replay api data from udl
- run
gradlew build
. The built jar will be in ./build/libs
- run
java -jar <jar filename> [arguments]
replay -h hostAddress -d queryFileDirectory [-u username -p password] [-a authString] [-s playback_speed] [-?]
hostAddress the address of the Rest endpoints.
queryFileDirectory The directory that contains the json data to push to the api
username,password The username and password for authorization for the api endpoints
authString The encoded authstring for the authorization. Can be used in place
of the username/password pair
playbackSpeed The initial playback speed of the replayed data
-? This usage message
Sample usage:
java -jar replay.jar -h -d "./data/" -u fakeUser -p fakePassword
java -jar replay.jar -h -d "./data/" -a "Basic bG9uZy51c2VybmFtZTpQQCQkdzBSZDEyMy4uNw==" -s 20