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@xor-freenet xor-freenet tagged this 16 Sep 13:18

  Measurements [1] of removing Trust values show an average execution
  time of 1.7 seconds, which previously was 49 seconds
  = a speed improvement of factor 28.


NOTICE: According to TheSeeker, his machines have been seized by the US
government. This gives the government access to his WoT / FMS
identities, his freesites, etc. Please update your Trust values.
He was a seed-identity until ~2 years ago, and thus might have received
a Trust value of 100 from you automatically if you created your
identities back then.
(He says this was due to stuff *not* related to Freenet, and that he
was neither intentionally committing a crime nor being aware of
unintentionally having illegal things on his computers.)

NOTICE: While this release has not yet been bundled with a new Freenet
release, it can be acquired a lot easier than previous non-bundled
1) Update your Freenet to the testing version using the shell command
   "./ testing" on Linux or "update.cmd testing" on Windows.
2) Unload the "WebOfTrust" plugin and load the "WebOfTrust Testing
   Versions" plugin. Please do first read the description for the
   security implications!
3) If you had already done step 2 previously, i.e. are already running
   the previous testing release build0017, you need to restart Freenet
   or unload and re-load the plugin for getting the update: Freenet will
   only check for updates of the testing version when the plugin
   is reloaded.
Once Freenet build 1471 is released, step 1 will not be necessary
You will also get this release someday even if you do not switch to the
testing versions. It will just take longer: Non-testing releases are
shipped together with regular Freenet releases; and Freenet releases do
not happen as often as WoT releases.

SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK (detailed changelog is below):

This WoT version finally ships some of the long awaited core performance

- Previous builds would fall back to "full Score re-computation" upon
  Trust changes which cause "distrust": Removal of a Trust value,
  changing a Trust value from above zero to zero or negative, or adding
  a zero or below zero Trust value. The full re-computation was a
  *very* slow piece of code as it basically recalculates the whole
  Score database. It usually took ~ 1 minute, or even 10 minutes on some
  machines. This was made even worse by the fact that it happened not
  only for local Trust changes but also for remote ones. Also, due to
  unfortunate current limitations of the database code [4], it would
  block the web interface from responding during the whole time.
  This build ships an incremental Score re-computation algorithm for
  these situations - which should be a lot faster:
  Measurements [1] show an average execution time of 1.7 seconds, which
  previously was 49 seconds = a speed improvement of factor 28.
  As there was an incremental re-computation code for non-distrust Trust
  changes already, Score re-computation is fully incremental now.

- In previous versions, restarting WoT usually caused:
    1) a defragmentation of the database.
    2) a full Score re-computation (to prevent bugs in the existing
       incremental Score computation code from causing wrong values to
       exist for a long time).
  This has been changed to:
    1) Defrag only happens once a week.
    2) Full Score re-computation only happens once every 4 weeks.
  As a consequence, startup should be a lot faster.
  It now takes ~2 minutes on my machine.

NOTICE: WoT client applications which were not yet updated to use the
new "event-notifications" API (see build0015 changelog) can put a very
high load on WoT. For example Sone currently downloads almost the whole
WoT database every 60 seconds [8].
So if you want to get a realistic grasp of whether this WoT release is
faster, please test without any client applications.

Next steps of development will be:

- While the average execution time of 1.7 seconds of the new incremental
  Score computation algorithm is acceptable, its measured worst case
  execution time of above 60 seconds is not.
  It is difficult to judge how frequently the worst case happens, as the
  benchmark which was conducted had to be synthetic: The operations
  which cause the new code to run are quite rare in network dumps, so
  real world Trust changes couldn't be used as a benchmarks.
  It thus can be hoped that the worst case is a "worst case of a worst
  case" and very rarely happens on the real network.
  To determine how often it happens, the next build will ship additions
  to the "Statistics" page to monitor the worst case [2]. (The average
  case was already added to the statistics, search for "distrust".)
  If it happens too often, there is still hope: During the months of
  development of the new code, quite a few ideas for further improvement
  arose. Part of those are completely new algorithms, and thus they're
  not implemented yet but will have to wait until we have measurements
  to show whether the effort of rewriting this yet once more is

- The improved startup time of ~2 minutes is still too much.
  It is caused by the fact that WoT will currently subscribe to the USKs
  of *all* trusted Identities - currently over 11 000!
  This is not only unacceptable from a startup point of view, but also
  from a network-load perspective - it causes a O(N²) network-wide
  load; and also slows down each individual node significantly.
  Hence, the algorithm will be changed to only subscribe to the USKs of
  directly trusted identities; and to fetch non-directly-trusted ones in
  a more sparse, opportunistic approach. See [3].
  This is likely the primary goal of the next release.

