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feat: encode let_fun using a letFun function (leanprover#2973)
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Switches from encoding `let_fun` using an annotated `(fun x : t => b) v`
expression to a function application `letFun v (fun x : t => b)`.


Co-authored-by: Sebastian Ullrich <>
  • Loading branch information
kmill and Kha authored Dec 18, 2023
1 parent 62c3e56 commit a2226a4
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Showing 57 changed files with 9,195 additions and 8,846 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Prelude.lean
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Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ example (b : Bool) : Function.const Bool 10 b = 10 :=
@[inline] def Function.const {α : Sort u} (β : Sort v) (a : α) : β → α :=
fun _ => a

The encoding of `let_fun x := v; b` is `letFun v (fun x => b)`.
This is equal to `(fun x => b) v`, so the value of `x` is not accessible to `b`.
This is in contrast to `let x := v; b`, where the value of `x` is accessible to `b`.
There is special support for `letFun`.
Both WHNF and `simp` are aware of `letFun` and can reduce it when zeta reduction is enabled,
despite the fact it is marked `irreducible`.
For metaprogramming, the function `Lean.Expr.letFun?` can be used to recognize a `let_fun` expression
to extract its parts as if it were a `let` expression.
@[irreducible] def letFun {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} (v : α) (f : (x : α) → β x) : β v := f v

set_option checkBinderAnnotations false in
`inferInstance` synthesizes a value of any target type by typeclass
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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions src/Lean/Compiler/LCNF/ToLCNF.lean
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Expand Up @@ -658,7 +658,9 @@ where
visit (f.beta e.getAppArgs)

visitApp (e : Expr) : M Arg := do
if let .const declName _ := e.getAppFn then
if let some (args, n, t, v, b) := e.letFunAppArgs? then
visitCore <| mkAppN (.letE n t v b (nonDep := true)) args
else if let .const declName _ := e.getAppFn then
if declName == ``Quot.lift then
visitQuotLift e
else if declName == `` then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -725,11 +727,8 @@ where
pushElement (.fun funDecl)
return .fvar funDecl.fvarId

visitMData (mdata : MData) (e : Expr) : M Arg := do
if let some (.app (.lam n t b ..) v) := letFunAnnotation? (.mdata mdata e) then
visitLet (.letE n t v b (nonDep := true)) #[]
visit e
visitMData (_mdata : MData) (e : Expr) : M Arg := do
visit e

visitProj (s : Name) (i : Nat) (e : Expr) : M Arg := do
match (← visit e) with
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Binders.lean
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Expand Up @@ -668,12 +668,11 @@ def elabLetDeclAux (id : Syntax) (binders : Array Syntax) (typeStx : Syntax) (va
let body ← instantiateMVars body
mkLetFVars #[x] body (usedLetOnly := usedLetOnly)
let f ← withLocalDecl id.getId (kind := kind) .default type fun x => do
withLocalDecl id.getId (kind := kind) .default type fun x => do
addLocalVarInfo id x
let body ← elabTermEnsuringType body expectedType?
let body ← instantiateMVars body
mkLambdaFVars #[x] body (usedLetOnly := false)
pure <| mkLetFunAnnotation (mkApp f val)
mkLetFun x val body
if elabBodyFirst then
forallBoundedTelescope type binders.size fun xs type => do
-- the original `fvars` from above are gone, so add back info manually
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21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Eqns.lean
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Expand Up @@ -21,16 +21,25 @@ structure EqnInfoCore where
value : Expr
deriving Inhabited

partial def expand : Expr → Expr
| Expr.letE _ _ v b _ => expand (b.instantiate1 v)
| Expr.mdata _ b => expand b
| e => e
Zeta reduces `let` and `let_fun` while consuming metadata.
Returns true if progress is made.
partial def expand (progress : Bool) (e : Expr) : Bool × Expr :=
match e with
| Expr.letE _ _ v b _ => expand true (b.instantiate1 v)
| Expr.mdata _ b => expand true b
| e =>
if let some (_, _, v, b) := e.letFun? then
expand true (b.instantiate1 v)
(progress, e)

def expandRHS? (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Option MVarId) := do
let target ← mvarId.getType'
let some (_, lhs, rhs) := target.eq? | return none
unless rhs.isLet || rhs.isMData do return none
return some (← mvarId.replaceTargetDefEq (← mkEq lhs (expand rhs)))
let (true, rhs') := expand false rhs | return none
return some (← mvarId.replaceTargetDefEq (← mkEq lhs rhs'))

def funext? (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Option MVarId) := do
let target ← mvarId.getType'
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63 changes: 41 additions & 22 deletions src/Lean/Expr.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1653,6 +1653,47 @@ def setAppPPExplicitForExposingMVars (e : Expr) : Expr :=
mkAppN f args |>.setPPExplicit true
| _ => e

Returns true if `e` is a `let_fun` expression, which is an expression of the form `letFun v f`.
Ideally `f` is a lambda, but we do not require that here.
Warning: if the `let_fun` is applied to additional arguments (such as in `(let_fun f := id; id) 1`), this function returns `false`.
def isLetFun (e : Expr) : Bool := e.isAppOfArity ``letFun 4

Recognizes a `let_fun` expression.
For `let_fun n : t := v; b`, returns `some (n, t, v, b)`, which are the first four arguments to `Lean.Expr.letE`.
Warning: if the `let_fun` is applied to additional arguments (such as in `(let_fun f := id; id) 1`), this function returns `none`.
`let_fun` expressions are encoded as `letFun v (fun (n : t) => b)`.
They can be created using `Lean.Meta.mkLetFun`.
If in the encoding of `let_fun` the last argument to `letFun` is eta reduced, this returns `Name.anonymous` for the binder name.
def letFun? (e : Expr) : Option (Name × Expr × Expr × Expr) :=
match e with
| .app (.app (.app (.app (.const ``letFun _) t) _β) v) f =>
match f with
| .lam n _ b _ => some (n, t, v, b)
| _ => some (.anonymous, t, v, .app f (.bvar 0))
| _ => none

Like `Lean.Expr.letFun?`, but handles the case when the `let_fun` expression is possibly applied to additional arguments.
Returns those arguments in addition to the values returned by `letFun?`.
def letFunAppArgs? (e : Expr) : Option (Array Expr × Name × Expr × Expr × Expr) := do
guard <| 4 ≤ e.getAppNumArgs
guard <| e.isAppOf ``letFun
let args := e.getAppArgs
let t := args[0]!
let v := args[2]!
let f := args[3]!
let rest := args.extract 4 args.size
match f with
| .lam n _ b _ => some (rest, n, t, v, b)
| _ => some (rest, .anonymous, t, v, .app f (.bvar 0))

end Expr

Expand All @@ -1670,28 +1711,6 @@ def annotation? (kind : Name) (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=
| .mdata d b => if d.size == 1 && d.getBool kind false then some b else none
| _ => none

Annotate `e` with the `let_fun` annotation. This annotation is used as hint for the delaborator.
If `e` is of the form `(fun x : t => b) v`, then `mkLetFunAnnotation e` is delaborated at
`let_fun x : t := v; b`
def mkLetFunAnnotation (e : Expr) : Expr :=
mkAnnotation `let_fun e

Return `some e'` if `e = mkLetFunAnnotation e'`
def letFunAnnotation? (e : Expr) : Option Expr :=
annotation? `let_fun e

Return true if `e = mkLetFunAnnotation e'`, and `e'` is of the form `(fun x : t => b) v`
def isLetFun (e : Expr) : Bool :=
match letFunAnnotation? e with
| none => false
| some e => e.isApp && e.appFn!.isLambda

Auxiliary annotation used to mark terms marked with the "inaccessible" annotation `.(t)` and
`_` in patterns.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/AppBuilder.lean
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,19 @@ def mkExpectedTypeHint (e : Expr) (expectedType : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let u ← getLevel expectedType
return mkApp2 (mkConst ``id [u]) expectedType e

`mkLetFun x v e` creates the encoding for the `let_fun x := v; e` expression.
The expression `x` can either be a free variable or a metavariable, and the function suitably abstracts `x` in `e`.
def mkLetFun (x : Expr) (v : Expr) (e : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let f ← mkLambdaFVars #[x] e
let ety ← inferType e
let α ← inferType x
let β ← mkLambdaFVars #[x] ety
let u1 ← getLevel α
let u2 ← getLevel ety
return mkAppN (.const ``letFun [u1, u2]) #[α, β, v, f]

/-- Return `a = b`. -/
def mkEq (a b : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
let aType ← inferType a
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12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/Lean/Meta/ExprDefEq.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1491,10 +1491,16 @@ private def isDefEqMVarSelf (mvar : Expr) (args₁ args₂ : Array Expr) : MetaM
pure false

/-- Remove unnecessary let-decls -/
private def consumeLet : Expr → Expr
Removes unnecessary let-decls (both true `let`s and `let_fun`s).
private partial def consumeLet : Expr → Expr
| e@(Expr.letE _ _ _ b _) => if b.hasLooseBVars then e else consumeLet b
| e => e
| e =>
if let some (_, _, _, b) := e.letFun? then
if b.hasLooseBVars then e else consumeLet b


