Portfolio Public
A full-stack portfolio for developers featuring admin login, customizable design, and user-friendly content management. Built with Next.js, React.js, TailwindCSS, Aeternity UI, Cloudinary, MongoDB,…
wmorocco Public
Wonderful Morocco, a Booking web application when you can find and explore hotels, cabins and more and also with a good price and low fee of reservations, using Nextjs 14, tailwindcss, mongoDB and …
automated-git-committer Public
Automated Git Committer: A Node.js script for automating random commits using simple-git and moment.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 2, 2024 -
Boombers Public
SMS/Email/Whatsapp/Twitter/Instagram bombers Collection 💣💣. Also added collection of some Fake SMS utilities which helps in skip phone number based SMS verification by using a temporary phone numbe…
Blog Public
Our simple yet powerful platform allows users to effortlessly publish their articles and dive into a world of diverse perspectives. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, share you…
PHP MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2024 -
portfolio-developers Public
A web application that showcases GitHub users' portfolios by aggregating their repositories, profile information, and social media links. Users can search for their GitHub profile by username and v…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2024 -
Activity-Bot Public
Rick's Activities have a Command's Bot (Discord), and it's the utility bot, gameses, music 24/7 for free, reaction roles & Actviti as a Command's to make Discord Server Wondeful. Made by SN E KY#68…
Slime-Shooter Public
Take control of a courageous character armed with a powerful gun, battling hordes of slimy enemies. As you progress, brace yourself for increasing waves of foes and escalating challenges. Adapt and…
aroscka Public
Transform your phone into a personalized masterpiece with our innovative website! Our platform empowers you to customize pictures seamlessly onto phone cases, adding a touch of your personality to …
InstaReport Public
Automate Instagram user reporting with this Python script. Easily report users for violating community guidelines using your own credentials and specified user IDs.
blog-laravel Public
Our simple yet powerful platform allows users to effortlessly publish their articles and dive into a world of diverse perspectives. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, share your…
cyborg Public
streamer platform and games store in the same time hh
IP-Tracer-v3.0.2 Public
Track any ip address with IP-Tracer. IP-Tracer v3.0.2 is developed for Linux and Termux. you can retrieve any ip address information using IP-Tracer.
Pixel-True Public
an Educational app for android and ios, have an comunity, training, alarms and a good design, it's on test(not complete) but i'll complete it in the next days, Developed and designed by @reblox01
TypeScript UpdatedJun 19, 2023 -
morse-decoder Public
Not only translates Morse code into text and vice versa but also features audio playback for seamless decoding. Dive into the world of communication history or sharpen your skills with practical ap…
AnotherSMSBomber Public
Clean, small and powerful SMS bomber script.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 23, 2023 -
Kumpulan-Script-Termux Public
DarkFly-Tool Public
DarkFly tool V.4.0 is an installation tool for installing tools. this tool makes it easy for you. so you don't need to type git clone or look for the github repository.
sohailkoutari.github.io Public
Project. a personnal project created by Sohail koutari
HTML UpdatedJan 12, 2023 -