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feat: GuessLex: if no measure is found, explain why (leanprover#2960)
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by showing the matrix of calls and measures, and what we know about that
call (=, <, ≤, ?), e.g.

guessLexFailures.lean:27:0-33:31: error: Could not find a decreasing
    The arguments relate at each recursive call as follows:
(<, ≤, =: relation proved, ? all proofs failed, _: no proof attempted)
               x1 x2 x3
    1) 29:6-25  =  =  =
    2) 30:6-23  =  ?  <
    3) 31:6-23  <  _  _
    Please use `termination_by` to specify a decreasing measure

It’s a bit more verbose for mutual functions.

It will use the user-specified argument names for functions written
foo (n : Nat) := …
but not with pattern matching like
foo : Nat → … 
  | n => …
This can be refined later and separately (and maybe right away in
  • Loading branch information
nomeata authored Dec 5, 2023
1 parent 9290b49 commit 17825bf
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Showing 5 changed files with 404 additions and 62 deletions.
194 changes: 146 additions & 48 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/WF/GuessLex.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ def {α} (slc : SavedLocalContext) (k : MetaM α) :
/-- A `RecCallWithContext` focuses on a single recursive call in a unary predefinition,
and runs the given action in the context of that call. -/
structure RecCallWithContext where
/-- Syntax location of reursive call -/
ref : Syntax
/-- Function index of caller -/
caller : Nat
/-- Parameters of caller -/
Expand All @@ -218,9 +220,9 @@ structure RecCallWithContext where
ctxt : SavedLocalContext

/-- Store the current recursive call and its context. -/
def RecCallWithContext.create (caller : Nat) (params : Array Expr) (callee : Nat) (args : Array Expr) :
MetaM RecCallWithContext := do
return { caller, params, callee, args, ctxt := (← SavedLocalContext.create) }
def RecCallWithContext.create (ref : Syntax) (caller : Nat) (params : Array Expr) (callee : Nat)
(args : Array Expr) : MetaM RecCallWithContext := do
return { ref, caller, params, callee, args, ctxt := (← SavedLocalContext.create) }

/-- Given the packed argument of a (possibly) mutual and (possibly) nary call,
return the function index that is called and the arguments individually.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,18 +275,21 @@ def collectRecCalls (unaryPreDef : PreDefinition) (fixedPrefixSize : Nat) (ariti
let arg := args[fixedPrefixSize]!
let (caller, params) ← unpackArg arities param
let (callee, args) ← unpackArg arities arg
RecCallWithContext.create caller params callee args
RecCallWithContext.create (← getRef) caller params callee args

/-- A `GuessLexRel` described how a recursive call affects a measure; whether it
decreases strictly, non-strictly, is equal, or else. -/
inductive GuessLexRel | lt | eq | le | no_idea
deriving Repr, DecidableEq

instance : ToString GuessLexRel where
toString | .lt => "<"
| .eq => "="
| .le => "≤"
| .no_idea => "?"

instance : ToFormat GuessLexRel where
format | .lt => "<"
| .eq => "="
| .le => "≤"
| .no_idea => "?"
format r := toString r

/-- Given a `GuessLexRel`, produce a binary `Expr` that relates two `Nat` values accordingly. -/
def GuessLexRel.toNatRel : GuessLexRel → Expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,16 +375,13 @@ def RecCallCache.eval (rc: RecCallCache) (paramIdx argIdx : Nat) : MetaM GuessLe
rc.cache.modify (·.modify paramIdx (·.set! argIdx res))
return res

/-- Pretty-print the cache entries -/
def RecCallCache.pretty (rc : RecCallCache) : IO Format := do
let mut r := Format.nil
let d ← rc.cache.get
for h₁ : paramIdx in [:d.size] do
for h₂ : argIdx in [:(d[paramIdx]'h₁.2).size] do
if let .some entry := (d[paramIdx]'h₁.2)[argIdx]'h₂.2 then
r := r ++
f!"(Param {paramIdx}, arg {argIdx}): {entry}" ++ Format.line
return r

