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Adding Debian Sources and Repositories

Michael DeGuzis edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 12 revisions

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This script automatically adds or removes the Debian and Libreek repositories from SteamOS. Existing source and preferences files are backed up each time the script is ran. Omitting --enable-testing will revert you back to the stable Libregeek repository sources.


Install and run the utility using the script file provided in the root directory:

 ./  [--default|--repair|--enable-testing|--remove-testing|remove]

Alternatively, and ideally, clone the repo for easy updates

git clone
cd SteamOS-Tools
./ [ [--default|--repair|--enable-testing|--remove-testing|remove]

Libregeek now hosts a package repository. The repository currently hosts software for the following releases:

  • brewmaster

There is also a testing branch for software

  • brewmaster_testing

Adding the Libregeek sources manually

For whatever reason, if you require or need to add the Libregeek sources manually, please follow this wiki entry.

Issues with the package repository

Submit all questions, comments, and pull requests to the issues and pull requests area of this git repository.

Clone this wiki locally