Date: November 29, 9am-12:30pm University of Melbourne
Run by:
- Jan Buchmann ( University of Sydney
- Jimmy Breen ( South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) & University of Adelaide
NOTE: REGARDING NECTAR: To run the first docker example (bwa/samtools etc) you will need a reasonably large VM
## Move to a larger area of the file system
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /mnt
cd /mnt
### Install build stuff
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install git python dh-autoreconf \
build-essential libarchive-dev python-pip vim
# Pygame and numpy are needed for Singularity
pip install pygame
pip install numpy
### Install Docker
wget -qO- | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
newgrp docker
#### Install Singularity 2.5.2
tar xvf singularity-$VER.tar.gz
cd singularity-$VER
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc
sudo make install
#### Install Singularity 3
#### Follow the steps described on (
# Install cromwell jar executables for workflows
mkdir -p /mnt/cromwell
wget -c -O "/mnt/cromwell/cromwell-36.jar"
wget -c -O "/mnt/cromwell/womtool-36.jar"
Docker containers allow you to test and distribute simple and complex pipelines. You can write pipelines with different dependencies without the need to install them on your machine. Users can then pull your pipelines or tools and start using them without having to worry about dependencies or adventurous installation instructions. If your tool or pipeline can run on a HPC cluster, you can also deploy them as Singularity images, a more secure variant of docker containers. The workshop will introduce you to Docker Containers and Singularity Images. You will learn how to create, run, and distribute them using typical biological tasks as examples. Participants are invited to bring their own pipelines they wish to "Dockerize" in the last part of the workshop.
9am (30mins): Setup
- Configuring Nectar Virtual Machine for workshop
- Setting Security Groups
9:30am: Introduction to Docker
Note: If you have a pipeline that you would like to containerise, let us know in the break because at 12pm we will break into two groups based on pipeline category
- For example: One group could be running pipeline for variant calling (qc, mapping, duplicate removal, variant calls), and one group could be running RNA transcript quantification (trimming,
for quantification)
10am: Workshop 1: Using docker for pipeline management
- Using Dockerhub to run local docker images
- Running a pipeline using multiple docker images
- Running
in docker over the web
10:30am - Break
11am: Introduction to Singularity and dockers on HPC
- Singularity vs docker
- Converting docker containers
- Working with queuing systems (PBS, Slurm)
11:15am: Workshop 2: Creating a docker/singularity pipeline from scratch
- Building docker and singularity containers
- Build a RAxML image for HPC use
12:00pm: "Bring your own pipeline"
12:30pm: Workshop end
- Dockerhub (
- Singularity container registry (