- oradb_facts: add missing attributes collected by oracle_facts module (#375)
- oracle_awr: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_facts: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_job: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_jobclass: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_jobschedule: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_jobwindow: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_ldapuser: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oracle_rsrc_consgroup: added no_log attribute to password fields (#375)
- oradb_rman: better handle rman_jobs with state: absent (#374)
- new vagrantbox example beginner_patching (#370)
- oradb_rman: added option state for cronjobs, disabled is optional now (#369)
- oradb_manage_db: bugfix for wrong IFILE path in tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora when readonly ORACLE_HOME is used (#371)
- oradb_facts: Bugfix for missing default variable definitions (#366)
- oradb_manage_grant: Bugfix for broken grant on pdb with db_domain (#365)
- oracle_sqldba: refactoring code, make it usable for ansible-doc, Python3 usable only (#361)
- oradb_manage_db: create _DGMGRL SID in listener.ora for EE only (#359)
- Bugfix for missing Listener autostart and readonly Homes in systemd (#358)
- oracle_sqldba: Bugfix for Python3 (#361)
- oraswdb_install: shellchecker for (#358)
- pre-commit: Bugfix for known issue from ansible-oracle 3.8.0 (#383)
This release adds support for db_domain in init.ora for nonCDB and CDB. Read (#356) for requirements and notes.
- Added support for db_domain in init.ora (#356)
- oradb_facts: Backported role from dev release (#356)
- oraswdb_install: fixed wrong creates in curl.yml (#354)
- oraswdb_install: enable CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7 for Golden-Image on OL/RHEL8 (#355)
- oraswdb_install: bugfix for imagename in db_homes_config (#352)
This is ansible-oracle 3.8.0. The target database server must have Python3 installaed which is automatically done with role orahost. It is mandatory for the module oracle_db which is used in oradb_manage_db.
- Add restart possibility after scope=spfile init parameters change (#342)
- Add state=restarted to oracle_db (#342)
- Remove deprecation warnings for community.general 7.x (#339)
- black: adding black to pre-commit (#343)
- flake8: adding flake8 to pre-commit (#343)
- github Actions: adding Action for black and flake8 (#343)
- ocenv: version 2023-06-06 of ocenv environment script (#347)
- oracle_db: Refactoring code for flake8 (#342)
- cx_Oracle: requires Python3 installed on target system (#342)
- cx_oracle: Added installation of cx_Oracle for Python3 (#346)
- oradb_manage_db: requires Python3 installed on target system (#342)
- modules: all modules will loose support for Python2 in ansible-oracle 4.0.0 (#346)
- common: removed assert for python due to #346 (#350)
- orasw_download_patches: added missing assert for oracle_sw_source_local (#340)
- oraswdb_install: changed oracle_databases to db_homes_installed for installation source of ORACLE_HOMEs (#348)
- oraswdb_manage_patches: Bugfix for missing opatch or opatchauto in db_homs_config dict (#349)
- pre-commit: added antsibull-changelog-lint (#345)
- pre-commit: moved ansible-lint to end of pre-commit hooks (#344)
- pre-commit: Ignore [WARNING] The 'rev' field of repo ''. This will be fixed with next antsibull-changelog release.
- added task to REGISTER DATABASE in Rman Catalog (#336)
- ansible-lint: Update to 6.14.4 (#329)
- orahost: improve oracle os packages selection for Suse (#337)
- added new orasw_download_patches role (#332)
- common: assert python2 interpreter on OL/RHEL7 (#330)
- github action: deploy collection (#324)
- github action: stale issues & PRs (#326)
- orasw_meta: added central assert tasks for ansible-oracle (#325)
- oradb_manage_tablespace: added missing defaults for password (#323)
This is a small monthly release of ansible-oracle.
- add configuration variables for pam_limits to orahost (#317)
- Removal of deprecated directory /inventory from repository with next release.
