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LiDP Auditing: Unleashing the Power of Randomization in Auditing DP

This is the code to reproduce the experimental results of the NeurIPS 2023 paper Unleashing the Power of Randomization in Auditing Differentially Private ML.

Auditing differential privacy for ML involves running membership inference many times and giving high-confidence estimates on the success of the attack (i.e., we try to detect the presence of a crafted datapoint, called a "canary" in the training data).

This paper introduces a variant of DP called "Lifted DP" (or "LiDP" in short) that is equivalent to the usual notions of DP. It also gives a recipe to audit LiDP with multiple randomized hypothesis tests and adaptive confidence intervals to improve the sample complexity of auditing DP by 4 to 16 times.


If you found this code useful, please cite the following work.

title = {{Unleashing the Power of Randomization in Auditing
          Differentially Private ML}},
author = {Krishna Pillutla and Galen Andrew and Peter Kairouz and
          H. Brendan McMahan and Alina Oprea and Sewoong Oh},
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2023},

Generating the experimental results

For the synthetic experiments with the Gaussian mechanism, see the synthetic/

For the experiments with real data, follow the steps below:

  1. Train 2000 models (1000 models for parameter tuning and the other 1000 for reporting the epsilon lower bounds). See for details on the command line arguments.
### General arguments
output_dir="./outputs"  # NOTE: set the output directory
dataset="fashion_mnist"  # Name of the dataset
model="mlp"  # Model type: can be "linear" or "mlp"
seed=0  # Random seed, vary from 0 to 1999 (total 2000 seeds)
### Canary arguments
canary_type="random_gradient"  # Can be "random_gradient" or "static_data"
num_canaries=64  # Vary from 1 to 512
min_dimension=0  # Minimum random seed for the random canary gradient
max_dimension=1000000  # Minimum random seed for the random canary gradient
### For canary_type="static_data", uncomment the following two lines:
# min_dimension=300  # Minimum PCA direction for the canary
# max_dimension=784  # Maximum PCA direction for the canary (= data dimension)
### Learning arguments
learning_rate=0.01  # Use 0.02 for the linear model
dp_epsilon=2  # Vary from 1 to 32 in powers of 2

arguments="--experiment_name="run_${dataset}_${model}" --output_dir=${output_dir}  \
    --dataset_name=${dataset}  --model_type=${model}  \
    --canary_type=${canary_type}  \
    --min_dimension=${min_dimension}  --max_dimension=${max_dimension}  \
    --batch_size=100 --num_epochs=30 --learning_rate=${learning_rate}  \
    --dp_epsilon=${dp_epsilon} --dp_delta=${dp_delta} \

# Alternate hypothesis: run with k canaries
bazel run :main_central -- ${arguments} \

# Null hypothesis: run with k-1 canaries (for training but test on k canaries)
bazel run :main_central -- ${arguments} \
    --num_canaries=$((num_canaries-1))  \

This code also saves various files in ${output_dir}/run_${dataset}_${model} tracking the test statistic of the training and test canaries.

  1. Obtain the confidence intervals from the saved logs using the confidence estimators from lidp_auditing/confidence_estimators. These instructions will be completed later.