Mustard T.V.
- South Africa
- ingozigames.com
- @rumnizzle
skin-shader Public
Realistic skin shader for FPS games & more
global-wetness Public
Efficiently simulate wetness in Unity scenes with optimal performance using Material Property Blocks.
mesh-editor Public
Simple Unity mesh editor for removing unwanted faces and parts of a mesh directly from the scene view.
prefab-painter Public
Unity editor script for easy placement of prefabs and other scene elements.
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2024 -
mesh-statistics Public
Unity mesh analysis tool to determine which meshes in your scene require optimization.
lod-checker Public
A Unity Editor tool to detect and highlight LOD groups with misaligned child transforms.
alpha-texture Public
A custom Unity shader that enables physically-based rendering with a separate alpha texture for precise control over transparency, supporting albedo, metallic, smoothness, and normal maps.
unused-tag-cleaner Public
A Unity Editor script that identifies and allows removal of unused tags across all scenes and scripts in a Unity project.
steam-leaderboards Public
System for using Steamworks.NET leaderboards in Unity.
terrain-optimization Public
The `AdjustTerrainDetail` script is a utility for Unity that automatically adjusts the terrain detail and quality settings based on the player's position. The script is designed to work with multip…
string-finder Public
A Unity Editor tool to find and replace serialized strings in the scene.
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2024 -
tension-music Public
Music manager for Unity, handling transitions between normal, tension, danger, and death states.
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2024 -
audio-haptics Public
Unity gamepad haptics from audio frequencies using the new input system.
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 1, 2024 -
coastline-tool Public
Terrain coastline procedural tool for Unity.
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 1, 2024 -
double-sided Public
Custom Unity shader rendering both sides of geometry.
anything-trigger Public
Simple Unity C# script for game trigger configuration in Unity without the need for code.
steam-launch-options Public
Passing information to a Unity C# game via Steam launch option command line arguments.
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 12, 2024 -
lod-group-creator Public
Automatic LOD Group Prefab creator for Unity mesh groups.
gameobject-replacer Public
Unity editor window script to assist in mass replacing prefabs and game objects.
reference-finder Public
Unity Editor tool to find script references in prefabs and scenes with autocomplete search.
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 20, 2024 -
random-blinking Public
Simple script to facilitate blinking on a skinned mesh character using blendshapes.
C# UpdatedApr 5, 2024 -
endless-expanse Public
A Unity shader for creating an infinite white space with a seamless horizon.
grass-manager Public
An all in one procedural grass painter tool for Unity terrains.
adaptive-music Public
Simple C# adaptive music system for Unity
dissolve-shader Public
Simple shader and script system for dissolving meshes at runtime in Unity
optimization-volume Public
Unity script that optimizes performance by controlling the activation and deactivation of a group of GameObject items based on the player's proximity to a trigger volume.
cheat-codes Public
Simple example of how to implement cheat codes in a Unity game.
material-usage Public
An editor extension for identifying and optimizing underutilized materials in Unity scenes.
frozen-shader Public
Frozen ice shader with interpolation and example C# script for freezing enemies and objects in a Unity game.