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feat: GuessLex: print inferred termination argument (leanprover#3012)
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    set_option showInferredTerminationBy true

this prints a message like

    Inferred termination argument:
      ackermann n m => (sizeOf n, sizeOf m)

it tries hard to use names that

 * match the names that the user used, if present
 * have no daggers (so that it can be copied)
 * do not shadow each other
 * do not shadow anything from the environment (just to be nice)

it does so by appending sufficient `'` to the name.

Some of the emitted `sizeOf` calls are unnecessary, but they are needed
sometimes with dependent parameters. A follow-up PR will not emit them
for non-dependent arguments, so that in most cases the output is pretty.

Somewhen down the road we also want a code action, maybe triggered by
`termination_by?`. This should come after leanprover#2921, as that simplifies that
feature (no need to merge termination arguments from different cliques
for example.)
  • Loading branch information
nomeata authored Dec 5, 2023
1 parent 17825bf commit d6c81f8
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Showing 8 changed files with 137 additions and 9 deletions.
39 changes: 31 additions & 8 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/WF/GuessLex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,23 +66,39 @@ open Lean Meta Elab

namespace Lean.Elab.WF.GuessLex

register_builtin_option showInferredTerminationBy : Bool := {
defValue := false
descr := "In recursive definitions, show the inferred `termination_by` measure."

Given a predefinition, find good variable names for its parameters.
Use user-given parameter names if present; use x1...xn otherwise.
The length of the returned array is also used to determine the arity
of the function, so it should match what `packDomain` does.
The names ought to accessible (no macro scopes) and still fresh wrt to the current environment,
so that with `showInferredTerminationBy` we can print them to the user reliably.
We do that by appending `'` as needed.
def naryVarNames (fixedPrefixSize : Nat) (preDef : PreDefinition) : MetaM (Array Name):= do
lambdaTelescope preDef.value fun xs _ => do
let xs := xs.extract fixedPrefixSize xs.size
let mut ns := #[]
let mut ns : Array Name := #[]
for h : i in [:xs.size] do
let n ← (xs[i]'h.2).fvarId!.getUserName
if n.hasMacroScopes then
ns := ns.push (← mkFreshUserName (.mkSimple s!"x{i+1}"))
ns := ns.push n
let n := if n.hasMacroScopes then .mkSimple s!"x{i+1}" else n
ns := ns.push (← freshen ns n)
return ns
freshen (ns : Array Name) (n : Name): MetaM Name := do
if !(ns.elem n) && (← resolveGlobalName n).isEmpty then
return n
freshen ns (n.appendAfter "'")

/-- Internal monad used by `withRecApps` -/
abbrev M (recFnName : Name) (α β : Type) : Type :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,15 +553,14 @@ def buildTermWF (declNames : Array Name) (varNamess : Array (Array Name))
for h : funIdx in [:varNamess.size] do
let vars := (varNamess[funIdx]'h.2).map mkIdent
let body ← mkTupleSyntax (← measures.mapM fun
| .args varIdxs =>
| .args varIdxs => do
let v := vars.get! (varIdxs[funIdx]!)
let sizeOfIdent := mkIdent ``sizeOf
let sizeOfIdent := mkIdent (← unresolveNameGlobal ``sizeOf)
`($sizeOfIdent $v)
| .func funIdx' => if funIdx' == funIdx then `(1) else `(0)
let declName := declNames[funIdx]!

trace[] "Using termination {declName}: {vars} => {body}"
termByElements := termByElements.push
{ ref := .missing
declName, vars, body,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,6 +703,14 @@ def guessLex (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (unaryPreDef : PreDefinition)
match ← liftMetaM <| solve measures callMatrix with
| .some solution => do
let wf ← buildTermWF ( (·.declName)) varNamess solution

let wfStx ← withoutModifyingState do
preDefs.forM (addAsAxiom ·)

if showInferredTerminationBy.get (← getOptions) then
logInfo m!"Inferred termination argument:{wfStx}"

return wf
| .none =>
let explanation ← explainFailure ( (·.declName)) varNamess rcs
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/WF/TerminationHint.lean
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Expand Up @@ -186,6 +186,17 @@ def expandTerminationBy (hint? : Option Syntax) (cliques : Array (Array Name)) :
return TerminationBy.core TerminationHint.none

open Parser.Command in
def TerminationWF.unexpand : TerminationWF → MetaM Syntax
| .ext elements => do
let elementStxs ← elements.mapM fun element => do
let fn : Ident := mkIdent (← unresolveNameGlobal element.declName)
let body : Term := ⟨element.body⟩
let vars : Array Ident :=
`(terminationByElement|$fn $vars* => $body)
`(terminationBy|termination_by $elementStxs*)
| .core _ => unreachable! -- we don't synthetize termination_by' syntax

def TerminationBy.markAsUsed (t : TerminationBy) (cliqueNames : Array Name) : TerminationBy :=
match t with
| core hint => core (hint.markAsUsed cliqueNames)
Expand Down
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion tests/lean/run/guessLex.lean → tests/lean/guessLex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ When writing tests for GuesLex, keep in mind that it doesn't do anything
when there is only one plausible measure (one function, only one varying argument).