- The new incremental distrust computation algorithm was the subject of
  my bachelor's thesis. Therefore not only the new code was written,
  but also a very long document which describes the old algorithm and
  the steps towards the new one.
  This thesis' document has turned out to be well-suited to become a
  "WoT developer's manual", and I plan to release it as such soon.
  I will wait with that until university has graded it (ETA: October)
  for slightly selfish reasons: I don't want to risk getting negative
  opinions on it before I know for sure whether I passed - that'd only
  cause needless panic. I hope this is only "slightly" selfish as a
  not-in-panic xor is a happy xor and a happy xor will produce more
  WoT code :)
  I will announce the document on FMS / IRC / my flog / the mailing list
  once it is available.

CHANGELOG - prefixed with the bug tracker issue number:

- 0006605: [Performance] Prevent using ObjectContainer.activate() if
           already activated to sufficient depth (xor)

  "Activation" is a technical term of the db4o database which WoT uses.
  It is similar to a "join" in relational databases:
  For example, activating a Trust object will load the identities which
  gave / received the Trust value. This involves disk IO, and therefore
  is an expensive operation.

  When an object is already activated, and then  db4o's activate()
  function is called again, db4o should do nothing in theory.
  Profiling has shown that this is not the case unfortunately, it
  takes db4o quite a bit of time to determine that nothing needs to
  be done.

  Thus code has been added to WoT to prevent activating stuff twice.

  The performance impact of this has not been measured, but it should
  help quite a bit: All getter functions of WoT classes have activation
  code; and when doing stuff with objects one often calls more than
  one getter on each object.

- 0006621: [Usability] Update translations (operhiem1)

  10 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
  de    | 22 +++++++++++-----------
  el    | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----
  es    | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
  fi    | 2 --
  fr    | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
  hu    | 2 --
  nl    | 2 --
  pt_BR | 14 +++++++++-----
  ru    | 22 ++++++----------------
  zh-cn | 16 ++++++++++++++--

  (The fact that some languages received more removals than additions
  is due to changed English source strings which were not translated

  Huge thanks to the volunteers on Transifex for providing these,
  and to operhiem1 for managing Transifex.

- 0006610: [Code quality] Add command line utility for dumping Trust
           histogram (xor)

  WoT now has another user interface: The "" terminal tool.

  One of its features is to gather statistics about the Trust network.
  This shall be of use for statistical evaluations.

  It already yielded a discovery [5]:
  The Trust value distribution is not "smooth". There are certain
  discrete steps of Trust values such as 75 which occur a lot more
  often than ones which would seem less "natural" to humans.

  It can be speculated that a reason for this is UI design in WoT
  client applications such as Sone which encourages discrete steps
  instead of small +/- 1 changes.

  If you are a client application developer, please consider changing
  your UI to encourage +/- 1 steps.
  The WoT algorithm supports the full input range of [-100, +100], and
  it would be usage below its capabilities if we only used a few of
  those 201 values.

- 0006617: [Code quality] WOTUtil: Add feature for doing database
           integrity test and recomputing all Scores (xor)

  Since Score computation is fully incremental now (as explained in the
  summary at the beginning of the changelog), wrong Scores caused by
  bugs will persist for a long time.

  To be able to detect and fix this, the aforementioned ""
  has an option "-testAndRepair" which does a full re-computation
  (and an integrity test of the database schema).

  You shouldn't need to run this in normal operation as WoT will do
  a full re-computation every 4 weeks.
  It is meant mostly as a tool for developers to be able to validate
  success of test runs.

  Nevertheless, users might help testing by doing this sometimes.

- 0006618: [Code quality] StatisticsPage: Show date of last defrag /
           verification of Scores (xor)

  Since full Score re-computation and database defragmentation have been
  changed from happening every startup to every few days (as explained
  in the summary at the beginning of the changelog), the new code to
  only run them every few days might have bugs.

