Engilize is an Android application in which you can learn English by speaking absolutely any language.
The idea is that you choose your own learning trajectory
- Storage of information
- Firebase Firestore - storing user data
- Firebase Storage - storing profile photos
- Room Database - saving the studied words
- SharedPreferences - storing simple data (word counter, wallpaper change status)
- Authorization
- One-Tap Google Sign In
- Firebase Authentication
- Layouts
- LinearLayout
- ConstraintLayout
- CollapsingLayout
- FrameLayout
- RefreshLayout
- RecyclerView
- ScrollView, NestedScrollView
- Google Speech Services - text recognition and pronunciation
- ML Kit Translate - translate words from all languages
- Retrofit - send GET and POST requests
- GSON - parsing requests
- Instabug - crash tracking
- Fragment, BottomSheetFragment - using multiple screens inside activity
- Adapters - adding multiple items to RecyclerView
- Google Map - sdk to show map
- Layers architecture
- Material design
- GitHub Actions
The entire application follows layers architecture
You can download the app from Google Disk