Working on something..
Full Stack Web Developer | Building dynamic web apps with React, NextJs, Node.js and more | Passionate about problem-solving and collaboration | Also py & shell
AstraDev Team
AstraDev is a Morocco-based startup specializing in scalable web app development, fueling social media growth, and crafting UI/UX that converts.
Theodorus Clarence
I work with React Ecosystem, and write to teach people how to rebuild and redefine fundamental concepts through mental models.
@dimensionhq Indonesia
Sindre Sorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
Abdelkarim Mouchquelita
i'm Abdelkarim Mouchquelita i'm 20, Python Ninja, CTF Player and I Break Into Machines When They Refuse to Have A Peaceful Conversation.
U7P4L x C0D3R
| Web Devloper | Python Progammer | Cyber Security Expart | Bug Hunter |Reverse Engineer |
Anonymous United States
Mohamed Asif
Full Stack Developer | DevOps | GSSoC' 23 | 1x AWS | 1x GCP | 1x Azure
Coimbatore, India
Shadow Hacker
Shadow Hacker
شادو هكر Shadow Hacker أفضل موقع عربي لتعليم أمن المعلومات الأخلاقي بطريقة الصحيحة والربح من الأنترنت وكورسات مجانية وبلعربي وتعلم أسرار الذكاء
Shadow Hacker jordan
Piyush Patil
Hey There!. Myself Piyush Patil, a Computer Science Student. I am a Full Stack MERN / NextJS Developer.
Piyush Codes Mumbai, Maharashtra