🎉 Welcome Outreachy applicants Summer 2022 🎉
Hi! 👋 and welcome to PublicLab 🎈 We are glad to have you here ❤️ . This is a discussion issue for all of you with the mentors. Please say hello in a comment below, so we get to know you. Ask any questions that you might have here and we will be sure to answer them as soon as possible. We do weekly check-ins, where our large community discuss, share ideas where folks say what they are working on and ask for help if blocked, etc. You can find the link to the latest check-in here #9600
We have 2 projects this round:
The discussion of the projects is going on here, please feel free to ask any questions about the projects there too.
First Step
Please say hi below and introduce yourself. Kindly checkout our code of conduct before you continue. Our coding landing page is here and our communication channels can be found here.
First Contribution:computer:
We suggest you make a first contribution. We have issues with the first-timer-only
label which are specifically tailored for a first time contributor. You can find them here along with the guidelines on how to start contributing. Please check if someone is already working on an issue before you take it up. Kindly leave a comment on the issue to let other people know you are working on an issue. If you can't find any issues that are available, please feel free to leave a comment below or on #10153 and we will find you one as soon as we can (we are prioritizing summer-of-code folks for the next couple of weeks, so please do mention that you are an Outreachy applicant when requesting for a first-timer issue, to help us prioritize. thanks)
Second issue
After you solve the first issue you can browse through our "help-wanted" or bug issues and leave a comment on any you would like to work on. Feel free to ask if you need more context for you to solve an issue, the community is always ready to help.We also encourage contributors to hep each other where they can.
Call for Proposals 📃
We request applicants to post their proposals on the PublicLab website too. We encourage applicants to start drafting their proposals early. This gives the mentors to give you feedback that you can incorporate it in your final application on the Outreachy website.
Here is a link to a call for proposals on the PL website, which also has a template for drafting the template, sample proposals for past interns and helpful pointers while drafting the proposals.
See 2021 winter proposals here. Kindly submit early and post the link here or on gitter so that contributors and mentors can give feedback and help you improve on your proposal before you submit it on the Outreachy website.
April 22, 2022 4pm UTC is the deadline for applicants to record contributions and create a final application on the Outreachy website
Helpful Links
Projects discussion Issue
First timer issue request
Developers guides
A few tips for making awesome proposals:
- Please [submit the proposals at] first. After all the reviews you can submit it on the official website.
- Your information so that we can know you better (not mandatory !).
- Include weekly timeline: Explain what you will be doing in which week. Divide the period into months in bigger tasks. Then into weeks into smaller tasks.
- Include demos/images/gifs to demonstrate your idea
- Include Mock-Ups, Flow Charts, Data Flow Diagrams, etc to explain the workflow in simple language. So that people in the logistics department can review your work and suggest changes.
- PRs merged & Issues reported: This is the most crucial aspect of any application. We want people to be well versed with our system. Please mention all the issues reported, PR merged, suggestions etc in the proposal.
- Start early and have many revisions of the proposal to increase your chances.
Questions 🤔
If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back to you.
Welcome again everyone 🎉 🎉 🎉