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Code, Data and Results for "Top Score on the Wrong Exam: On Benchmarking in Machine Learning for Vulnerability Detection"


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If you want to use our work, please use the following citation.

      title={Top Score on the Wrong Exam: On Benchmarking in Machine Learning for Vulnerability Detection},
      author={Niklas Risse and Marcel Böhme},


Below is an annotated map of the directory structure of this repository.


├── original_datasets...................... The original datasets that we used as a basis for our empirical study.
│   └── <dataset>.......................... One directory for each dataset (BigVul, Devign, DiverseVul).
├── raw_samples............................ The raw functions that we sampled for RQ1.
│   ├── <dataset>_sample.csv............... The 100 functions per dataset (labeled as vulnerable) that we used for RQ1 a + b.
│   └── <dataset>_secure_sample.csv........ The 30 functions per dataset (labeled as secure) that we used for RQ1 c.
├── labeled_samples........................ The functions + labels that we manually labeled for RQ1.
│   ├── <dataset>_labeled.csv.............. The 100 functions per dataset (labeled as vulnerable) that we labeled for RQ1 a + b.
│   └── <dataset>_secure_labeled.csv....... The 30 functions per dataset (labeled as secure) that we labeled for RQ1 c.
├── scripts................................ Scripts to exactly reproduce results presented in our paper.
│   ├── <dataset> Script to exactly reproduce the raw samples from the original datasets.
│   └── Script to reproduce the results for RQ2.
├── figures................................ All figures that we presented in our paper.
├── Script to generate all figures we presented in our paper.
├── Script to install Python environment and required packages.
├── requirements.txt....................... All Python packages that you need to run the experiments.

Explanation of the Labeled Samples

The labels we produced for RQ1 can be found in the labeled_samples directory. For each of the samples, we preserved the column structure of the original datasets and appended additional columns. The most relevant original columns are the following:

  1. The function code.
    • func (Devign)
    • func (DiverseVul)
    • func_before (BigVul)
  2. The project repository name.
    • project (for all three datasets)
  3. The patch commit id.
    • commit_id (for all three datasets)

For the 100 functions labeled as vulnerable for RQ1 a + b (labeled_samples/<dataset>_labeled.csv), we added six new columns:

  1. vulnerable: The vulnerability label we generated for RQ1a.
    • 0 for secure
    • 1 for vulnerable
  2. vulnerable_explanation: Justification for the vulnerability label in natural language.
  3. invalid_label_reason: If the vulnerability label did not match the original label, we provide a reason.
    • 0 for errors during patch commit identification
    • 1 for structural changes
    • 2 for unrelated changes (see paper).
  4. context_dependence: If the function was actually vulnerable, we determined whether the vulnerability could be determined without additional context.
    • 0 for context-dependence
    • 1 for context-independence.
  5. context_dependence_explanation: Justification for the context_dependence label in natural language.
  6. context_dependence_reason: Type of context dependence we observed.
    • 1 for dependence on function arguments
    • 2 for dependence on external functions
    • 3 for dependence on type declarations
    • 4 for dependence on globals (macros or global variables)
    • 5 for dependence on execution environment

For the 30 functions labeled as secure for RQ1 c (labeled_samples/<dataset>_secure_labeled.csv), we added one new column:

  1. vulnerable_context: A context setting in which the function would be vulnerable described in natural language. If empty, we were unable to find such a context.

Labeling Process

The following figure, which is also displayed in the paper, shows our labeling process. This process can be used to replicate labeling decisions.


Setup for Python Scripts

Step 1: Install Anaconda

Anaconda is an open-source package and environment management tool for Python. Instructions for Installation can be found here.

Step 2: Install Requirements

We assume that you have Anaconda installed.

Running the following script from the root directory of this repository creates a virtual environment in Anaconda, and installs the required Python packages.


Activate the environment with the following command.

conda activate PerfectScore

Step 3: Ready to go


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