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Starred repositories
🦛 CHONK your texts with Chonkie ✨ - The no-nonsense RAG chunking library
✨ Free, open-source no-code web data extraction platform ✨ [In Beta]
Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, speaker diarization, and VAD using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, x86_64 …
WebApps in pure Python. No JavaScript, HTML and CSS needed
PyMuPDF is a high performance Python library for data extraction, analysis, conversion & manipulation of PDF (and other) documents.
Search for words, documents, images, videos, news, maps and text translation using the DuckDuckGo.com search engine. Downloading files and images to a local hard drive.
Lord of Large Language Models Web User Interface
Attack Flow helps executives, SOC managers, and defenders easily understand how attackers compose ATT&CK techniques into attacks by developing a representation of attack flows, modeling attack flow…
SGLang is a fast serving framework for large language models and vision language models.
A simple, easy-to-hack GraphRAG implementation
Meta Lingua: a lean, efficient, and easy-to-hack codebase to research LLMs.
"LightRAG: Simple and Fast Retrieval-Augmented Generation"
⚡️ 80x faster language detection with Fasttext | Split text by language for TTS
Python Binding for Rust WhatLang, a language detection library
Generating structured data from arbitrary, unstructured input.
Natural language detection library for Rust. Try demo online: https://whatlang.org/
Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file
Tenzir is the data pipeline engine for security teams.
reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework for web applications with a focus on highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines, recon data correlation and organization, continuous …
Plotly Dash components based on Mantine React Components
A selection of snippets to make working with FastAPI a dream
How to setup FastAPI with TailwindCSS
Dara is a dynamic application framework designed for creating interactive web apps with ease, all in pure Python.