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OpenVINO model optimizer component and example pipeline (#178)
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* OpenVINO model optimizer component and example pipeline

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dtrawins authored and vicaire committed Nov 16, 2018
1 parent 14a0260 commit ce67707
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268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions contrib/components/openvino/model_convert/
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# Model optimization component

This component is executing model optimization process using OpenVINO Toolkit and generate as output the model in
Intermediate Representation format.

Component takes the following arguments:
* model input GCS path
* model optimizer parameters
* model output GCS path

usage: [-h] [--input_path INPUT_PATH]
[--mo_options MO_OPTIONS] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]

Model converter to OpenVINO Intermediate Representation format

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_path INPUT_PATH
GCS path of input model file or folder
--mo_options MO_OPTIONS
OpenVINO Model Optimizer options
--output_path OUTPUT_PATH
GCS path of output folder


## Component parameters

It takes as input GCS path to the input model in any of the OpenVINO supported frameworks:
* Tensorflow
* Caffe
* Kaldi

Input model path can be a folder or an individual file which will be copied to a component working directory

Model optimizer options can include any of the parameters supported by OpenVINO toolkit model optimizer.

Refer to OpenVINO [documentation]( for details.
--framework {tf,caffe,mxnet,kaldi,onnx}
Name of the framework used to train the input model.