- oradb_manage_db: customize ocenv initialization in bashrc (#310)
- Fixed oracle packages for SLES 15.3 (#311)
This Release introduce ASM Filter Driver Support for Oracle Grid-Infrastructure/Restart. It is experimental for the moment, because it requires more testing in the field.
- Documentation: Added feauturelist and missing picture (#299)
- Replace include with include_tasks due to deprecation warning (#301)
- Update ocenv to 2022-11-22 (#305)
- added support to upgrade the timezone in the database using the oradb_tzupgrade role (#291)
- ansible-lint: move to v6.8.2 (#290)
- documentation: New Beginners Guide (#293)
- experimental support for ASMFD (Filter Driver) (#297)
- github-actions: Add development branch to Actions (#295)
- oradb_manage_db: support for dbca custom scripts (#300)
- pre-commit: move to v4.3.0 (#290)
- inventory structure will be moved to new examples directory (#293)
- vagrant folder will be moved to examples (#293)
- common, orahost, oraswdb_install: Make some of the j2 templates source configurable (#296)
- fix oradb_manage_grants (#306)
- oraasm_manage_diskgroups: Added support for ASMFD (#302)
- oracle_datapatch: Fix password alias (#304)
- oradb_manage_db: Add option to set the path of the dbca template (#292)
- oraswdb_install: Fix oracle export environment variables (#294)
- pre-commit: added some extra hooks (#291)
- Problem Instance <db_unique_name> is not running during DBCA in RAC (opitzconsulting#91)
- removal of database not working when db_name <> db_instance_name (opitzconsulting#28)
- wrong ORACLE_BASE in RAC with role sepepration (#259)
- oracle_sqldba module: Use byte streams for sqlplus process communication.
- oradb-manage-db: Make the deployment of ocenv configurable (#285)
- oraswdb_install: Make it possible to install Oracle 19.3 on RedHat 8 (#284)
The switch to ansible-lint 0.6.1 introduced a lto of changes in 3.1.0. Hopefully nothing brokes by that.
- Development helper (#279)
- READMEs rewritten (#268)
- Support of Read-Only ORACLE_HOMEs (#273)
- ansible-lint: Move to v6.6.1 (#277)
- ansible-lint: linting and github actions for playbooks and inventory (#270)
- ansible-lint: removed disabled rules for v6.6.1 (#280)
- github Actions: check antsibull changelog files (#276)
- github actions: antsibull-changelog removed obsolete branches (#270)
- inventory: New Inventory for has (#272)
- inventory: replaced old example inventory (#268)
- new playbooks for future inventory (#268)
- using ansible in docker container (#268)
- vagrant: Vagrantfile for dbfs & has (#272)
- desupported leftover racattackl-install.yml (#272)
- orahost: fix permissions for sudoers (#263)
- orahost: security: changed default for configure_oracle_sudo to false (#263)
- ansible-lint: removed name[play] from execptions (#272)
- fix for oracle_packages with SLES 15 and 15.3 (#282)
- fixed/fully implemented rman catalog support in oradb_rman (#278)
- fixes transparent huge pages handling for SLES 15.x (#282)
- github actions: ansible-lint: removed args due to deprecation warning (#270)
- oradb_manage_db: Bugfix listener.ora for multiple Instances on 1 host (#275)
- oradb_manage_db: add missing netca.rsp. (#267)
- oradb_manage_db: new defaults for role (#268)
- orahost: new defaults for role (#268)
- orahost_ssh: added block with configure_cluster check (#271)
- orahost_storage: add --script to parted (#264)
- orasw_meta: added tasks/mount_stage_remote.yml (#269)
- orasw_meta: added tasks/umount_stage_remote.yml (#269)
- orasw_meta: new defaults for role (#268)
- requirements.yml: removed ansible-oracle due to loop in ansible-lint (#270)
ansible-oracle has been converted into a collection. This release starts using antsibull-changelog for managing the CHANGELOG.rst.
- Added antsibull-changelog for managing the CHANGELOG.rst (opitzconsulting#102)
- moved ansible-oracle into a collection (opitzconsulting#99)
- Parameter oracle_asm_disk_string could be set when asmlib is used (opitzconsulting#82)
- Refactoring oraswgi-install for 19c and 21c (opitzconsulting#82)
- Removed parameter -ignorePrereq during (opitzconsulting#82)
- Replace broken .profile_* Envrionmentscript with ocenv (opitzconsulting#85)
- added execution of before (opitzconsulting#82)
- added extra debug tasks with "msg: install-home-gi | Start .." before long running tasks (opitzconsulting#82)
- added support for updating opatch under 19c and 21c (opitzconsulting#98)
- added support to interpret password as hash instead of plaintext in dbpasswords by setting users[*].password_is_hash=true (opitzconsulting#81)
- ansible-lint: move to ansible-lint-action@v6.5.2 (opitzconsulting#261)
- merge ansible-oracle-modules/oc into plugins/modules (opitzconsulting#103)
- new way installing cvuqdisk.rpm in Grid-Infrastructure (opitzconsulting#82)
- ocenv: update to 2022-08-10 (#261)
- oradb-manage-db: use custom DBCA-Templates from ORACLE_HOME directly (opitzconsulting#87)
- orahost: add new attributes to host_fs_layout (opitzconsulting#96)
- oraswgi: assert OL8 and GI 19.3 without RU (opitzconsulting#84)
- oraswgi: move from package to yum for cvuqdisk.rpm (opitzconsulting#84)
- refactoring the includes for 19c and 21c (opitzconsulting#82)
- removed all check exceptions from .ansible-lint (opitzconsulting#99)
- uid/gid/passwd attribute in oracle_users/grid_users/oracle_groups is now optional (opitzconsulting#107)
- update ansible-lint for git pre-commit to v6.3.0 (opitzconsulting#99)
- Ansible 2.9+ needed (opitzconsulting#99)
- moved old playbooks to playbooks folder (opitzconsulting#99)
- rename all roles with '-' in name to '_' (opitzconsulting#99)
- renamed variable for EE-Options in Binaries (opitzconsulting#99)
- role removed: oraasm-createdg - replaced by oraasm_manage_diskgroups (opitzconsulting#97)
- role removed: oradb-create - replaced by oradb_manage_db (opitzconsulting#97)
- role removed: oradb-delete - replaced by oradb_manage_db (opitzconsulting#97)
- role removed: oradb-failover - should be implemented in oraswgi-install -no replacement availible (opitzconsulting#97)
- role removed: oraswgi-clone - not working with current Oracle versions, no replacement availible (opitzconsulting#97)
- added asmoper to oracle user in orahost (opitzconsulting#82)
- be less verbose during ansible-playbook (opitzconsulting#101)
- does not require host_fs_layout to have "disks" attribute when "configure_host_disks==false" (opitzconsulting#108)
- fixed gold image copy path (opitzconsulting#92)
- fixes a problem where oracle user home directory has been hardcoded to be under /home (opitzconsulting#93)
- make ansible-lint more happy due to new rules (opitzconsulting#94)
- make collection compatble for (opitzconsulting#101)
- oracle_db: Set SYSTEM password when creating a DB
- oracle_profile: make it compatible for Python3 (opitzconsulting#95)
- oradb_manage_grants & oradb_manage_users: pass container and container_data parameters to modules
- oradb_manage_statspack: Bugfix for db.state <> present
- oraswgi_install: fixed wrong script task to shell (#261)
- remove auto execution of ocenv from .bashrc (opitzconsulting#100)
- Problem Instance <db_unique_name> is not running during DBCA in RAC (opitzconsulting#91)
- removal of database not working when db_name <> db_instance_name (opitzconsulting#28)
- wrong ORACLE_BASE in RAC with role sepepration (#259)