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2019 11 05.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Nov 12, 2019 · 7 revisions
  • Testing:

    • Stampede2: MT: TODO ticket ORNL
    • Comet CPU/GPU: Aymen - TODO PR
    • Bridges (CPU/GPU): IP: ticket XSEDE
    • Summit: HL:
    • Cheyenne: AM: TODO AM: thread mail
  • EnTK:

    • conversion finished
    • missing?
  • Summit v.2

    • TODO SEAN: reproduce Matteo's env
    • TODO HL: keep in sync with Eugene
    • potentially switch to MongoDB/RMQ @ ORNL
  • PR policies

    • always use PRs, prompt reviewers explicitly
    • if no review forthcoming within a week, merge anyway
  • documentation RP:

    • badly outdated
    • PR Python-2 for installation (TODO RP
    • PR Python-3 examples
    • concerted effort for doc update: after Py.3 release
    • TODO AM: how is readthedocs updated
  • documentation RE:

    • TODO HL
  • documentation RS

    • TODO AM
  • TODO AM: Frontera slurm on all subsystems?

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