9am (30mins): Setup
- Download workshop repository
- Course materials and data
- Nectar VM setup
Login with University credentials
Create keypair for Login or add your own ssh key
Turn on ssh security group
Spin up and ssh in
Installation of docker and singularity
- Linux (ubuntu) on the Nectar Cloud
sudo apt-get update &&
sudo apt-get install git python dh-autoreconf
build-essential libarchive-devwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu newgrp docker
VER=2.5.2 wget https://github.com/singularityware/singularity/releases/download/$VER/singularity-$VER.tar.gz tar xvf singularity-$VER.tar.gz cd singularity-$VER ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc make sudo make install
9:30am: Introduction to Docker (Jimmy)
- Short history of Containerisation
- Technicalities
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Reproducible pipelines
- Static environments
- Easy distribution within the cloud
Note: If you have a pipeline that you would like to containerise, let us know in the break because at 12pm we will break into two groups based on pipeline category
- For example: One group could be running pipeline for variant calling (qc, mapping, duplicate removal, variant calls), and one group could be running RNA transcript quantification (trimming, kallisto/salmon
and featureCounts
for quantification)
9:45am: Workshop 1: Using docker for pipeline management (Jimmy)
- Explain
and show pulling an image- Define the simplified pipeline that we have put on a docker image (on dockerhub)
- removing docker image:
docker rmi -f 0e044e35f8fb
- removing docker image:
- Running a pipeline from a
- Running rstudio in a docker container
- docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 rocker/verse
10:30am - Break
11am: Introduction to Singularity and dockers on HPC (Jan)
- Singularity vs docker
- Converting docker containers
- Working with queuing systems (PBS, Slurm)
11:15am: Creating a docker/singularity pipeline from scratch (Jan)
- Simple BLAST pipeline (
) to search 10 virus genomes
12:00pm: Bring your own pipelines
- Split group into two groups and work on two separate pipeline themes
12:30pm: Workshop end
- Dockerhub (https://hub.docker.com/)
- Singularity container registry (https://singularity-hub.org/)