First generate the ApiReplay jar and move it.
mvn package
cp ./target/replay_maven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar ./replay.jar
Also set up your ./data/ directory to be copied into the container.
Build the docker image with
docker build . -t apireplay
Run the image with
docker run -p 7022:22 -d --name apireplayctnr apireplay
The above binds port 7022 to the container's port 22.
You can SSH into the container with
ssh replay@localhost -p 7022
Use the password "replay".
You should then be able to run the jar using the following
java -jar ./replay.jar -h <HOST> -d "./data/" -u fakeUser -p fakePassword
Without adding any more networking, your host should be addressable as, eg.
java -jar ./replay.jar -h -d "./data/" -u fakeUser -p fakePassword