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Node Red,, Influxdb and grafana examples

Johan Meijer edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

For external monitoring I publish output to I have 2 different solar panels systems (Inverters: Growatt and old Gridfitt, monitored via Sonoff POW with tasmota). The values of both systems are combined before sending it to

I also send energy information (actual voltage and power used) and outside temperature to pvoutput. These values are retrieved from the P1 interface (with ESP8266 connected) of the smart energy meter and alecto weather station.

For internal monitoring I use Nodered Dashboard and an influx database with Grafana. Grott, Nodered, Influxdb and Grafana all run on the same Rapberry PI (Model 2B).

Below a example of a simple the nodered flow for sending information to PVOUTPUT.ORG.

In basis you only need pvenergytoday(day total) and pvpowerout(actual power generated.

If you have the information available you can enrich this information with temperature, voltage, energy used today from the grid and actual enrgy used. You can send this to PVOUTPUT.ORG in one message or multiple messages. Pvoutput will combine messages within the same timeframe.

Nodered flow

An example is available in: grott_pvoutput.json. This can be used in nodered via the import function. It is assumed that nodered and mqtt (Mosquitto) are running at the same device (localhost in MQTT connection). You have to apply your Pvoutput API key and systemid.

Pictures of some nodered and grafana dashboards:

Nodered dashboard Grafana dashboard