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register 3D point clouds using rotation, translation, and scale transformations.


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Note: There is a C++ version of this repository here.


def Superpose3D(X,    # <-- Nx3 array of coords for the "frozen" point cloud
                x,    # <-- Nx3 array of coords for the "mobile" point cloud
                w = None, # <-- an optional array of N weights
                          #     (If w=None, equal weights will be used)
                allow_rescale=False,  #<--attempt to rescale mobile point cloud?
                q = None) # <-- optional: store the quaternion for rotation here

Superpose3D() takes two ordered lists (or numpy arrays) of xyz coordinates (of the same length, N) representing points in a point cloud (X and x). Treating them as rigid objects, "Superpose3D()" attempts to superimpose them using rotations, translations, and (optionally) scale transformations in order to minimize the root-mean-squared-distance (RMSD) between corresponding points from either point cloud, where RMSD is defined as:


   T_j  = a translation vector (a 1-D numpy array containing x,y,z displacements),
   R_ij = a rotation matrix    (a 3x3 numpy array whose determinant = 1),
    c   = a scalar             (a number, 1 by default)

This function returns a 4-tuple containing the optimal values of:

   (RMSD, T, R, c)

Rotation angles, axes, and quaternions

If the rotation angle and axis are also needed, you can specify an optional q argument (an array of size 4). After invoking Superpose(), q will store the quaternion corresponding to rotation R. The first element of q will store cos(θ/2) (where θ is the rotation angle). The remaining 3 elements of q will store the axis of rotation (with length sin(θ/2)).

Weighted RMSD

A weighted version of the RMSD minimization algorithm is also available if the caller supplies an extra argument specifying the weight of every point in the cloud (wn). In that case, RMSD is defined as:

Scale transformations

This function implements a more general variant of the method from this paper: R. Diamond, (1988) "A Note on the Rotational Superposition Problem", Acta Cryst. A44, pp. 211-216.

This version has been augmented slightly to support scale transformations. (I.E. multiplication by scalars. This can be useful for the registration of two different annotated volumetric 3-D images of the same object taken at different magnifications.)

Note that if you enable scale transformations (i.e. if allow_rescale=True), you should be wary if the function returns a negative c value. Negative c values correspond to inversions (reflections). For this reason, if you are using this function to compare the conformations of molecules, you should probably set allow_rescale=False. This will prevent matching a molecule with its stereoisomer.

Installation using pip

pip install .
pip install -r requirements.txt

Later, you can uninstall superpose3d using:

pip uninstall superpose3d


superpose3d depends on numpy


superpose3d is available under the terms of the MIT license.