  To assist users with noticing these bugs, the dates when those
  maintenance operations last happened are displayed on the "Statistics"

- 0006627: [Bugs] Trying to load new databases with old WOT versions can
           break them (xor)

  The structure of WoT databases ("database schema") is versioned. The
  version is changed if the structure changes. To ensure that old
  versions of WoT do not load databases with a newer structure version,
  there has always been code in WoT which makes it refuse loading a
  newer database.

  Unfortunately, in WoT versions prior to this one, this code was
  bugged. Even though WoT refused to start and showed an error message,
  the database *was* being loaded, which could cause corruption.

  This has now been fixed, so WoT versions starting from this one will
  correctly refuse to load newer databases.

  However, old versions such as the previous one cannot be fixed as
  they're out in the public already.
  And since this new version does change the database structure, the
  previous one *will* cause corruption. (You'll at least notice if your
  database is corrupted, WoT will crash at startup. I can write code to
  repair such databases if you don't have a backup; please ask me then.)

  Thus, please do *NOT* try to downgrade this release to build0017 or

- 0005994: [Security] Schedule defragmentation after deletion of an
           OwnIdentity (xor)

  Databases are complex structures. Thus, deleting data from them might
  not actually erase it from disk. The free space might be kept as-is
  until something else fills it.

  To prevent leaking of deleted user identities, a defragmentation is
  scheduled after the user deletes an identity.
  This will happen at the next restart of WoT.

  NOTICE: In general, WoT is not yet safe against leaking data to disk.
  It for example does not yet encrypt its database if Freenet is
  configured for encryption. Freenet will hopefully soon notice the
  user about this, see [6].

- 0006607: [Security] deleteOwnIdentity() will cause the replacement
           non-own Identity to be fetched even if it is distrusted (xor)

  When the user deletes one of his local identities, it is not actually
  deleted but converted to a non-local one. (This is for security
  reasons: Other local identities might have assigned Trust to it,
  which should not get deleted.)

  This code had a bug which would cause the deleted identity to continue
  to be downloaded no matter whether it was trusted or not.
  While distrusting one of your own identities after deleting it for
  sure is a rare use case, this nevertheless was fixed.

- 0005757: [Performance] Get rid of using computeAllScoresWithoutCommit
           whereever possible (xor)

  This is the new incremental distrust computation code which was
  described in the summary at the beginning of the changelog.

- 0006636: [Performance] computeRankFromScratch() should
           opportunistically compute ranks and put them into a cache

  As explained in the summary at the beginning of the changelog, the
  new incremental distrust computation code has a high worst-case
  To alleviate the worst-case, this algorithmic optimization has been
  applied already. It is of a complex nature and thus beyond explaining

  Once my aforementioned bachelor's thesis has been published, you
  will be able to realize that this optimization is one of those
  suggested in the "Outlook" section of the thesis.
  Reading the thesis will then explain this optimization.

  The measurements at [1] aim to show how much this optimization helps.
  It is labeled as "revision 2" there; the version before it (which is
  the thesis' original code) is labeled as "revision 1".

- 0005962: [Performance] Don't defragment at every startup, defragment
           every 7 days (xor)

  As explained in the summary at the beginning of the changelog.

- 0006616: [Performance] Don't run verifyAndCorrectStoredScores() at
           every startup, run it once every 28 days (xor)

  As explained in the summary at the beginning of the changelog.

- 0006631: [Code quality] Provide development versions of WOT via fred
           USK plugin updater (xor)

  As explained in the summary at the beginning of the changelog.
  Some more information:

  These are compiled by myself instead of being compiled by the release
  manager. So instead of on a dedicated high-security system which is
  only booted for releases, they're compiled on a regular development
  machine which is in daily online use.
  They're downloaded from my main USK which is used for my flog and
  WoT identity, and thus hooked up to the network quite often.
  These both are inherently less secure.

  With regards to quality testing, I plan to keep the same standards as
  with regular releases. I will test new code before deployment just as
  I always did. The releases will be packaged with a "buildXXXX" number
  as regular releases, and also be announced as such.

  So basically, this release channel has the main goal of allowing me to
  do releases myself without paying the security price of giving me
  access to the main Freenet release keys.
  This is necessary as nowadays Freenet releases happen less often than
  WoT releases.
  It provides the side effect of allowing many users to provide testing
  without big hassle so the release gets well-tested before it is put
  onto the main network.

