- Pro
behavior-tree Public
A simple behavior tree library written in Python
exzact Public
Validated and type-safe (ExpressJS-like) middleware for NextJS Server Actions.
react-type-animation Public
Forked from maxeth/react-type-animationA React typing animation based on typical with extended functionality and customization.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
react-typing-animation Public
A fully-featured typing animation in React that supports any valid JSX.
RLTrader Public
A cryptocurrency trading environment using deep reinforcement learning and OpenAI's gym
Stock-Trading-Visualization Public
A simple, yet elegant visualization of our stock trading RL agent environment.
Stock-Trading-Environment Public
A custom OpenAI gym environment for simulating stock trades on historical price data.
readthedocs.org Public
Forked from readthedocs/readthedocs.orgThe source code that powers readthedocs.org
agents Public
Forked from tensorflow/agentsTF-Agents is a library for Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
timeserio Public
Forked from octoenergy/timeserioBetter `keras` models for time series and beyond
keras Public
Forked from keras-team/kerasDeep Learning for humans
ta-modin Public
Forked from bukosabino/taTechnical Analysis Library using Pandas (Modin for speedup) (Python)
grommet Public
Forked from grommet/grommeta react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 21, 2019 -
tfjs-examples Public
Forked from tensorflow/tfjs-examplesExamples built with TensorFlow.js
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 13, 2018 -
kalimdorjs Public
Forked from machinelearnjs/machinelearnjsMachine Learning library for the web and Node.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 13, 2018 -
React-Sketch-Drawing-App Public
A sketch drawing application built in Typescript using React and a custom shapes library.
google-maps-react Public
Forked from fullstackreact/google-maps-reactCompanion code to the "How to Write a Google Maps React Component" Tutorial
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2018 -
alphavantage-ts Public
Forked from zackurben/alphavantageA simple interface to the Alpha Vantage API written in Typescript.
MLStockPrediction Public
A collection of machine learning algorithms in Typescript for predicting a stock's price movement.
bitmap-ts Public
Forked from testica/bitmap-tsBitmap file loader complete with transformations and filters, written in Typescript.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 15, 2018 -
BattleRoyale Public
Forked from katiesweet/BattleRoyaleA wild west shootout themed battle royale game.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 24, 2018 -
node-html-pdf Public
Forked from marcbachmann/node-html-pdf📄 Html to pdf converter in nodejs. It spawns a phantomjs process and passes the pdf as buffer or as filename.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 10, 2018 -
simpler-stack Public
simpler stack is a universal javascript full-stack framework built on the best of the latest web technologies like React, Redux, GraphQL, RethinkDB, Apollo, Express, and Webpack
CourseMaterials Public
Forked from ksundberg/CourseMaterialsCourse materials for various computer science courses
A barebones E-Commerce boilerplate built using Express, Handlebars, and Braintree's payment API.
react-typist Public
Forked from jstejada/react-typistTyping animations with React
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 1, 2017 -
React-Realtime-Chat Public
A full-stack reproduction of the popular realtime chat application, Slack (http://slack.com) using React and GraphQL Subscriptions.
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsFramework for server-rendered React apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2017 -
pokemon-chart Public
Forked from zonination/pokemon-chartColorblind-friendly heatmaps of move effectiveness against pokemon