Please see the 0.4.1 release notes for more!
- Plot can now generate warnings for common mistakes. #751
- Plot now supports ARIA attributes: aria-label, aria-description, aria-hidden. #710 #722 #725 #729
- The area and line marks now support varying fill, stroke, tile, and other channels within series. #761
- The text mark now supports automatic line wrapping. #699
- The line and link marks now support vertex markers such as circles or arrows. #731
- Colors can now be expressed as patterns, gradients, or CSS variables. #700 #766
- The new clip mark option enables clipping to the plot frame. #752 #758
- The new paintOrder mark option controls paint order (such as for a halo around text). #701
- The bin transform now supports an interval option for explicit numeric bins (such as integers). #735
- And more! #697 #703 #705 #706 #707 #709 #743 #746 #750 #753 #754 #756 #758 #759