/-- Print a single cache entry as a string, without forcing it -/
def RecCallCache.prettyEntry (rcc : RecCallCache) (paramIdx argIdx : Nat) : MetaM String := do
let cachedEntries ← rcc.cache.get
return match cachedEntries[paramIdx]![argIdx]! with
| .some rel => toString rel
| .none => "_"

/-- The measures that we order lexicographically can be comparing arguments,
or numbering the functions -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -551,6 +553,103 @@ def buildTermWF (declNames : Array Name) (varNamess : Array (Array Name))
return .ext termByElements

Given a matrix (row-major) of strings, arranges them in tabular form.
First column is left-aligned, others right-aligned.
Single space as column separator.
def formatTable : Array (Array String) → String := fun xss => do
let mut colWidths := xss[0]!.map (fun _ => 0)
for i in [:xss.size] do
for j in [:xss[i]!.size] do
if xss[i]![j]!.length > colWidths[j]! then
colWidths := colWidths.set! j xss[i]![j]!.length
let mut str := ""
for i in [:xss.size] do
for j in [:xss[i]!.size] do
let s := xss[i]![j]!
if j > 0 then -- right-align
for _ in [:colWidths[j]! - s.length] do
str := str ++ " "
str := str ++ s
if j = 0 then -- left-align
for _ in [:colWidths[j]! - s.length] do
str := str ++ " "
if j + 1 < xss[i]!.size then
str := str ++ " "
if i + 1 < xss.size then
str := str ++ "\n"
return str

/-- Concise textual representation of the source location of a recursive call -/
def RecCallWithContext.posString (rcc : RecCallWithContext) : MetaM String := do
let fileMap ← getFileMap
let .some pos := rcc.ref.getPos? | return ""
let position := fileMap.toPosition pos
let endPosStr := match rcc.ref.getTailPos? with
| some endPos =>
let endPosition := fileMap.toPosition endPos
if endPosition.line = position.line then
| none => ""
return s!"{position.line}:{position.column}{endPosStr}"

/-- Explain what we found out about the recursive calls (non-mutual case) -/
def explainNonMutualFailure (varNames : Array Name) (rcs : Array RecCallCache) : MetaM Format := do
let header := (·.eraseMacroScopes.toString)
let mut table : Array (Array String) := #[#[""] ++ header]
for i in [:rcs.size], rc in rcs do
let mut row := #[s!"{i+1}) {← rc.rcc.posString}"]
for argIdx in [:varNames.size] do
row := row.push (← rc.prettyEntry argIdx argIdx)
table := table.push row

return formatTable table

/-- Explain what we found out about the recursive calls (mutual case) -/
def explainMutualFailure (declNames : Array Name) (varNamess : Array (Array Name))
(rcs : Array RecCallCache) : MetaM Format := do
let mut r := Format.nil

for rc in rcs do
let caller := rc.rcc.caller
let callee := rc.rcc.callee
r := r ++ f!"Call from {declNames[caller]!} to {declNames[callee]!} " ++
f!"at {← rc.rcc.posString}:\n"

let header := varNamess[caller]!.map (·.eraseMacroScopes.toString)
let mut table : Array (Array String) := #[#[""] ++ header]
if caller = callee then
-- For self-calls, only the diagonal is interesting, so put it into one row
let mut row := #[""]
for argIdx in [:varNamess[caller]!.size] do
row := row.push (← rc.prettyEntry argIdx argIdx)
table := table.push row
for argIdx in [:varNamess[callee]!.size] do
let mut row := #[]
row := row.push varNamess[callee]![argIdx]!.eraseMacroScopes.toString
for paramIdx in [:varNamess[caller]!.size] do
row := row.push (← rc.prettyEntry paramIdx argIdx)
table := table.push row
r := r ++ formatTable table ++ "\n"

return r

def explainFailure (declNames : Array Name) (varNamess : Array (Array Name))
(rcs : Array RecCallCache) : MetaM Format := do
let mut r : Format := "The arguments relate at each recursive call as follows:\n" ++
"(<, ≤, =: relation proved, ? all proofs failed, _: no proof attempted)\n"
if declNames.size = 1 then
r := r ++ (← explainNonMutualFailure varNamess[0]! rcs)
r := r ++ (← explainMutualFailure declNames varNamess rcs)
return r