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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/Tactic/Simp/Main.lean
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Expand Up @@ -250,6 +250,9 @@ private partial def reduce (e : Expr) : SimpM Expr := withIncRecDepth do
match (← reduceRecMatcher? e) with
| some e => return (← reduce e)
| none => pure ()
if cfg.zeta then
if let some (args, _, _, v, b) := e.letFunAppArgs? then
return (← reduce <| mkAppN (b.instantiate1 v) args)
match (← unfold? e) with
| some e' =>
trace[Meta.Tactic.simp.rewrite] "unfold {mkConst e.getAppFn.constName!}, {e} ==> {e'}"
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Meta/WHNF.lean
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Expand Up @@ -560,6 +560,10 @@ where
| .const .. => pure e
| .letE _ _ v b _ => if config.zeta then go <| b.instantiate1 v else return e
| .app f .. =>
if config.zeta then
if let some (args, _, _, v, b) := e.letFunAppArgs? then
-- When zeta reducing enabled, always reduce `letFun` no matter the current reducibility level
return (← go <| mkAppN (b.instantiate1 v) args)
let f := f.getAppFn
let f' ← go f
if config.beta && f'.isLambda then
Expand Down
13 changes: 1 addition & 12 deletions src/Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,17 +277,6 @@ end Delaborator
open SubExpr (Pos PosMap)
open Delaborator (OptionsPerPos topDownAnalyze)

/-- Custom version of `Lean.Core.betaReduce` to beta reduce expressions for the `pp.beta` option.
We do not want to beta reduce the application in `let_fun` annotations. -/
private partial def betaReduce' (e : Expr) : CoreM Expr :=
Core.transform e (pre := fun e => do
if isLetFun e then
return .done <| e.updateMData! (.app (← betaReduce' e.mdataExpr!.appFn!) (← betaReduce' e.mdataExpr!.appArg!))
else if e.isHeadBetaTarget then
return .visit e.headBeta
return .continue)

def delabCore (e : Expr) (optionsPerPos : OptionsPerPos := {}) (delab := Delaborator.delab) : MetaM (Term × PosMap Elab.Info) := do
/- Using `erasePatternAnnotations` here is a bit hackish, but we do it
`Expr.mdata` affects the delaborator. TODO: should we fix that? -/
Expand All @@ -302,7 +291,7 @@ def delabCore (e : Expr) (optionsPerPos : OptionsPerPos := {}) (delab := Delabor
catch _ => pure ()
withOptions (fun _ => opts) do
let e ← if getPPInstantiateMVars opts then instantiateMVars e else pure e
let e ← if getPPBeta opts then betaReduce' e else pure e
let e ← if getPPBeta opts then Core.betaReduce e else pure e
let optionsPerPos ←
if !getPPAll opts && getPPAnalyze opts && optionsPerPos.isEmpty then
topDownAnalyze e
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41 changes: 27 additions & 14 deletions src/Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Builtins.lean
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Expand Up @@ -395,19 +395,34 @@ def delabAppMatch : Delab := whenPPOption getPPNotation <| whenPPOption getPPMat
return Syntax.mkApp stx st.moreArgs

Delaborate applications of the form `(fun x => b) v` as `let_fun x := v; b`
Annotation key to use in hack for overapplied `let_fun` notation.
def delabLetFun : Delab := do
let stxV ← withAppArg delab
withAppFn do
let Expr.lam n _ b _ ← getExpr | unreachable!
let n ← getUnusedName n b
let stxB ← withBindingBody n delab
if ← getPPOption getPPLetVarTypes <||> getPPOption getPPAnalysisLetVarType then
let stxT ← withBindingDomain delab
`(let_fun $(mkIdent n) : $stxT := $stxV; $stxB)
`(let_fun $(mkIdent n) := $stxV; $stxB)
def delabLetFunKey : Name := `_delabLetFun

Delaborates applications of the form `letFun v (fun x => b)` as `let_fun x := v; b`.
@[builtin_delab app.letFun]
def delabLetFun : Delab := whenPPOption getPPNotation do
let e ← getExpr
let nargs := e.getAppNumArgs
if 4 < nargs then
-- It's overapplied. Hack: insert metadata around the first four arguments and delaborate again.
-- This will cause the app delaborator to delaborate `(letFun v f) x1 ... xn` with `letFun v f` as the function.
let args := e.getAppArgs
let f := mkAppN e.getAppFn (args.extract 0 4)
let e' := mkAppN (mkAnnotation delabLetFunKey f) (args.extract 4 args.size)
return (← withTheReader SubExpr ({· with expr := e'}) delab)
guard <| e.getAppNumArgs == 4
let Expr.lam n _ b _ := e.appArg! | failure
let n ← getUnusedName n b
let stxV ← withAppFn <| withAppArg delab
let stxB ← withAppArg <| withBindingBody n delab
if ← getPPOption getPPLetVarTypes <||> getPPOption getPPAnalysisLetVarType then
let stxT ← SubExpr.withNaryArg 0 delab
`(let_fun $(mkIdent n) : $stxT := $stxV; $stxB)
`(let_fun $(mkIdent n) := $stxV; $stxB)

@[builtin_delab mdata]
def delabMData : Delab := do
Expand All @@ -417,8 +432,6 @@ def delabMData : Delab := do
`(.($s)) -- We only include the inaccessible annotation when we are delaborating patterns
return s
else if isLetFun (← getExpr) && getPPNotation (← getOptions) then
withMDataExpr <| delabLetFun
else if let some _ := isLHSGoal? (← getExpr) then
withMDataExpr <| withAppFn <| withAppArg <| delab
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion stage0/src/runtime/object.cpp

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