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refactor: generalize some simp methods (leanprover#3088)
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leodemoura authored Dec 18, 2023
1 parent a2226a4 commit 4dd5969
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Showing 3 changed files with 236 additions and 196 deletions.
197 changes: 2 additions & 195 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Simp/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,45 +30,6 @@ def Config.updateArith (c : Config) : CoreM Config := do
return c

def Result.getProof (r : Result) : MetaM Expr := do
match r.proof? with
| some p => return p
| none => mkEqRefl r.expr

Similar to `Result.getProof`, but adds a `mkExpectedTypeHint` if `proof?` is `none`
(i.e., result is definitionally equal to input), but we cannot establish that
`source` and `r.expr` are definitionally when using `TransparencyMode.reducible`. -/
def Result.getProof' (source : Expr) (r : Result) : MetaM Expr := do
match r.proof? with
| some p => return p
| none =>
if (← isDefEq source r.expr) then
mkEqRefl r.expr
/- `source` and `r.expr` must be definitionally equal, but
are not definitionally equal at `TransparencyMode.reducible` -/
mkExpectedTypeHint (← mkEqRefl r.expr) (← mkEq source r.expr)

def mkCongrFun (r : Result) (a : Expr) : MetaM Result :=
match r.proof? with
| none => return { expr := mkApp r.expr a, proof? := none }
| some h => return { expr := mkApp r.expr a, proof? := (← Meta.mkCongrFun h a) }

def mkCongr (r₁ r₂ : Result) : MetaM Result :=
let e := mkApp r₁.expr r₂.expr
match r₁.proof?, r₂.proof? with
| none, none => return { expr := e, proof? := none }
| some h, none => return { expr := e, proof? := (← Meta.mkCongrFun h r₂.expr) }
| none, some h => return { expr := e, proof? := (← Meta.mkCongrArg r₁.expr h) }
| some h₁, some h₂ => return { expr := e, proof? := (← Meta.mkCongr h₁ h₂) }

private def mkImpCongr (src : Expr) (r₁ r₂ : Result) : MetaM Result := do
let e := src.updateForallE! r₁.expr r₂.expr
match r₁.proof?, r₂.proof? with
| none, none => return { expr := e, proof? := none }
| _, _ => return { expr := e, proof? := (← Meta.mkImpCongr (← r₁.getProof) (← r₂.getProof)) } -- TODO specialize if bottleneck

/-- Return true if `e` is of the form `ofNat n` where `n` is a kernel Nat literal -/
def isOfNatNatLit (e : Expr) : Bool :=
e.isAppOfArity ``OfNat.ofNat 3 && e.appFn!.appArg!.isNatLit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,29 +270,6 @@ def getSimpLetCase (n : Name) (t : Expr) (b : Expr) : MetaM SimpLetCase := do
return SimpLetCase.dep

/-- Given the application `e`, remove unnecessary casts of the form `Eq.rec a rfl` and `Eq.ndrec a rfl`. -/
partial def removeUnnecessaryCasts (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let mut args := e.getAppArgs
let mut modified := false
for i in [:args.size] do
let arg := args[i]!
if isDummyEqRec arg then
args := args.set! i (elimDummyEqRec arg)
modified := true
if modified then
return mkAppN e.getAppFn args
return e
isDummyEqRec (e : Expr) : Bool :=
(e.isAppOfArity ``Eq.rec 6 || e.isAppOfArity ``Eq.ndrec 6) && e.appArg!.isAppOf ``Eq.refl

elimDummyEqRec (e : Expr) : Expr :=
if isDummyEqRec e then
elimDummyEqRec e.appFn!.appFn!.appArg!

partial def simp (e : Expr) : M Result := withIncRecDepth do
checkSystem "simp"
let cfg ← getConfig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,22 +361,7 @@ where
return { expr := (← dsimp e) }

congrArgs (r : Result) (args : Array Expr) : M Result := do
if args.isEmpty then
return r
let infos := (← getFunInfoNArgs r.expr args.size).paramInfo
let mut r := r
let mut i := 0
for arg in args do
trace[Debug.Meta.Tactic.simp] "app [{i}] {infos.size} {arg} hasFwdDeps: {infos[i]!.hasFwdDeps}"
if i < infos.size && !infos[i]!.hasFwdDeps then
r ← mkCongr r (← simp arg)
else if (← whnfD (← inferType r.expr)).isArrow then
r ← mkCongr r (← simp arg)
r ← mkCongrFun r (← dsimp arg)
i := i + 1
return r
Simp.congrArgs simp dsimp r args

visitFn (e : Expr) : M Result := do
let f := e.getAppFn
Expand All @@ -454,112 +377,9 @@ where
proof ← Meta.mkCongrFun proof arg
return { expr := eNew, proof? := proof }

mkCongrSimp? (f : Expr) : M (Option CongrTheorem) := do
if f.isConst then if (← isMatcher f.constName!) then
-- We always use simple congruence theorems for auxiliary match applications
return none
let info ← getFunInfo f
let kinds ← getCongrSimpKinds f info
if kinds.all fun k => match k with | CongrArgKind.fixed => true | CongrArgKind.eq => true | _ => false then
/- If all argument kinds are `fixed` or `eq`, then using
simple congruence theorems `congr`, `congrArg`, and `congrFun` produces a more compact proof -/
return none
match (← get).congrCache.find? f with
| some thm? => return thm?
| none =>
let thm? ← mkCongrSimpCore? f info kinds
modify fun s => { s with congrCache := s.congrCache.insert f thm? }
return thm?

