NOTE: This library has been extracted from the open-source code at this link. Please refer to the license there (Apache 2.0 license) for details, which is also applicable to this package.
An XBern or exchangeable Bernoulli distribution is a probability distribution over binary vectors which is exchangeable, i.e., the probability mass does not change when the coordinates of the vector are permuted. This package gives confidence intervals for the mean (first moment) of the XBern distribution from Pillutla et al. (NeurIPS 2023).
For n binary vectors in k-dimensions, the confidence interval could vary from 1 / sqrt(n) (if the k dimensions are copies of each other) to 1 / sqrt(nk) (if the k dimensions are independent). We give adaptive confidence intervals that automatically adapt the actual level of correlation between the k dimensions. The obtained confidence intervals recover the 1 / sqrt(n) rate in the high correlation regime while getting an improved 1 / sqrt(nk) + 1 / n^{3/4} rate in the low correlation regime.
For a direct install, run
pip install xbern-confidence-intervals
or navigate to the parent directory and run
pip install -e .
The installation command above installs the main requirements, which are:
- numpy >= 1.22.4
- pandas >= 1.4.4
- scipy >= 1.7.3
We give a quick overview of the API here. Please see xbern_demo.ipynb for a full tour of the features.
The API works as follows:
import numpy as np
import xbern_confidence_intervals as xbern_ci
n, k = 1000, 10 # n samples of k components each.
# The input is a boolean array of shape (n, k).
# The components are correlated in general but we take them
# to be independent for a quick demonstration of this package.
samples = (np.random.rand(n, k) > 0.99)
beta = 0.05 # failure probability
# For asymptotic Wilson intervals:
left, right = xbern_ci.get_bernstein_confidence_intervals(samples, beta)
# One-sided confidence intervals that satisfy Pr(mean < left) < 1-beta or
# Pr(mean > right) < 1-beta under the limit n -> infinity.
# Here, left/right are pd.Series with different confidence estimates as index.
# For non-asymptotic Bernstein intervals:
left, right = xbern_ci.get_bernstein_confidence_intervals(samples, beta)
# One-sided confidence intervals that satisfy Pr(mean < left) < 1-beta or
# Pr(mean > right) < 1-beta which holds at each n.
We also provide a vectorized implementation for the Wilson intervals, that repeats the above calculations for each element in the batch:
# The first dimension represents the batch:
samples = (np.random.rand(batch_size, n, k) > 0.99)
left, right = xbern_ci.xbern_ci.get_wilson_confidence_intervals_vectorized(
samples, beta
# Here, left/right are pd.DataFrame with confidence estimates as index and
# the batch entires on the columns.
If you find this package useful, please cite
author = {Krishna Pillutla and
Galen Andrew and
Peter Kairouz and
H. Brendan McMahan and
Alina Oprea and
Sewoong Oh},
title = {{Unleashing the Power of Randomization in Auditing Differentially Private
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2023},