This repository contains the replication package for the paper "How Much is Unseen Depends Chiefly on Information About the Seen," accepted at the ICLR 2025 conference as a spotlight paper.
Böhme Research Group Website
Large Language Model guided Protocol Fuzzing (NDSS'24)
🔍A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
GEF (GDB Enhanced Features) - a modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging capabilities for exploit devs & reverse engineers on Linux
Our mission is to catalyze sustainable improvements to critical open source software projects and ecosystems.
A curated list of awesome directed fuzzing research papers
Kernel Fuzzer for Xen Project (KF/x) - Hypervisor-based fuzzing using Xen VM forking, VMI & AFL
the Network Protocol Fuzzer that we will want to use.
ProFuzzBench - A Benchmark for Stateful Protocol Fuzzing
A regression greybox fuzzer aflchurn
Artifact Repository for the paper "Prime+Probe 1, JavaScript 0: Overcoming Browser-based Side-Channel Defenses"
Coverage-guided, in-process fuzzing for the JVM