httpx version:
Current Behavior:
when passing -resume and -o OUTPUT_FILE flags, httpx clears and overwrites the OUTPUT_FILE contents
Expected Behavior:
when passing -resume and -o OUTPUT_FILE flags, httpx should NOT clear and overwrite the OUTPUT_FILE contents. instead, httpx should APPEND to the OUTPUT_FILE contents (but not write the application header display again, simply pick up where it left off).
Steps To Reproduce:
setup dummy hosts file
echo "" > five_hosts.txt
echo "" >> five_hosts.txt
echo "" >> five_hosts.txt
echo "" >> five_hosts.txt
echo "" >> five_hosts.txt
setup resume.cfg file to pretend like httpx has already run once
echo "" > resume.cfg
echo "index=3" >> resume.cfg # not sure if index is 0-based or 1-based...
setup a fake previous* run output file
echo "this text will no longer appear" > out.txt
run 2nd attempt of httpx
cat five_hosts.txt | httpx -o out.txt -resume
cat out.txt | grep "this text will no longer appear"