Painless E2E Automation for Mobile and Web
Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at Very Good Ventures 🦄
Flutter-first UI testing framework. Ready for action!
⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Flutter.
Realtek RTL88x2BU WiFi USB Driver for Linux
Dynamics and Domain Randomized Gait Modulation with Bezier Curves for Sim-to-Real Legged Locomotion.
Adafruit CircuitPython driver for PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED & servo driver chip.
This is a collection of ROS 2 nodes for my spot micro. I run ROS 2 on the Jetson Nano in a docker container so this repo also contains a Dockerfile to run the code.
Automatic Marlin builds for the Ender-3 with the stock creality 4.2.2 board
criskurtin / Marlin
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinMarlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. | Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for yo…
Ready to use firmware - binary file - for Ender 3 upgraded with BLTouch and SKR MINI E3 v1.2
A Java library used to read and extract data from NFC EMV credit cards (Android/PCSC).
Game Agent Framework. Helping you create AIs / Bots that learn to play any game you own!
Code for Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, 2nd edition.
💰 Cryptocurrency Trading Bot for Binance (Experimental)
Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
TensorForce Bitcoin Trading Bot
A stock trading bot that uses machine learning to make price predictions.
Flutter Version Management: A simple CLI to manage Flutter SDK versions.
Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.
Watch streaming media with friends.
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
Flutter Gallery was a resource to help developers evaluate and use Flutter
Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
Breakpoint - A Flutter plugin to calculate the material design breakpoints. Maintainer: @rodydavis