For advanced users
- Campus network is REQUIRED, if outside campus, use VPN
- Torque PBS: The job queue
- Environment-modules: Used to load (probably) everything else you need
- Anaconda3: Recommended for both python and non-python users
- Intel compiler: Version 2015 (Cluster licensed) / 2018 (BYOL) / 2019 (Highly NOT recommended)
- Wiki Pages
- Your contribution: Highly welcomed and valued
To report a problem of any cluster, or suggest an improvement
- Open a new issue in the Issues tab
- Tag the appropriate cluster:
For problem report:
- Briefly describe the problem
- Attach your job script,
.e[jobid] .o[jobid]
file if available
Account request should go through private email, do not open an issue to request for cluster access
If you do not already have a preference of terminal, we recommend
- Windows: MobaXterm, a free SSH client that supports running GUI application on remote machine (X11 forwarding)
- Mac: Built-in Terminal app, install XQuartz for X11 forwarding
- Linux:
,ssh -X
to enable X11 forwarding
You will be using Linux, if you are new to Linux, this linux command cheatsheet shows how to do some common operations, you will need these commands everyday.
- ssh cluster and login with your username and password
- Change your password with "yppasswd"
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ yppasswd
Changing NIS account information for kftse on mu01.
Please enter old password:
Changing NIS password for kftse on mu01.
Please enter new password:
Please retype new password:
The NIS password has been changed on mu01.
- Compile your code with icc (Intel C Compiler)
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ module avail
# ...
----------------------------------------------------- /opt/modulefiles ------------------------------------------------------
anaconda2 gmp-6.1.2 parallel_studio_xe_2015
anaconda3 gnu-utils-latest parallel_studio_xe_2018
# ...
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ module load parallel_studio_xe_2015
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ which icc
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ ls
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ icc test.c -o test.out
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ ls
intel test.c test.out
- Test run your code at to eliminate obvious errors before submitting
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ ./test.out
Hello world!
- Prepare the submit script as shown below (
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ ls test.c test.out
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ cat
### The shell you want to use
#PBS -S /bin/bash
### The competition queue
### Max resources: 1 node, 24 core, 30 min of running time
#PBS -q debug
./test.out ## You may want to pipe this to another file.
- Submit the job with
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qsub
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qstat
Job id Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
3715.mu01 kftse 0 Q debug
- Wait for result
The status is Queuing, Running, Completed and Exiting
When completed, you will receive[jobid]
for the stdout
and stderr
of your program
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qstat
Job id Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
3715.mu01 kftse 0 R debug
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qstat
Job id Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
3715.mu01 kftse 0 C debug
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ ls test.c test.out
- Use
to delete a wrongly submitted job
If you delete a Running job, you will still receive .o and .e file containing output generated before the job is deleted.
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qstat
Job id Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
3715.mu01 kftse 0 Q debug
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qdel 3715
[kftse@mu01 ~]$ qstat
Job id Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
3715.mu01 kftse 0 C debug
Example Uses:
- Submit many jobs of the same program, different parameters
- Submit the same script, running in different folder named sequentially
Modify your script to run differently depends on the env parameter $PBS_ARRAYID
and submit with qsub -t 1-N
- 10 idle job rule still applies, and each sub-job within an array job count as ONE job
We recommend you to conda activate
and use internet access within this environment to work around issues such as
- Outdated SSL certificate
- Too old version of git
- 1 Point of computing capability ~ Practically 16-20 GFlops
- Nodes are shared among queues
16 Core, Compute capability per node ~ 16
Queue | Memory | Time Limit | Max # nodes |
debug | 32G | 30m | 2 |
normal | 32G | 2d | 42 |
bigmem | 64G | 2d | 7 |
long | 32G | 7d | 4 |
24 Core, Compute capability per node ~ 48
Queue | Memory | Time Limit | Max # nodes |
debug | 128G | 30m | 2 |
normal | 128G | 2d11h59m | 44 |
bigmem | 256G | 2d11h59m | 9 |
long | 128G | 4d23h59m | 10 |
- Whole cluster reserved on every Sun 0:0:0 - Mon 23:59:59 for Prof. HB Li's group
- Submit job on mu01
28 Core, Compute capability ~ 56
Queue | Memory | Time Limit | Max # nodes |
debug | 256G | 30m | 2 |
normal | 256G | 2d11h59m | 12 |
bigmem | 512G | 2d11h59m | 4 |
long | 256G | 7d | 12 |
- Submit job on head
- 1 minute = 1 priority point
- Max. 10 jobs from each user receive priority point
- Queue priority: a) bigmem + 2880, b) long - 2880
- User and group priority will be adjusted according to last 14-day usage, i.e. high usage users and groups will have a lower initial priority
- Reservation can be requested in advance
- Paying research groups has higher priority (not listed here)