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Linux commands
kftsehk edited this page Aug 19, 2018
1 revision
A non-exhaustive list of common linux command you will likely need
Command | Description |
pwd | Return path to current directory. |
ls | List directories and files here. |
ls dir | List directories and files in a directory. |
ls -d */ | List the name of all subdirectory. |
ls -a | List all files including hidden files. |
ls -lh | List including more data in readable format. |
cd dir | Change directory. |
cd | Go to home directory. |
pushd dir | Save current directory (push onto stack) and go to dir. |
popd dir | Return (pop from the stack) to last saved directory. |
dirs | List all saved directories (the stack). |
touch file | Create an empty file. |
mkdir dir | Create an empty directory. |
ln -s file | Create a soft link here to file/dir |
mv dir1 dir2 | Move or renames a file. |
cp file1 file2 | Copy file1 to file2. |
cp -r dir1 dir2 | Copy dir1 to dir2 including subdirectories. |
rmdir dir | Remove an empty directory. |
rm file | Remove a file. |
rm -r dir | Remove a directory and its subdirectories and files. |
rm -f file | Remove a file, suppress all warning. |
find dir -name pattern | Search for file name matching pattern in dir. |
Command | Description |
less file | View a file. |
less -N file | View file with line numbers. |
less -S file | View file, wrap long lines. |
cat file | Print file to STDOUT. |
tac file | Print file to STDOUT in reverse line order. |
head file | Print first lines from a file. |
head -n 5 file | Print first 5 lines from a file. |
tail file | Print last lines from a file. |
tail -n 5 file | Print last 5 lines from a file. |
grep str file | Display lines containing str in file. |
grep -c 'pattern' file | Count lines matching a pattern. |
sort file | Sort lines from a file. |
sort -u file | Sort and return unique lines. |
uniq -c file | Filter adjacent repeated lines. |
wc file | Count file for line, word and characters. |
wc -l file | Count number of line for file. |
diff file1 file2 | Show difference between file1 and file2. |
cut -f 1,3 file | Retrieve data from 1,3 columns in a tab-delimited file. |
Command | Description |
paste file1 file2 | Join file1 and file2 line by line. |
truncate -s size file | Remove contents in file. |
nano -S file | Nano editor with smooth scrolling. |
Command | Description |
tar -cf file.tar dir | Group files. |
tar -xf file.tar | Ungroup files. |
tar -zcf file.tar.gz dir | Group and compress files. |
tar -zxf file.tar.gz | Extract and ungroup files. |
Command | Description |
wget url | Download url. |
ssh user@server | SSH to a server. |
scp -r local_dir user@server:remote_dir | Copy file from local to remote computer. |
scp -r user@server:remote_dir local_dir | Copy file from remote to local computer. |
Command | Description |
cmd > file | Write stdout to file. |
cmd >> file | Append stdout to file. |
cmd | tee file |
cmd | tee -a file |
cmd 2>&1 | Redirect stderr to stdout. |
cmd1 | cmd2 |
cmd < file | Read file as stdin. |
cmd << eof-str | Use multiline text as stdin, terminated by the specific sequence eof-str. |
text | |
eof-str | |
cmd <<< str | Use string as stdin. |
Command | Description |
chmod +x file | Set execute permission to file. |
chmod -x file | Unset execute permission to file. |
chmod IJK file | Set permission denoted by IJK to file. I, J, K = 0 to 7, to calculate, sum all permissions, read=4, write=2, execute=1. |
I is for user, J is for group, K is for everyone. | |
chmod -R IJK dir | Set permission denoted by IJK to dir and all subdirectories and files. |
chown -R user:group dir | Change the ownership of dir and all subdirectories and files. |
Command | Description |
echo string | Print the string to STDOUT |
printf format-str args | C like printf |
date | Display current date time information. |
time cmd | Time the execution of cmd |
sleep N | Wait for N secs. |
watch cmd | Repeatedly execute cmd every 2s and display result. |
which cmd | Display the resolved command directory. |
seq a b incr | Generate a list of number starting from a to b incremented by incr. |
yes | Keep saying yes |
yes str | Keep saying str, usually used to say "no". |
Command | Description |
Descriptor 0 | STDIN |
Descriptor 1 | STDOUT |
Descriptor 2 | STDERR |
/dev/null | A file that discard information |
/dev/zero | A file that provides 0x00 |
/dev/urandom | A file that provide random bytes |
~ | Home directory |
~+ | Directory pointed by PWD |
~- | Directory pointed by OLDPWD |
. | Current directory |
.. | Parent directory |
/ | Root directory |
~/.profile | A shell-independent initialization file, not preferred. |
~/.bash_profile | Configure environment and preferences for login shell |
~/.bashrc | Configure environment and preferences for interactive shell |
~/.bash_login | Bash script to execute on login |
~/.bash_logout | Bash script to execute before logout |
~/.bash_history | Bash command history |
Command | Description |
'string' | Represents a string exactly as is. |
"string" | Represents a string exactly, except substitution and escaping |
$var | Replace by value of var |
${var} | Sometimes you need this for replacing by value of var |
$(expr) | Evaluate expr and substitute the result |
expr |
Evaluate expr and substitute the result |
$[arithmetic-expr] | Evaluate arithmetic-expr and substitute value |
For details of every command
Command | Description |
help | Display bash help. |
help cmd | Show usage of built-in commands. |
man cmd | Show usage of most commands. |
info cmd | Show more info about command. |
These are useful: sed, awk, make, rsync, git, some bash or python scripting