1, Col3a1, Col1a1, Egfl6, Cntn4, Cxcl2, Col1a2, Lum
Wif1, Slit3, Twist2, Ccl2, Grem2, Tmem132c, Tnc, Col23a1, Zfp536, Lsamp
Twist1, Cped1, Rspo3, Lgals1, St6galnac3, Cntn5, Itih5, Pth1r, Hecw2, Crabp1
pbmc <- RunUMAP(pbmc, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
16:41:19 UMAP embedding parameters a = 0.9922 b = 1.112
Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'spam'
Also defined by ‘BiocGenerics’
16:41:19 Read 8924 rows and found 30 numeric columns
16:41:19 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 30
Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'spam'
Also defined by ‘BiocGenerics’
16:41:19 Building Annoy index with metric = cosine, n_trees = 50
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
16:41:19 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/r7/psn_5h9s3ql986wjn3b1sxj90yv6n8/T//RtmpQyNO0H/file147d22f35981e
16:41:19 Searching Annoy index using 1 thread, search_k = 3000
16:41:21 Annoy recall = 100%
16:41:21 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 1 thread with target n_neighbors = 30
16:41:22 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using RSpectra)
16:41:22 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 351934 positive edges
Using method 'umap'
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
16:41:30 Optimization finished
pbmc <- FindNeighbors(pbmc, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
Computing nearest neighbor graph
Computing SNN
pbmc <- FindClusters(pbmc, verbose = T)
Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck

Number of nodes: 8924
Number of edges: 274391

Running Louvain algorithm...
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Maximum modularity in 10 random starts: 0.9218
Number of communities: 25
Elapsed time: 0 seconds

pbmc2 <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = pbmc_data)
pbmc2 <- NormalizeData(pbmc2)
Normalizing layer: counts
Performing log-normalization
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
pbmc2 <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc2, selection.method = "vst")
Finding variable features for layer counts
Calculating gene variances
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Calculating feature variances of standardized and clipped values
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
pbmc2 <- CellCycleScoring(pbmc2, s.features = s.genes, g2m.features = g2m.genes, set.ident = TRUE)
pbmc2 <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc2, pattern = "^MT-", = "")
pbmc2 <- SCTransform(pbmc2, vst.flavor = "v2", method = "glmGamPoi", verbose = T)
Running SCTransform on assay: RNA
Running SCTransform on layer: counts
vst.flavor='v2' set. Using model with fixed slope and excluding poisson genes.
Variance stabilizing transformation of count matrix of size 22452 by 8924
Model formula is y ~ log_umi
Get Negative Binomial regression parameters per gene
Using 2000 genes, 5000 cells
Found 93 outliers - those will be ignored in fitting/regularization step

Second step: Get residuals using fitted parameters for 22452 genes
Computing corrected count matrix for 22452 genes
Calculating gene attributes
Wall clock passed: Time difference of 22.24379 secs
Determine variable features
Centering data matrix
|=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================| 100%
Getting residuals for block 1(of 2) for counts dataset
Getting residuals for block 2(of 2) for counts dataset
Centering data matrix
|=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================| 100%
Finished calculating residuals for counts
Set default assay to SCT

