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Jennifer edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Islandora Metadata Interest Group wiki.


Currently, the work of the MIG focuses on MODS to RDF and ready for CLAW. This work is based on the Samvera Metadata Group and their existing subgroup of the MODS to RDF, group discussions, and research.

The MIG also has several working group. We invite any Islandora Metadata Group members or Islandora users to review and join any existing Hydra Metadata subgroups; in return, the Islandora Metadata Group and Subgroups are open to everyone.

If you would like to propose a new subgroup, please email one of the conveners of the Islandora Metadata Group - emails are at the top of the README document for this GitHub repository. Alternatively, you are invited to bring up the proposal at one of the Islandora Metadata Interest Group monthly calls - more information on these calls also on that README document.

  • Includes Links and/or information on Resources and homework. Go to page

Subgroups/Working Groups: