In a webhook handler we are parsing the Order object.
This is on the Customer object in Order:
"accepts_marketing_updated_at": "0000-12-31T18:03:24-05:50",
"marketing_opt_in_level": "unknown",
"tax_exemptions": [],
"email_marketing_consent": {
"state": "subscribed",
"opt_in_level": "unknown",
"consent_updated_at": "0000-12-31T18:03:24-05:50"
The Json desrialize fails on consent_updated_at
I see in your code that on accepts_marketing_updated_at you are using some null value handling, but that's not on consent_updated_at
Please add this handling to consent_updated_at also because our code fails all the time now on this order.
For now we have to replace the text, and retry the Json deserialize.
This issue is mentioned here: