Embraer SA
- São José dos Campos - SP - Brazil
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardo-mariga/
pyn2 Public
A python library for creating dynamic N² (N-squared) charts to visualize complex systems interactions for engineering and project management.
pyRANSAC-3D Public
A python tool for fitting primitives 3D shapes in point clouds using RANSAC algorithm
gpt-engineer Public
Forked from gpt-engineer-org/gpt-engineerSpecify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.
gihub_actions_testing Public
Testing github actions for verification, formatting and deploying
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2021 -
Open3D Public
Forked from isl-org/Open3DOpen3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
C++ Other UpdatedJul 2, 2021 -
libtest_python_cpp Public
Testing how to make a correct pip install command with cpp files in a python library
Python UpdatedFeb 10, 2021 -
A library of geometry processing tools for computer graphics
C UpdatedJul 21, 2020 -
pyTruthTable Public
A python tool for logic clauses analysis and binary operations
StackOverflowSolutions Public
Helping friends at Stack Overflow 😄
ardupilot Public
Forked from ArduPilot/ardupilotArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover source
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 27, 2020 -
DeadReckonEAST Public
Dead Reckoning algorithim to SAE Aerodesign East
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 22, 2020 -
Simulink-Arduino-Serial Public
How to connect Arduino and Simulink
keras Public
Forked from keras-team/kerasDeep Learning for humans
Python Other UpdatedAug 24, 2019 -
TextTrainerTest Public
This repo will be my test folder for my RNN - You are not going to find anything important here
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 23, 2019 -
vlcj-player Public
Forked from caprica/vlcj-playerFeature-rich example vlcj media player
Java UpdatedDec 30, 2015 -