Releases: lkeey/EnglishApp
Releases · lkeey/EnglishApp
Wallpaper. Learning Words. Refresh Layout
- The user can choose the option to change the wallpaper
- In addition to the fact that the user receives notifications with the studied words, he can find them in the profile in RecyclerView
- Now you don't have to update the fragment or activity manually, because RefreshLayout has been added
- At the end of the training, the user must pass the exam, and then the option of selecting a new word card will be available to him again
Notifications. Speech Recognition. Translation
- Users receive notifications besause of Alarm Manager
- Add ability to create word cards which consist different words
- Create Wallpaper Service which changes user's wallpaper
- Users have more associations because they have description and image according the word
- If you pronouce the word correctly, you will get score
- This was made possible thanks to ML KIT Firebase
Registration. Chat. Tests. Score
- Users can create tests, solve them.
- Also, there are different ways to register such as authorization with Google and Email.
- Users can show each other on Google Map.
- They can exchange messages. Notifications are available due to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- Users can compete and show others in Leader Bord