Pure Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine
Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Library support for Kotlin coroutines
android 4.4以上沉浸式状态栏和沉浸式导航栏管理,适配横竖屏切换、刘海屏、软键盘弹出等问题,可以修改状态栏字体颜色和导航栏图标颜色,以及不可修改字体颜色手机的适配,适用于Activity、Fragment、DialogFragment、Dialog,PopupWindow,一句代码轻松实现,以及对bar的其他设置,详见README。简书请参考:http://www.jianshu.c…
Respository for the I/O 2019 demo: Become a tech lead, slay bugs, and don't get fired.
《游戏人工智能编程案例精粹》中的程序用在cocos creator中实现一遍。
flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档
Flutter Music Player - First Open Source Flutter based material design music player with audio plugin to play local music files.
Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
VLOOK™ 是优雅好用的 Typora/Markdown 主题包和增强插件。 VLOOK™ is an elegant and practical theme package × enhancement plugin for Typora/Markdown.
Simple Android socket listener service which starts automatically during boot-up to listen for messages on a certain port and show them as Notifications
Kotlin Full-stack Application Example
Set of extra Transitions on top of Jetpack Transitions Library
quintschat messenger is a smart phone messenger for all android and other smartphone.quintschat uses both 3G and 4G or wifi network when available to chat with friends and family members both local…