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✨ First-Timers Only Issues! 🌈 Make & Request Your Issue! #10153




(This issue is a continuation of #9899)

What Are First-Timer Only Issues?

At Public Lab, we want to welcome new contributors into the world of Open Source! We want to make sure that new contributors feel welcome, valued, and supported.

Our way of doing this is to create first-timer only issues. Read more about this philosophy here:

Basically a first-timer only issue, or FTO issue for short, is an issue that makes a small number of line changes in our repo. It is basic enough that we can tell a new contributor the exact lines to edit, and how to edit them.

This is still a valuable learning experience for a new contributor because they can get the hang of installing the repo locally, learning git commands in the terminal, and making pull requests. I think we can all appreciate that there is a huge learning curve when you are doing this for the first time!

I'm a New Contributor, How Do I Get an FTO Issue?

No problem! Please leave a comment on this issue to let us know that you would like one, and we'll put you on the list.

  • If you are an Outreachy or GSoC applicant, please let us know when you comment on this issue. We will do our best to give you priority!
  • We will tag you by your username when we create an FTO issue for you..
  • Please leave a comment in that issue when you are tagged within 24 hours to let us know you're still interested, and have started working on it.
  • If you are the first one to leave a comment in that issue, no need to wait for us to give you the go-ahead! Please go ahead and start working on it.
  • After you claim an issue, you will have a week to submit a pull request OR ask for help. Please ask for help if you get stuck, we want to help you! πŸ€—
  • We ask that each person solve only ONE FTO issue. After you're done solving your issue, please create an FTO issue for someone else to solve.

List of People Looking for an FTO Issue

This list is in order from high priority -> low priority:

How Do I Create an FTO Issue for Someone Else?

Thank you so much! πŸ™Œ The team at Public Lab really needs your help creating FTO issues every week.

Please look through our repo to find an issue that can be solved in a few lines. This may take some hunting, but after that, the hard part is done! Currently, we need help adding hard-coded strings into the translation database. I recommend you look at the corresponding issue to get leads for FTOs: #9945

When you know what lines need to be changed, click on New Issue and make sure to use our special first-timers-only template:

Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 2 29 39 PM

In this repo, we have a first-timers only bot installed that can make this process easier as well.

After you've created the issue, please tag the next available person on the list of contributors looking for that issue, and reserve it for them to work on.


If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, or ask in our Gitter channel:




No one assigned


    first-timers-onlyThey need to be well-formatted using the First-timers_Issue_Template.outreachissues involve community involvement and helping people who're stuck somewhere


    No type


    No projects


    No milestone


    None yet


    No branches or pull requests

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