end Lean.Elab.WF.GuessLex

namespace Lean.Elab.WF
Expand All @@ -566,33 +665,32 @@ terminates. See the module doc string for a high-level overview.
def guessLex (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (unaryPreDef : PreDefinition)
(fixedPrefixSize : Nat) (decrTactic? : Option Syntax) :
MetaM TerminationWF := do
let varNamess ← preDefs.mapM (naryVarNames fixedPrefixSize ·)
let arities := (·.size)
trace[] "varNames is: {varNamess}"

let forbiddenArgs ← preDefs.mapM fun preDef =>
getForbiddenByTrivialSizeOf fixedPrefixSize preDef

-- The list of measures, including the measures that order functions.
-- The function ordering measures come last
let measures ← generateMeasures forbiddenArgs arities

-- If there is only one plausible measure, use that
if let #[solution] := measures then
return ← buildTermWF ( (·.declName)) varNamess #[solution]

-- Collect all recursive calls and extract their context
let recCalls ← collectRecCalls unaryPreDef fixedPrefixSize arities
let rcs ← recCalls.mapM ( decrTactic? ·)
let callMatrix := (inspectCall ·)

match ← liftMetaM <| solve measures callMatrix with
| .some solution => do
let wf ← buildTermWF ( (·.declName)) varNamess solution
return wf
| .none => throwError "Cannot find a decreasing lexicographic order"
catch _ =>
-- Hide all errors from guessing lexicographic orderings, as before
-- Future work: explain the failure to the user, like Isabelle does
throwError "failed to prove termination, use `termination_by` to specify a well-founded relation"
let varNamess ← preDefs.mapM (naryVarNames fixedPrefixSize ·)
let arities := (·.size)
trace[] "varNames is: {varNamess}"

let forbiddenArgs ← preDefs.mapM fun preDef =>
getForbiddenByTrivialSizeOf fixedPrefixSize preDef

-- The list of measures, including the measures that order functions.
-- The function ordering measures come last
let measures ← generateMeasures forbiddenArgs arities

-- If there is only one plausible measure, use that
if let #[solution] := measures then
return ← buildTermWF ( (·.declName)) varNamess #[solution]

-- Collect all recursive calls and extract their context
let recCalls ← collectRecCalls unaryPreDef fixedPrefixSize arities
let rcs ← recCalls.mapM ( decrTactic? ·)
let callMatrix := (inspectCall ·)

match ← liftMetaM <| solve measures callMatrix with
| .some solution => do
let wf ← buildTermWF ( (·.declName)) varNamess solution
return wf
| .none =>
let explanation ← explainFailure ( (·.declName)) varNamess rcs
Lean.throwError <| "Could not find a decreasing measure.\n" ++
explanation ++ "\n" ++
"Please use `termination_by` to specify a decreasing measure."
112 changes: 104 additions & 8 deletions tests/lean/guessLexFailures.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,21 +17,117 @@ def nonTerminating2 : Nat → Nat → Nat
| n, m => nonTerminating2 (.succ n) (.succ m)
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

def noArguments : Nat := noArguments

-- The GuessLex code does not like eta-contracted motives in `casesOn`.
-- At the time of writing, the error message is swallowed
-- When guessing the lexicographic order becomes more verbose this will improve.
def noNonFixedArguments (n : Nat) : Nat := noNonFixedArguments n

def Array.sum (xs : Array Nat) : Nat := xs.foldl (init := 0) Nat.add

namespace InterestingMatrix
def f : (n m l : Nat) → Nat
| n+1, m+1, l+1 => #[
f (n+1) (m+1) (l+1),
f (n+1) (m-1) (l),
f (n) (m+1) (l) ].sum
| _, _, _ => 0
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic
end InterestingMatrix

namespace InterestingMatrixWithForbiddenArguments
def f : (n m : Nat) → (h : True) → Nat → Nat
| n+1, m+1, h, l+1 => #[
f (n+1) (m+1) h (l+1),
f (n+1) (m-1) h (l),
f (n) (m+1) h (l) ].sum
| _, _, _, _ => 0
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic
end InterestingMatrixWithForbiddenArguments

