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2018 02 07

Andre Merzky edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 5 revisions

RCT Links:


  • papers and proposals updates
    • RCT proposal upcoming: April 18th
      • update group pages (src) and rct pages (src)
      • make sure bib files in order, leave master file alone
      • deadline for project snippets: Feb. 21
    • next XRAC proposal: January 15 2019
    • HPDC reviews: be constructive!
    • TODO AM: ticket classification: bugs, features, python, HPC-resources, documentation, test problem
  • release planning
  • Rhea support
    • TODO AM: reconfig/reboot ticket for DTN
    • TODO MT: check @ ORNL F2F
  • TODO JD (Mar. 6?)
    • discussion of provenance and reproducibility
  • projects
    • Iannis: web page/bib updates, conda-forge, cancellation-ticket (Friday), exec overhead
    • Jumana: longer duration units
    • Franklin: Cecilia & BW
    • development:
      • no long running feature branches
      • difficult to fix old releases
    • EnTK:
      • work towards release (issues, tests, ...)
      • remote integration tests to be moved to Jenkins
    • BW:
      • difficult to cater for new bwpy module mode
      • TODO AM, Srinivas
    • Jumana:
      • pipeline / Fifo: testing
    • George:
      • multiple (interconnected) pilots for streaming
    • Iannis:
      • web pages
      • close tickets
    • Manuel:
      • Paper...
      • adaptive MD
    • Srinivas
      • Repex
      • scaling, validation, automation
      • TODO: presentation Feb. 21
    • Andre
      • merges, release prep...

Any Other Business:

  • Summit
  • Python-3 / PyMongo-3
  • branch management
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