pbmc2 <- RunPCA(pbmc2, verbose = T)
PC_ 1
Positive: Col1a1, Col1a2, Col3a1, Tnfaip6, Dlk1, Cxcl1, Cxcl2, Meg3, Ccl2, Sparc
Itm2a, Tnc, Cdkn1c, Mfap4, Lum, Gm32647, Fstl1, Aspn, Dcn, Mest
Col6a1, Col5a2, Dlc1, Thbs1, Ebf1, Ccl7, Nrk, Igf2, Pcolce, Ccn1
Negative: Krt14, Krt15, Krt5, Krt1, Ly6d, Krt10, Lgals7, Cstdc5, Stfa3, Krt17
Krtdap, Perp, Dmkn, Stfa1, Sfn, Dsp, Srgn, Sox6, Grip1, Cpa3
Hdc, Cma1, Lgals3, Tpsb2, mt-Cytb, Calm4, mt-Atp6, Fcer1g, Bmpr1b, S100a14
PC_ 2
Positive: Krt14, Krt15, Krt1, Krt5, Ly6d, Krt10, Lgals7, Stfa3, Cstdc5, Krt17
Krtdap, Perp, Dmkn, Sfn, Dsp, Grip1, Fabp5, Sox6, Stfa1, Calm4
Cxcl14, S100a14, Bmpr1b, Fras1, Fgfbp1, Ptma, Tspear, Trp63, Dsc3, Serpinb5
Negative: Srgn, Fcer1g, Hdc, Cpa3, Cma1, Tpsb2, Serpinb1a, Tyrobp, Plek, Slc6a4
Csf2rb, Cxcl2, Gata2, Fxyd5, Mcpt4, C1qb, Calca, Slco2b1, Mrc1, Cd14
Cyp11a1, Pf4, C1qc, Slc18a2, C1qa, F13a1, Ccl7, Otulinl, Ccl4, Rac2
PC_ 3
Positive: C1qb, Pf4, Mrc1, C1qc, C1qa, F13a1, Cxcl2, Cd14, Ccl12, Cd86
Ccl4, C5ar1, Il1b, Csf1r, Apoe, Ccl7, Ccl3, Slfn2, Lyz2, Fcrls
Lyve1, Selenop, Aoah, Ptprj, Ifi207, Nlrp3, Cd83, Hmox1, Ms4a6c, Ms4a7
Negative: Cpa3, Cma1, Hdc, Tpsb2, Serpinb1a, Slc6a4, Gata2, Srgn, Csf2rb, Calca
Mcpt4, Cyp11a1, Slc18a2, Hs6st2, Rab27b, Itk, Slco2b1, Hs3st1, Fdx1, Il13
Otulinl, St6galnac3, Il4, Il1rl1, Fxyd5, Ctla2a, Mrgprb1, Csf2, Edil3, Adora3
PC_ 4
Positive: Krt1, Krt10, Ly6d, Stfa3, Cstdc5, Krtdap, Col1a1, Col1a2, Stfa1, Lgals7
Tnfaip6, Krt15, Dlk1, Perp, Fabp5, Dmkn, Lgals3, Krt14, Col3a1, Cxcl2
Krt5, Npl, Sfn, Itm2a, Cxcl1, Mfap4, Dsp, Dsg1a, Calm4, Krt16
Negative: Dct, Pmel, Ptgds, Tyr, Cpne4, Trps1, Pax3, Chsy3, Fmn1, Mlana
Pde3a, Ednrb, Col23a1, Rarb, Robo2, Acta2, Ebf1, Aff3, Rgs5, Fstl4
Synpr, Ptprj, Prex2, Sobp, Ctnna3, Myh11, Myl9, Syt4, Tagln, Mcoln3
PC_ 5
Positive: Dlk1, Dct, Pmel, Ptgds, Tyr, Itm2a, Mest, Cpne4, Chsy3, Mfap4
Pax3, Nrk, Cdkn1c, Clec3b, Aspn, Postn, Mfap5, Fmn1, Acta2, Tmeff2
Mlana, Igfbp7, Dpysl3, Col14a1, Ednrb, Krt1, Rgs5, Igf2, Krt10, Myh11
Negative: Gm32647, Robo2, Trps1, Col3a1, Col1a1, Egfl6, Cntn4, Cxcl2, Col1a2, Lum
Wif1, Slit3, Twist2, Ccl2, Grem2, Tmem132c, Tnc, Col23a1, Zfp536, Lsamp
Twist1, Cped1, Rspo3, Lgals1, St6galnac3, Cntn5, Itih5, Pth1r, Hecw2, Crabp1
pbmc2 <- RunUMAP(pbmc2, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
16:42:27 UMAP embedding parameters a = 0.9922 b = 1.112
Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'spam'
Also defined by ‘BiocGenerics’
16:42:27 Read 8924 rows and found 30 numeric columns
16:42:27 Using Annoy for neighbor search, n_neighbors = 30
Found more than one class "dist" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'spam'
Also defined by ‘BiocGenerics’
16:42:27 Building Annoy index with metric = cosine, n_trees = 50
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
16:42:27 Writing NN index file to temp file /var/folders/r7/psn_5h9s3ql986wjn3b1sxj90yv6n8/T//RtmpQyNO0H/file147d26795f1c8
16:42:27 Searching Annoy index using 1 thread, search_k = 3000
16:42:29 Annoy recall = 100%
16:42:29 Commencing smooth kNN distance calibration using 1 thread with target n_neighbors = 30
16:42:30 Initializing from normalized Laplacian + noise (using RSpectra)
16:42:30 Commencing optimization for 500 epochs, with 351934 positive edges
Using method 'umap'
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
16:42:38 Optimization finished
pbmc2 <- FindNeighbors(pbmc2, dims = 1:30, verbose = T)
Computing nearest neighbor graph
Computing SNN
pbmc2 <- FindClusters(pbmc2, verbose = T)
Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck

Number of nodes: 8924
Number of edges: 274391

Running Louvain algorithm...
0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%
Maximum modularity in 10 random starts: 0.9218
Number of communities: 25
Elapsed time: 0 seconds

Plot1 <- DimPlot(pbmc, label = TRUE) + ggtitle("With MT and CC Regression")
Plot2 <- DimPlot(pbmc2, label = TRUE) + ggtitle("Without MT and CC Regression")
Plot1 + Plot2
[1] TRUE

# insert reproducible example here






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