namespace InterestingMatrixWithNames
-- Hopefully eventually lean will pick up names even with pattern match syntax
def f (n m l : Nat) : Nat := match n, m, l with
| n+1, m+1, l+1 => #[
f (n+1) (m+1) (l+1),
f (n+1) (m-1) (l),
f (n) (m+1) (l) ].sum
| _, _, _ => 0
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic
end InterestingMatrixWithNames

namespace Mutual
def f (fixed n m l : Nat) : Nat := match n, m, l with
| n+1, m+1, l+1 => #[
f fixed (n+1) (m+1) (l+1),
f fixed (n+1) (m-1) (l),
g fixed (n) (m+1) trivial (l)].sum
| _, _, _ => 0

def g (fixed n m : Nat) (H : True) (l : Nat) : Nat := match n, m, l with
| n+1, m+1, l+1 => #[
g fixed (m+1) (n+1) H (l+1),
g fixed (m+1) (n-1) H (l),
h fixed (m) (n+1) ].sum
| _, _, _ => 0

def h (fixed : Nat) : (n m : Nat) -> Nat
| n+1, m+1 => #[
f fixed (n+1) (m+1) (n+1),
h fixed (n+1) (m-1),
h fixed (n) (m+1) ].sum
| _, _ => 0
end Mutual

namespace DuplicatedCall

def dup (a : Nat) (b : Nat := a) := a + b

def f : (n m : Nat) → Nat
| 0, m => m
| n+1, m => dup (f (n+2) (m+1))

end DuplicatedCall

namespace TrickyCode

-- These tests run GuessLex on peculiar code that it once stumbled over, or might
-- stumble over in the future.

-- The GuessLex code at some point did not like eta-contracted motives in `casesOn`.
def FinPlus1 n := Fin (n + 1)
def badCasesOn (n m : Nat) : Fin (n + 1) :=
Nat.casesOn (motive := FinPlus1) n (⟨0,Nat.zero_lt_succ _⟩) (fun n => Fin.succ (badCasesOn n (.succ m)))
-- termination_by badCasesOn n m => n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic
-- termination_by badCasesOn n => n

-- Like above, but now with a `casesOn` alternative with insufficient lambdas
def Fin_succ_comp (f : (n : Nat) → Fin (n + 1)) : (n : Nat) → Fin (n + 2) := fun n => Fin.succ (f n)
-- This actually also fails with an explicit termination_by, and could be fixed
-- by eta-expanding the motive.
-- TODO: Fix by using eta-expanding variant of lambdaTelescope, e.g.
def badCasesOn2 (n m : Nat) : Fin (n + 1) :=
Nat.casesOn (motive := FinPlus1) n (⟨0,Nat.zero_lt_succ _⟩) (fun n => Fin.succ (badCasesOn2 n (.succ m)))
termination_by badCasesOn2 n m => n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

-- The GuessLex code at does not like `casesOn` alternative with insufficient lambdas
-- TODO: Fix by using eta-expanding variant of lambdaTelescope, e.g.
def Fin_succ_comp (f : (n : Nat) → Fin (n + 1)) : (n : Nat) → Fin (n + 2) := fun n => Fin.succ (f n)
def badCasesOn3 (n m : Nat) : Fin (n + 1) :=
Nat.casesOn (motive := fun n => Fin (n + 1)) n (⟨0,Nat.zero_lt_succ _⟩)
(Fin_succ_comp (fun n => badCasesOn3 n (.succ m)))
-- termination_by badCasesOn3 n m => n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic

-- Same test, explicit termination_by
def badCasesOn4 (n m : Nat) : Fin (n + 1) :=
Nat.casesOn (motive := fun n => Fin (n + 1)) n (⟨0,Nat.zero_lt_succ _⟩)
(Fin_succ_comp (fun n => badCasesOn2 n (.succ m)))
(Fin_succ_comp (fun n => badCasesOn4 n (.succ m)))
termination_by badCasesOn4 n m => n
decreasing_by decreasing_tactic
-- termination_by badCasesOn2 n => n

end TrickyCode

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