CHANGELOG about stuff only interesting for developers:

- 0006620: [Code quality] Add Hamcrest to junit-build classpath (pull
           request 32) (operhiem1)

  Hamcrest is a framework complementary to JUnit [7].
  It may be used for easing unit test development.

  Thanks to operhiem1 for wiring it in to WoT!

- 0006609: [Performance] Add synthetic benchmark for improvements of
           issue 5757 (xor)

  Multiple attempts have been conducted to benchmark the aforementioned
  Score computation improvements:

  - Class WOTUtil's function benchmarkRemoveTrustDestructive():
    This can be used upon a regular WoT database, i.e. a dump of the
    real network, to measure the performance of the function for
    removing Trust values.
    It does so by removing random Trust values one-by-one, and measuring
    the time it takes for each.
    This specifically tests the new code as described in the changelog's
    summary, and thus is what was used for producing the benchmarks [1]
    which were cited there.

  - Class ScoreComputationBenchmark:
    It aims to simulate the topology of the Trust graph as measured on
    the real network using WOTUtil's new histogram features.
    This was not completed to full extent yet: It does follow the Trust
    value distribution, and the trustee count distribution (thanks
    ArneBab!), but not the received-Trust distribution.
    Future development might complete this. It then could be used to
    make the unit tests more realistic: They do use random Trust graphs
    already, but the probability distribution was chosen arbitrarily,
    not from measurements.

  A more detailed elaboration of the benchmarks can be studied in my
  bachelor's thesis once it is published.

- 0005882: [Core] computeAllScoresWithoutCommit() return value should be
           false when the IdentityFetcher state was wrong (xor)

  computeAllScoresWithoutCommit() is the full Score re-computation
  function which the summary of the changelog talks about.

  It not only serves the purpose of re-computing stuff, but also of
  *validating* correctness of the existing database contents. This is
  used heavily in assert()s, and thus also in unit tests.

  It previously did not check the correctness of the instructions given
  to the IdentityFetcher of whether it should fetch each of the
  known Identities or not.
  Now it also validates whether the IdentityFetcher has been correctly
  told to fetch/ignore Identities.

  This means that the new Score computation code is also tested to
  correctly feed the IdentityFetcher with commands.

- 0006608: [Code quality] IdentityFetcher should have a
           "network dump mode" where it will also download old editions

  By default, the IdentityFetcher will try to only fetch the latest
  edition of each known Identity.
  A network dump using the IdentityFileDiskQueue thus is a snapshot of a
  possibly infinitesimally short timespan. It will therefore lack the
  temporal nature of Trust values being changed around by users.
  This is a problem if you want to test/benchmark things which happen
  across longer timespans.

  Hence the new flag IdentityFetcher.DEBUG__NETWORK_DUMP_MODE can be set
  to true to make the IdentityFetcher try to download some *old*
  editions as well.

  Unfortunately, my test run of a handful of hours showed that most old
  editions could have fallen out of the network. IIRC, less than 100
  Identities were discovered, even though we have over 11 000 nowadays.
  I did not have very much patience though (less than half a day), so
  you might give this a try yourself.

- 0006596: [Bugs] Add workaround for db4o bug (xor)

  This one is too boring to explain in detail here.
  What can be said is that assert()s have been added to make developer's
  notice if they use programming patterns which might trigger this db4o

- 0006647: [Code quality] Provide changelog template (xor)

  See file "developer-documentation/Changelog-template.txt".

Thanks to:
  - All volunteers on Transifex for updating many translations.
  - ArneBab for the ideas about graph topology modeling in
  - operhiem1 for coordinating Transifex.

  [1] http://localhost:8888/CHK@DPyogjdlfKp1rUavVANbwRH2NTM7Anq~7dpFA3azdqo,CJ968vmM890poA1FNi7MXlB3-r6zMxv6fytmXPlf7d4,AAMC--8/WoT-benchmark-build0016-commit-3edbad7a70-vs-build0018.png
      Produced using this GnuPlot script:
  [5] http://localhost:8888/CHK@iCe9WZKq52Esq73iRePhdQiu63nyKrHC7RwS8pP1TaA,sh0ODWAyYOuoHd85Llfr7pF2Sy-mnZwavkx3Lz7puuQ,AAMC--8/WoT-trust-value-histogram-2015-07-23.png
Assets 2