/-- Try to use automatically generated congruence theorems. See `mkCongrSimp?`. -/
tryAutoCongrTheorem? (e : Expr) : M (Option Result) := do
let f := e.getAppFn
-- TODO: cache
let some cgrThm ← mkCongrSimp? f | return none
if cgrThm.argKinds.size != e.getAppNumArgs then return none
let mut simplified := false
let mut hasProof := false
let mut hasCast := false
let mut argsNew := #[]
let mut argResults := #[]
let args := e.getAppArgs
for arg in args, kind in cgrThm.argKinds do
match kind with
| CongrArgKind.fixed => argsNew := argsNew.push (← dsimp arg)
| CongrArgKind.cast => hasCast := true; argsNew := argsNew.push arg
| CongrArgKind.subsingletonInst => argsNew := argsNew.push arg
| CongrArgKind.eq =>
let argResult ← simp arg
argResults := argResults.push argResult
argsNew := argsNew.push argResult.expr
if argResult.proof?.isSome then hasProof := true
if arg != argResult.expr then simplified := true
| _ => unreachable!
if !simplified then return some { expr := e }
If `hasProof` is false, we used to return `mkAppN f argsNew` with `proof? := none`.
However, this created a regression when we started using `proof? := none` for `rfl` theorems.
Consider the following goal
m n : Nat
a : Fin n
h₁ : m < n
h₂ : Nat.pred (Nat.succ m) < n
⊢ Fin.succ ( m h₁) = Fin.succ ( m.succ.pred h₂)
The term `m.succ.pred` is simplified to `m` using a `Nat.pred_succ` which is a `rfl` theorem.
The auto generated theorem for `` has casts and if used here at ` m.succ.pred h₂`,
it produces the term ` m (id (Eq.refl m) ▸ h₂)`. The key property here is that the
proof `(id (Eq.refl m) ▸ h₂)` has type `m < n`. If we had just returned `mkAppN f argsNew`,
the resulting term would be ` m h₂` which is type correct, but later we would not be
able to apply `eq_self` to
Fin.succ ( m h₁) = Fin.succ ( m h₂)
because we would not be able to establish that `m < n` and `Nat.pred (Nat.succ m) < n` are definitionally
equal using `TransparencyMode.reducible` (`Nat.pred` is not reducible).
Thus, we decided to return here only if the auto generated congruence theorem does not introduce casts.
if !hasProof && !hasCast then return some { expr := mkAppN f argsNew }
let mut proof := cgrThm.proof
let mut type := cgrThm.type
let mut j := 0 -- index at argResults
let mut subst := #[]
for arg in args, kind in cgrThm.argKinds do
proof := mkApp proof arg
subst := subst.push arg
type := type.bindingBody!
match kind with
| CongrArgKind.fixed => pure ()
| CongrArgKind.cast => pure ()
| CongrArgKind.subsingletonInst =>
let clsNew := type.bindingDomain!.instantiateRev subst
let instNew ← if (← isDefEq (← inferType arg) clsNew) then
pure arg
match (← trySynthInstance clsNew) with
| LOption.some val => pure val
| _ =>
trace[Meta.Tactic.simp.congr] "failed to synthesize instance{indentExpr clsNew}"
return none
proof := mkApp proof instNew
subst := subst.push instNew
type := type.bindingBody!
| CongrArgKind.eq =>
let argResult := argResults[j]!
let argProof ← argResult.getProof' arg
j := j + 1
proof := mkApp2 proof argResult.expr argProof
subst := subst.push argResult.expr |>.push argProof
type := type.bindingBody!.bindingBody!
| _ => unreachable!
let some (_, _, rhs) := type.instantiateRev subst |>.eq? | unreachable!
let rhs ← if hasCast then removeUnnecessaryCasts rhs else pure rhs
if hasProof then
return some { expr := rhs, proof? := proof }
/- See comment above. This is reachable if `hasCast == true`. The `rhs` is not structurally equal to `mkAppN f argsNew` -/
return some { expr := rhs }
Simp.tryAutoCongrTheorem? simp dsimp e

congrDefault (e : Expr) : M Result := do
if let some result ← tryAutoCongrTheorem? e then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -961,19 +781,6 @@ def dsimp (e : Expr) (ctx : Simp.Context)
(usedSimps : UsedSimps := {}) : MetaM (Expr × UsedSimps) := do profileitM Exception "dsimp" (← getOptions) do
Simp.dsimpMain e ctx usedSimps (methods := Simp.DefaultMethods.methods)

Auxiliary method.
Given the current `target` of `mvarId`, apply `r` which is a new target and proof that it is equal to the current one.
def applySimpResultToTarget (mvarId : MVarId) (target : Expr) (r : Simp.Result) : MetaM MVarId := do
match r.proof? with
| some proof => mvarId.replaceTargetEq r.expr proof
| none =>
if target != r.expr then
mvarId.replaceTargetDefEq r.expr
return mvarId

/-- See `simpTarget`. This method assumes `mvarId` is not assigned, and we are already using `mvarId`s local context. -/
def simpTargetCore (mvarId : MVarId) (ctx : Simp.Context) (discharge? : Option Simp.Discharge := none)
(mayCloseGoal := true) (usedSimps : UsedSimps := {}) : MetaM (Option MVarId × UsedSimps) := do
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Simp/Rewrite.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ private def tryTheoremCore (lhs : Expr) (xs : Array Expr) (bis : Array BinderInf
| some { expr := eNew, proof? := some proof, .. } =>
let mut proof := proof
for extraArg in extraArgs do
proof ← mkCongrFun proof extraArg
proof ← Meta.mkCongrFun proof extraArg
if (← hasAssignableMVar eNew) then
trace[Meta.Tactic.simp.rewrite] "{← ppSimpTheorem thm}, resulting expression has unassigned metavariables"
return none
Expand Down

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