set_option showInferredTerminationBy true

def ackermann (n m : Nat) := match n, m with
| 0, m => m + 1
| .succ n, 0 => ackermann n 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,7 +97,6 @@ def dependent : (n : Nat) → (m : Fin n) → Nat
| .succ (.succ n), ⟨.succ m, h⟩ =>
dependent (.succ (.succ n)) ⟨m, Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt (Nat.le_succ _) h⟩

-- An example based on a real world problem, condensed by Leo
inductive Expr where
| add (a b : Expr)
Expand All @@ -111,3 +112,33 @@ def eval_add (a : Expr × Expr) : Nat :=
match a with
| (x, y) => eval x + eval y

namespace VarNames

/-! Test that varnames are inferred nicely. -/

def shadow1 (x2 : Nat) : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 0
| .succ n => shadow1 (x2 + 1) n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

def some_n : Nat := 1
def shadow2 (some_n : Nat) : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 0
| .succ n => shadow2 (some_n + 1) n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

def shadow3 (sizeOf : Nat) : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 0
| .succ n => shadow3 (sizeOf + 1) n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

def sizeOf : Nat := 2 -- should cause sizeOf to be qualfied below

def qualifiedSizeOf (m : Nat) : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 0
| .succ n => qualifiedSizeOf (m + 1) n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

end VarNames
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/guessLex.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Inferred termination argument:
ackermann n m => (sizeOf n, sizeOf m)
Inferred termination argument:
ackermann2 n m => (sizeOf m, sizeOf n)
Inferred termination argument:
ackermannList n m => (sizeOf n, sizeOf m)
Inferred termination argument:
foo2 x1 x2 => (sizeOf x2, sizeOf x1)
Inferred termination argument:
even x1 => sizeOf x1
odd x1 => sizeOf x1
Inferred termination argument:
evenWithFixed x1 => sizeOf x1
oddWithFixed x1 => sizeOf x1
Inferred termination argument:
ping.pong x1 => (sizeOf x1, 0)
ping n => (sizeOf n, 1)
Inferred termination argument:
hasForbiddenArg n _h m => (sizeOf m, sizeOf n)
Inferred termination argument:
blowup x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 =>
(sizeOf x8, sizeOf x7, sizeOf x6, sizeOf x5, sizeOf x4, sizeOf x3, sizeOf x2, sizeOf x1)
Inferred termination argument:
dependent x1 x2 => (sizeOf x1, sizeOf x2)
Inferred termination argument:
eval a => (sizeOf a, 1)
eval_add a => (sizeOf a, 0)
Inferred termination argument:
shadow1 x2 x2' => sizeOf x2'
Inferred termination argument:
shadow2 some_n' x2 => sizeOf x2
Inferred termination argument:
shadow3 sizeOf' x2 => sizeOf x2
Inferred termination argument:
qualifiedSizeOf m x2 => SizeOf.sizeOf x2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ gets smaller. This needs a backtracking proof search, it seems, which we build h

set_option showInferredTerminationBy true

macro_rules | `(tactic| decreasing_trivial) =>
`(tactic| apply Nat.le_refl)
macro_rules | `(tactic| decreasing_trivial) =>
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/guessLexTricky.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Inferred termination argument:
prod x y z => (sizeOf y, 1, 0)
oprod x y z => (sizeOf y, 0, 1)
eprod x y z => (sizeOf y, 0, 0)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Isabelle/HOL” by Lukas Bulwahn, Alexander Krauss, and Tobias Nipkow,
Works out of the box!

set_option showInferredTerminationBy true

def pedal : Nat → Nat → Nat → Nat
| 0, _m, c => c
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/guessLexTricky2.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Inferred termination argument:
pedal x1 x2 x3 => (sizeOf x1, sizeOf x2, 0)
coast x1 x2 x3 => (sizeOf x1, sizeOf x2, 1)

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