Framework-agnostic parameters:
Tensorflow*: a file with a pre-trained model (binary
or text .pb file after freezing). Caffe*: a model
proto file with model weights
--model_name MODEL_NAME, -n MODEL_NAME
Model_name parameter passed to the final create_ir
transform. This parameter is used to name a network in
a generated IR and output .xml/.bin files.
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
Directory that stores the generated IR. By default, it
is the directory from where the Model Optimizer is
--input_shape INPUT_SHAPE
Input shape(s) that should be fed to an input node(s)
of the model. Shape is defined as a comma-separated
list of integer numbers enclosed in parentheses, for
example [1,3,227,227] or [1,227,227,3], where the
order of dimensions depends on the framework input
layout of the model. For example, [N,C,H,W] is used
for Caffe* models and [N,H,W,C] for TensorFlow*
models. Model Optimizer performs necessary
transformations to convert the shape to the layout
required by Inference Engine (N,C,H,W). Two types of
brackets are allowed to enclose the dimensions: [...]
or (...). The shape should not contain undefined
dimensions (? or -1) and should fit the dimensions
defined in the input operation of the graph. If there
are multiple inputs in the model, --input_shape should
contain definition of shape for each input separated
by a comma, for example: [1,3,227,227],[2,4] for a
model with two inputs with 4D and 2D shapes.
--scale SCALE, -s SCALE
All input values coming from original network inputs
will be divided by this value. When a list of inputs
is overridden by the --input parameter, this scale is
not applied for any input that does not match with the
original input of the model.
Switches the input channels order from RGB to BGR (or
vice versa). Applied to original inputs of the model
when and only when a number of channels equals 3.
Applied after application of --mean_values and
--scale_values options, so numbers in --mean_values
and --scale_values go in the order of channels used in
the original model.
Logger level
--input INPUT The name of the input operation of the given model.
Usually this is a name of the input placeholder of the
--output OUTPUT The name of the output operation of the model. For
TensorFlow*, do not add :0 to this name.
--mean_values MEAN_VALUES, -ms MEAN_VALUES
Mean values to be used for the input image per
channel. Values to be provided in the (R,G,B) or
[R,G,B] format. Can be defined for desired input of
the model, e.g.: "--mean_values
data[255,255,255],info[255,255,255]" The exact meaning
and order of channels depend on how the original model
was trained.
--scale_values SCALE_VALUES
Scale values to be used for the input image per
channel. Values are provided in the (R,G,B) or [R,G,B]
format.Can be defined for desired input of the model,
e.g.: "--scale_values
data[255,255,255],info[255,255,255]"The exact meaning
and order of channels depend on how the original model
was trained.
--data_type {FP16,FP32,half,float}
Data type for all intermediate tensors and weights. If
original model is in FP32 and --data_type=FP16 is
specified, all model weights and biases are quantized
to FP16.
--disable_fusing Turns off fusing of linear operations to Convolution
Turns off resnet optimization
--finegrain_fusing FINEGRAIN_FUSING
Regex for layers/operations that won't be fused.
Example: --finegrain_fusing Convolution1,.*Scale.*
--disable_gfusing Turns off fusing of grouped convolutions
--move_to_preprocess Move mean values to IR preprocess section
--extensions EXTENSIONS
Directory or a comma separated list of directories
with extensions. To disable all extensions including
those that are placed at the default location, pass an
empty string.
--batch BATCH, -b BATCH
Input batch size
--version Version of Model Optimizer
--silent Prevents any output messages except those that
correspond to log level equalsERROR, that can be set
with the following option: --log_level. By default,
log level is already ERROR.
--freeze_placeholder_with_value FREEZE_PLACEHOLDER_WITH_VALUE
Replace input layer with constant node with provided
value, e.g.: node_name->True
TensorFlow*-specific parameters:
TensorFlow*: treat the input model file in a text
protobuf format instead of binary, which is default.
--input_checkpoint INPUT_CHECKPOINT
TensorFlow*: variables file to load.
--input_meta_graph INPUT_META_GRAPH
Tensorflow*: a file with a non-trained model before
--saved_model_dir SAVED_MODEL_DIR
TensorFlow*: directory representing non frozen model
--saved_model_tags SAVED_MODEL_TAGS
Group of tag(s) of the MetaGraphDef to load, in string
format, separated by ','. For tag-set contains
multiple tags, all tags must be passed in.
TensorFlow*: automatically offload unsupported
operations to TensorFlow*
--tensorflow_subgraph_patterns TENSORFLOW_SUBGRAPH_PATTERNS
TensorFlow*: a list of comma separated patterns that
will be applied to TensorFlow* node names to infer a
part of the graph using TensorFlow*.
--tensorflow_operation_patterns TENSORFLOW_OPERATION_PATTERNS
TensorFlow*: a list of comma separated patterns that
will be applied to TensorFlow* node type (ops) to
infer these operations using TensorFlow*.
--tensorflow_custom_operations_config_update TENSORFLOW_CUSTOM_OPERATIONS_CONFIG_UPDATE
TensorFlow*: update the configuration file with node
name patterns with input/output nodes information.
--tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config TENSORFLOW_USE_CUSTOM_OPERATIONS_CONFIG
TensorFlow*: use the configuration file with custom
operation description.
--tensorflow_object_detection_api_pipeline_config TENSORFLOW_OBJECT_DETECTION_API_PIPELINE_CONFIG
TensorFlow*: path to the pipeline configuration file
used to generate model created with help of Object
Detection API.
--tensorboard_logdir TENSORBOARD_LOGDIR
TensorFlow*: dump the input graph to a given directory
that should be used with TensorBoard.
Caffe*-specific parameters:
--input_proto INPUT_PROTO, -d INPUT_PROTO
Deploy-ready prototxt file that contains a topology
structure and layer attributes
-k K Path to CustomLayersMapping.xml to register custom
--mean_file MEAN_FILE, -mf MEAN_FILE
Mean image to be used for the input. Should be a
binaryproto file
--mean_file_offsets MEAN_FILE_OFFSETS, -mo MEAN_FILE_OFFSETS
Mean image offsets to be used for the input
binaryproto file. When the mean image is bigger than
the expected input, it is cropped. By default, centers
of the input image and the mean image are the same and
the mean image is cropped by dimensions of the input
image. The format to pass this option is the
following: "-mo (x,y)". In this case, the mean file is
cropped by dimensions of the input image with offset
(x,y) from the upper left corner of the mean image
Disable omitting optional attributes to be used for
custom layers. Use this option if you want to transfer
all attributes of a custom layer to IR. Default
behavior is to transfer the attributes with default
values and the attributes defined by the user to IR.
Enable flattening optional params to be used for
custom layers. Use this option if you want to transfer
attributes of a custom layer to IR with flattened
nested parameters. Default behavior is to transfer the
attributes without flattening nested parameters.
Mxnet-specific parameters:
--input_symbol INPUT_SYMBOL
Symbol file (for example, model-symbol.json) that
contains a topology structure and layer attributes
--nd_prefix_name ND_PREFIX_NAME
Prefix name for args.nd and argx.nd files.
--pretrained_model_name PRETRAINED_MODEL_NAME
Pretrained model without extension and epoch number
which will be merged with args.nd and argx.nd files.
Enable save built params file from nd files.
--legacy_mxnet_model Load the model trained with less version of MXNet than
Kaldi-specific parameters:
--counts COUNTS Path to the counts file
Removes the Softmax layer that is the output layer
The output folder specify then should be uploaded the generated model file in IR format with .bin and .xml
The component also saved the generated model files in location: `/tmp/model.bin` and `/tmp/model.xml`
so this path could be used in the argo pipeline for storing the workflow artifacts.
## Examples
Input path - gs://tensorflow_model_path/resnet/1/saved_model.pb
MO options - --saved_model_dir .
Output path - gs://tensorflow_model_path/resnet/1
## Building docker image
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy .
## Starting and testing the component locally
This component requires GCP authentication token in json format generated for the service account,
which has access to GCS location. In the example below it is in key.json in the current path.
COMMAND="python3 ../ --mo_options \"--saved_model_dir .\" --input_path gs://tensorflow_model_path/resnet/1/saved_model.pb --output_path gs://tensorflow_model_path/resnet/1"
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/key.json:/etc/credentials/gcp-key.json \
-e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/etc/credentials/gcp-key.json <image_name> $COMMAND
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions contrib/components/openvino/model_convert/containers/Dockerfile
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl ca-certificates python3-pip python-dev libgfortran3 unzip vim
RUN curl -L -o 2018_R3.tar.gz && \
tar -zxf 2018_R3.tar.gz && \
rm 2018_R3.tar.gz && \
rm -Rf dldt-2018_R3/inference-engine
WORKDIR dldt-2018_R3/model-optimizer
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
RUN curl -L -o && \
unzip -qq -d tools && \
rm && \
tools/google-cloud-sdk/ --usage-reporting=false \
--path-update=true --bash-completion=false \
--disable-installation-options && \
tools/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud -q components update \
gcloud core gsutil && \
tools/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud config set component_manager/disable_update_check true && \
touch tools/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import argparse
import subprocess
import re
from shutil import copyfile

