Releases: msuzen/looper
Releases · msuzen/looper
Review, Thesis, causal ML papers
Software sub-section, logo, other updates.
- New books: Chernozhukov et. al. (2024), Hurwitz-Thompson (2023).
- Logo: Penrose meets Pearl.
- Nobel Memorial Prize 2021, Laureates names.
- Datasets Hunninton-Klein R package.
- Software section clean-up: Sub-sections.
- Additional conference links.
- Simpson's paradox section updates.
- MOOC; Course material.
Causal discovery additions & IV & H-Theorem
Causal discovery additions & IV & H-Theorem
- Causal discovery additions: Huber, Blondel , Spirtes
- Instrumental Variable (IV) chapter.
- H-Theorem do-conjecture.
Nuggets started: A new section for resource list.
New books (Huber, Forré-Mooij), additional links to existing ones.
Papers on: Review of Simpson's Paradox discovery, twin-deep networks in causality, axiomatic formation paper.
New software updates: pymc introducing do-operator.
New books & theory
- New books
- Theory papers: Measure theoretic.
Editor's selection, new packages and Physics
- A new section, featuring Editor's selections.
- New Python packages.
- Physics Causal Set Theory papers.
- Game theory paper.
- And additions.
Software updates, academics sections, discovery works
- Software: MS research and AWS updates, CRAN task view.
- New Academics section.
- New talks
- Combinatorial discovery.
- JP new papers.
- paper updates
New Books, fairness, deep learning, Imbens/Pearl debate
- New books: JP's collected works, Huntington-Klein
- Fairness survey.
- PO/DAG comparisons
- Discovery toolbox
causal discovery, JP notes, Python packages.
- Nobel 2021 scientific summary.
- JP on potential outcomes.
- EconML, UpliftML python.
- Pearl 2017 re-print.
- Rubin 2005 paper.
- Minor format, Gelman follow ups.
release Holland, time-like curves, new software packages
- Holland's paper.
- physics: time-like curves.
- dowhy package.
- R package
- Simpson's paradox and blog posts dedicated section.
- Gelman blog.
- Minor fix links/toc