def is_insecure_path(path):
# check if the path do not include insecure characters
if not re.match(r"^gs:\/\/[\.\w\/-]*$", path):
is_insecure = True
is_insecure = False
return is_insecure

def are_insecure_mo_options(all_options):
# check if all passed options do not include insecure characters
is_insecure = False
for option in all_options.split():
if not re.match(r"^[\.\w:\/-]*$", option):
is_insecure = True
return is_insecure

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Model converter to OpenVINO IR format')
'--input_path', type=str, help='GCS path of input model file or folder')
'--mo_options', type=str, help='OpenVINO Model Optimizer options')
'--output_path', type=str, help='GCS path of output folder')
args = parser.parse_args()

bin_path = "../tools/google-cloud-sdk/bin/"
# Validate parameters

if is_insecure_path(args.input_path):
print("Invalid input format")

if is_insecure_path(args.output_path):
print("Invalid output format")

if are_insecure_mo_options(args.mo_options):
print("Invalid model optimizer options")

# Initialize gsutil creds
command = bin_path + "gcloud auth activate-service-account " \
print("auth command", command)
return_code =, shell=True)
print("return code", return_code)

# Downloading input model
command = bin_path + "gsutil cp -r " + args.input_path + " ."
print("gsutil download command", command)
return_code =, shell=True)
print("return code", return_code)

# Executing model optimization
command = "python3 ../ " + args.mo_options
print("mo command", command)
output =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
XML = ""
BIN = ""
for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
if "[ SUCCESS ] XML file" in line:
XML = line.split(":")[1].strip()
if "[ SUCCESS ] BIN file" in line:
BIN = line.split(":")[1].strip()
if XML == "" or BIN == "":
print("Error, model optimization failed")

# copy generated model file to use them as workflow artifacts
copyfile(BIN, "/tmp/model.bin")
copyfile(XML, "/tmp/model.xml")

command = bin_path + "gsutil cp " + XML + " " + args.output_path
print("gsutil upload command", command)
return_code =, shell=True)
print("return code", return_code)
command = bin_path + "gsutil cp " + BIN + " " + args.output_path
print("gsutil upload command", command)
return_code =, shell=True)
print("return code", return_code)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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